For all Geni Curators and users about of Burials death and obituaries and other information related to the death in two digital archive
Hello everyone Geni Curators and users, I do not know whether you know about these two digital archives about which I will write something more here:
Do you know this you can search the dead, where they are available to their pictures, notices, obituaries, and other information, and who are the family members of the deceased person, both from Croatian territory, Split and its surroundings, and in the world, has two available archives A) and B):
From the first digital archive of a local newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija, the newest and oldest information about the death (1999-2008):
Here are more recent information:
Second here older information:
Notice: for the second number of older information how can you serach
1. The first line "Daily Edition": You have the date, month and year, if you know this information to highlight
3. In the third line you have a browser with several options:
3a. Enter your request: then you can enter here the notion that the deceased person's name for the searched information, photos, and more about death or something else
3b. Search Volume: (all editions or select editions)
3c. Selection column: Information for the death of the deceased and select obituaries
3d. Results per page: check the number of search results per page (I usually always put 100, the greater the possibility of listing information)
3e. Sort by: outcomes, size, date, also mark (I always leave the outcome)
and then when you click on the button Search
and complete itemization of your inquiry
B) From digital archives Necrologium
This is also on the left have the same options where you type eg. Name of the deceased and click search, and below is a link for advanced RESULTS where you can enter other information, that you know to be able to get required The result of your search
Also I do not see on the list that was added and that the process genealogy of Sinj, I know only that the project is about and Sinj Alka available, now, does it add this information, in fact yesterday I saw in the local paper this information on the death of the mayor of the city Sinj, here:županija/tabid/76/articleType...,