Aslaug Sigurdsdatter - Hálfdanar Saga Eysteinsson

Started by Alex Moes on Tuesday, October 20, 2015
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10/20/2015 at 5:47 PM

The Saga of Halfdan Eysteinsson (at least the version i'm reading) describes Halfdan's ancestry:

"Eysteinn was married to the daughter of Sigurd Hjart, who was named Asa. Her mother was Aslaug, daughter of Sigurd Serpent-eye. Her dowry included Finnmark and Valdres, Thotn and Hadaland. He was powerful and a capable ruler. They had a son, who was named Halfdan."

Obviously the Aslaug mentioned is the profile this discussion is started from as there is only one "Sigurðar orms í auga", the son of the famous Ragnar.
So apparently Eysteinn marries a girl named Asa who's parents are Sigurðar hjartar and Áslaug. BUT on Geni Aslaug is married to Helgi and Sigurd is her son!

So is the Geni Tree wrong or does the Saga of Halfdan Eysteinsson not match the other sagas?

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