Charles I, King of Sicily - Relation type !

Начал Shaun José Rodrigues четверг, 10 сентября 2015
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10.9.2015 в 12:30 после полудня

→ Maria Leticia Viégas Barros e Rodrigues, (Patho)
your mother → José Simião Francisco Regis Barros, (Prof.) (Sr.)
her father → Leo Mackinson Barros, (Dr.) (Sr.)
his brother → Maria Leticia Barros e Pereira Carvalho, (Sra.)
his daughter → Fernando Pereira Carvalho, (Sr.)
her husband → Maria Matildes Jaques, (Dona.)
his mother → Maria Purificação Jaques, (Dona.)
her sister → José Bento Cota, (Sr.)
her son → Maria Beatriz Lopes de Almeida Salema, (Dona.)
his wife → Joaquim José de Almeida Salema, (Sr.)
her father → Joaquim José de Almeida Salema, (Sr.)
his father → Rosa Esmeralda de Estefique, (Sra.)
his mother → Ana Maria Frederica Machado de Mendonça, (Dona.)
her mother → João Machado de Mendonça, (Sr.)
her father → Joaquim Maria Machado de Mendonça, (Sr.)
his father → Jorge Francisco Machado de Mendonça Eça Castro e Vasconcelos, (Sr.)
his father → Luis Carlos Machado de Mendoça Eça Castro e Vasconcelos, senhor de Entre Homem (Dom.)
his father → Félix José Machado de Mendoça Eça Castro e Vasconcelos, 6º senhor de Entre Homem e Cávado (Dom.)
his father → Luisa Maria de Mendonça e Eça, (Dona.)
his mother → Manuel de Sousa da Silva e Menezes, (Sr.)
her father → Luísa de Menezes, (Dona.)
his mother → Violante de Ataíde, (Dona.)
her mother → Vasco da Gama, 3º conde da Vidigueira
her father → Guiomar de Vilhena, (Dona.) (Condesa da Vidigueira.)
his mother → Francisco de Portugal, 1º conde de Vimioso
her father → Afonso de Portugal, bispo de Évora
his father → Afonso de Bragança, 4º conde de Ourém, 1º marquês de Valença
his father → Afonso de Portugal, 1º duque de Bragança
his father → João I o Bom, rei de Portugal
his father → Filipa de Lencastre, rainha consorte de Portugal
his wife → John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
her father → Edward III of England
his father → Isabella of France, Queen consort of England
his mother → Philippe IV le Bel, roi de France
her father → Philippe III le Hardi, roi de France
his father → Louis IX the Saint, King of France
his father → Charles I, King of Sicily
his brother

Private User
10.9.2015 в 12:36 после полудня

Charles 1,King of Sicily is my second cousin 23x removed her is my link

10.9.2015 в 1:37 после полудня

Charles I, King of Sicily is my 21st great grandfather.

10.9.2015 в 2:23 после полудня

Charles I, King of Sicily is my husband's 21st great grandfather.

Private User
10.9.2015 в 3:18 после полудня

My 21st GGF

Private User
12.9.2015 в 6:19 до полудня

24th for me, but one of the links is suspect at best.

13.9.2015 в 7:25 после полудня

Thank you for the contact ;]
Much appreciated~
I have been researching my paternal Sicilian family however, all of it seems to trace down thru my mother's side...ALL English., then,Spain, etc etc .
Charles I, I have a tough time thinking of as Sicilian...ha!
My father was born in Sicily, as were grandparents, uncles, etc.
They are My Wall.
I happen to notice the name Almeida several times in this list.
My former husband's mother, my dear mother in law was an Almeida.
Any chance that she could be a blood relative?
My best, Gina

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