Question about the Tikka surname in Ruskeala

Started by Johan Lars Agebjörn on Friday, September 11, 2015
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9/11/2015 at 1:08 PM

Don't know if you people know anything about Ruskeala (which is maybe 80 km from Suojärvi) but I wonder if anyone has any information about from where the Tikka families in Ruskeala originated. According to the Tikka Sukuseura, they were living in Ruskeala at least since the 18th century, and the surname Tikka is originally Karelian (as a lot of surnames based on animals) and known in Karelia since the 16th century.

My second great grandmother was Anna Tikka, born 1849 in Vahvajärvi, Ruskeala. She was the daughter of Johan Henr.s. [Heikinpoika] Tikka and Sophia Hurskain. I don't know the birth date of Johan Tikka or where he came from. There were lots of Johan Tikka.

It would be interesting to know this since the population of Ruskeala mostly came from Finland (Savo) in the 17th century after the original Karelians moved to the Tver region, the area was very Finnish in language, but my grandfather said there were lots of ethnic Karelians on Anna Tikka's side. Another relative of mine said she believed the Tikkas came from the south (around Viipuri).

Apparently, there exists an investigation about the Tikka family in Ruskeala by some Matti Tikka, but I haven't found it, any help appreciated...

Best, Johan

9/11/2015 at 1:19 PM

Here is the Anna Tikka profile BTW
Anna Juhontytär Tikka

(I understand Finnish so it's OK to answer in Finnish :) )

9/18/2015 at 12:37 PM

I know that there was Tikka's family in Suojarvi - at least in 1990-s. Vladimir Tikka was a student of Suojarvi's secondary school.

9/19/2015 at 6:10 AM

Interesting. Is Tikka and Tikku different variations of the same name?
I've seen a few Tikku's in Suojärvi on Geni and also a few Tikku's who emigrated to the Tver region in the 1600s from Suojärvi and other plaes.
Timofei Afanaseinpoika Tikku

9/19/2015 at 6:46 AM

Hello, you could find this Mr Tikka from Juuret Ruskealassa Facebook-group.

With best regards,

9/25/2015 at 12:14 PM

Thanks Taina I've joined it!

Private User
9/25/2015 at 12:55 PM

Hi, in my opinion Tikka and Tikku are separate names. Tikka is a bird (woodpecker) and Tikku comes from a Russian word meaning match = tikku, spitška (спичка).

9/27/2015 at 8:33 AM

That sounds logical Rauno.

9/28/2015 at 7:58 AM

Hei Johan Lars! You speak also finnish? Äitini on Tikkoja Ruskealasta Särkisyrjän kylästä. Hän on Matti Tikan pojan Juhon tytär. Tikkoja on Särkisyrjässä useampiakin sukuja, Jos olet kiinnostunut, voin kirjoittaa enemmän ja kysellä äidiltä enemmän tietoja ja asioita:)


10/2/2015 at 11:35 AM

Aha... Kaikki "minun" Tikat ovat Vahväjärvessä, mutta ovat varmasti sukua jollain tavalla :)

12/2/2015 at 11:50 AM

Hej Johan Lars, Minun äitini (Aino os. Walling) isoäiti oli Anna-Liisa Mikontytär Tikka s.1852 Issakanvaara, Ruskeala, k.1937 Särkisyrjä, Ruskeala . Tikkoja on ollut todellakin useampia sukuja Ruskealassa.

12/9/2015 at 8:02 AM

Mieheni suku on Tikka ja Ruskealasta, hänen isänsä Eero Tikka synt. 1915, hänen isänsä Matti Tikka 1884.

12/11/2015 at 8:57 AM

It's the same Tikka family...Anna-Liisa is my "third cousin four times removed" and Matti b 1884 is my "third cousin twice removed". Have any of you made FTDNA Family Finder tests?

12/11/2015 at 11:53 PM

emme ole perehtyneet noihin dna juttuihin kun on vähän tietoa niistä ja hausta.

12/14/2015 at 2:40 PM

@Johan Lars, My great grandmother Anna-Liisa Tikka`s father was Mikko Matinpoika Tikka and he is "my second great granfather"! And Matti Jaakonpoika Tikka is "my third great grandfather"
I have made mtDNA-test (=HVR1) but I think you have no helps about this?
Kyllä Vahvajärven Tikat ovat sinunkin sukulaisia. You are my 6th cousin once removed.

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