Sephardic family Boino (or Bueno) from Coimbra.

Started by Private User on Thursday, October 15, 2015
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Private User
10/15/2015 at 2:48 PM

Hello to everyone, my name is Pedro Arruda, researching my genealogy 3 years ago, and now made my most important discovery, I checked the inquisitorial process Leonor Mendes (TSO, Inquisition of Coimbra, Proc. 1069), which contained the information Leonor's family, who was the sister of my ancestor Isabel Fernandes, this document found that she was from family Vaz, and cousin of Dr. Heitor Vaz, after a short survey concludes that the father of Leonor and Isabel, whose name was Henrique Mendanha actually was the son in law of Moses Boino, and said Moses was the father of Ana Mendes, Henrique actually before 1497 was called Solomon Cohen, and was born in Lisbon, and Moises Boino was a rabbi, physical, and merchant in Coimbra whose had resisted conversion in 1497 ending in his death.

now my doubt is:

Moises Boino was born in Oporto, the son of Abraham Boino, who was also physical.

Solomon Cohen I could not identify their affiliation, but I suspect that is the son of a Joseph Cohen, who in the book of Jose Maria Pimenta Ferro Tavares, "The Jews in Portugal in the sixteenth century." It was scribe in Lisbon.

I wonder of Jewish genealogy of employees, especially the Sephardic genealogy, if any manuscript or already ready genealogy for identifying the ancestors of Moses Boino, and his son-Solomon Cohen.

Thank you!

Private User
10/16/2015 at 10:23 AM


Have you contacted Jenie Milgrom for her view on this topic?


Private User
10/16/2015 at 11:23 AM

Hello Jaim , I will contact Genie Milgrom, so she can give her opinion , it is possible to get through some Genealogic hebrew manuscript the line of Rabbi Moshê ben Abraham Boino, HaCohen . Thank you!

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