Hi Jackie
Well I wouldn't call it a close connection, but it looks accurate & real:
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is Jackie Wallace's first cousin once removed's husband's 8th cousin twice removed!
Pretty wild, right? :)
Susan, almost all medieval dinasties was related each other through complete entangled chain of ancient roots. So, if some one is related to any medieval european king, he is, at same time, related to all european royalty too. Even the mongol Attila, King of the Huns !!!
Attila "Scourge of God", 59th King of the Huns is your 46th great grandfather Attila the Hun, "Scourge of God", King of the Huns
Angelina, Even if you cant find the path, you're most likely related anyway, he lived for 1600 year ago, had a lot of offsprings, it would be almost impossible to avoid a direct ancestry but to find the path is another story.
In your case, your line should most likely go via the Ring family, the kings in north including Ragnar Lodbroke, and the fact that they were Ruser, spread along a wide area with roots down to the Huns as well as other European tribes like the goths, suetonis and svitjons, fins, Slavs,
and as you belonging to the rulers, you can bet that they kept a part from all rulers along this line in their blood. ; )
Attila "Scourge of God", 59th King of the Huns is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's 44th great grandfather!
Dear Angelina, even if we forget all mtDNA lines of descendancy - and just look for remain few Y-DNA Haplogroups from the so entangled chain of roots of medieval dinasties - it's hard to believe how deep is the inbreeding level of the Western European consanguinity of men descendancy there today. In fact, ”It is estimated that over 100 million European men belong to haplogroup R1b1a2(M269), and that greater than 70% of western European men belong to the specific clade defined by SNP L-11".
See here an "apolcalyptic picture": http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.00... >
And after, only after, see what seems to be the unic human salvation way
from that " origiinal sin". Here, for instance, in the Brazilian people healthy roots variety: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2015/06/23/1504447112/suppl/DCSup...
Thank you Deisi , Yes I have noticed, this, just looking at the entagled web myself, :0 , scary shit,.. understanding their mindset, and lack of medical knowledge, I understood it to be "keeping the wealth in the family" as we see today, that wealth is amongst the the elite , , So many of the fallen Houses , combined into todays monarchys , :) To marry a commoner is not frowned apon these days luckily .:)
I agree that you are very likely related however I have noted that on Geni there is a fictitious line that runs from Henry Sherman b.1512 simply because of an unfortunate merge from both his profile and from the profile of his wife Agnes (whose name was NOT Agnes Butler) Henry was NOT the son of Thomas Sherman of Yaxley either!. Effectively this throws out all the so-called relationships to the Royal lines from that particular heritage! Never-the-less a valid relationship from another line is entirely possible! In your particular case your relationship may anyway be from a different line other than the false Sherman line.
from all those descended from Henry.
On my mother's side. Maiden name, Brown. Queen Elizabeth is my 13th cousin. Our common ancestor is Richard Rich 1547-1598.
My Brown line can be traced back to Sir John Browne 1180-1260 and Lady Joan Elizabeth Browne (de Cheshire, de Kingsley) 1230-1280.
My great grandfather was Ellis T Raynor. His mother was Susan Lanier 1854-1939. My Lanier line can be traced back to Nicholas Lanier 1479-1565. I actually have two separate Lanier branches in my tree.
On my father's side my great grandfather was David Lockhart 1864-1923. My Lockhart line can be traced back to Sir Richard Lockhart 1110.
The Lockhart line has many noblemen and Ladies. But there are also a lot of royalty in my Brown and Lanier lines. Supposedly, according to Geni.com, the prophet Muhammad is my 46th great grandfather through the Lanier branch.
Charlemagne is my 34th great grandfather through the Lockhart branch.
Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks is my 42nd great grandfather. Also through the Lockhart line.
Louis IX the Saint, King of France is my 23rd great grandfather on my father’s side.
Lothar III von Süpplingenburg, Holy Roman Emperor is my 27th great grandfather. Through the Lockhart line.
I have no idea how accurate this is, but I collected most of it through Ancestry.com. If anyone could look at my Geni family tree and see if it all fits, or not. I would greatly appreciate it. Like Jackie, it all seems a little bit unbelievable to me.
When it comes to "deep history" you need to check Geni links for yourself. My technique is to look at the intersection for anyone suspiciously noble at the "immigrant to America" generation, and "make sure" that connection to Europe is as well sourced as possible, as that's where a lot of the improbabilties creep into on line trees. If you sincerely can't validate one way or another, raise a discussion from the profile so we can all see it -- there are eager & wonderful researchers on Geni, and we'll turn you into one, too, if you let us. :)