Sarah-Damaris Bat Yeshuah fille de Jésus

Started by Martin RhNegativ on Monday, September 21, 2015
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hi! i tried to fix jesus profile it says he adpoted can you help?! thankyou

Hi guys - being source based, a world genealogy tree isn't a good place to add speculative data as though it were fact. The addition of St. Mary Magdalene
as Jesus's wife is not proved, and the addition of a child for them even less so. I'm going to have to cut those relationships, Martin - as well as the connection to God, which will truncate the tree.
I hope you understand.

What about starting a project for the speculative genealogy of Jesus, instead?

I have joined "The Speculative Genealogy of Jesus Christ". My line is recorded on

I have a direct line that stops at: Sarah Damaris Bat Yeshuah who was married to: Antoine IV

Julie J. Castro

i have delete all my messages and information on this discution

you are waisting your time in this discution no one will acept your line but i beleive you are related

keep the secret and pass it to your grand children


i am not so good in english :P

I agree with Sharon. I you want to proof your earthly relationship to Jesus , work towards his Mother , Mary, or to Joseph. If you take the heavenly relationship: with Gods grace and mercy we will be Brothers.

my intention in this discution was to talk about this not talk against it
we cant discuss this on geni the rules are set allready

still today some ppl think that marymadeleine and mary de bethany
are the same woman

No harm in talking. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with the ideas, they're still interesting ideas.

sometimes the mind is used as an illustration to give the overall negativity of the first idea
and it gives another direction to see another perpsective which erases the entire first idea without having to address them

I have read somewhere some time ago, that if you take Joseph`s family line from King David, he actually would have been a king of Israel if the line had continued. I know that some place in the New Testament, the relation line of both Joseph and Mary is set out .( they were both family of King David who was from Bethelehem) and that is why they had to attend the census at Bethlehem)
I will read that up to night in the mean time you Genealogists can sit and puzzle about it.
Martin I think you are my 8th cousin

Sorry it is my 9th.

conected 2 side :) from my mom 14th cousin once removed.

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