Before merging with this duplicate profile- Aldana - can we check the mother on our MP? The About suggests she should be Rotrude, not Alpais?

Before merging with this duplicate profile- Aldana - can we check the mother on our MP? The About suggests she should be Rotrude, not Alpais?
Regarding actual sources for Aude's parentage, Private User offers this:
"Les anchêtres de Charlemagne" by Christian Settipani - page 264: genealogical panel, from Charles duc des Francs (Charles the Hammer) to Charlemagne.
In this genealogical panel, Alda (or Aude) is the wife of Thierry comte, sister of Pipin roi (des Francs) and daughter of Charles duc des Francs and Rothaide.
In this book it is possible to look for the sources.
Cawley's Medlands has her as
5. [ALDANA . Settipani quotes an Aquitaine necrology which lists "Willelmus…pater eius Theodericus, mater Aldana soror Hiltrudis et Landradæ"[229]. He suggests that "Hiltrudis" was the wife of Odilo Duke of Bavaria, and therefore that all three sisters were daughters of Charles "Martel". The theory is attractive but not conclusive, as its validity depends on there being no other contemporary Hiltrudis, which is not provable. If it is correct, there is no indication about the mother of Landrada and Aldana. Hlawitschka highlights the case against the affiliation[230]. However, the evidence of the 25 May 765 charter, quoted above under Aldana’s supposed sister Landrada, suggests that Settipani’s hypothesis may be correct. In addition, Einhard indicates that Theoderic [I] was related to Charles I King of the Franks when he records that in 782 King Charles sent his three missi "Adalgiso camerario et Geilone comite stabuli et Worado comite palati" to meet "in…Saxonis…Theodericus comes, propinquus regis"[231]. One possible relationship being between the king and Theoderic [I] would have been through his wife, if she had been the king's paternal aunt. "Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[232]. m THEODERIC [I] Comte d'Autun, son of --- (-before 804).]