This is all interesting. I have joined some DNA groups who are studying The Earls of Orkney because most of them are also my grat grandfathers. Henry Sinclair, the 1st Earl of Orkey is my 20th g grandfather.
"How truthful is this kinship, Rurik's mother's spouse Haarik Godfredsson (of Denmark)?"
1* Someone have tried their best to rewrite the history, not once but several times over and over. The Kings in Svitjod are actually still called fairy kings although they are referred in several different ancient historical texts, so some of them never be acknowledged as in fact once living real kings.
2* In the 850, King Olof ruled in Svitjod when Ansgar arrived to Birka again to reestablish the christian parish, (852). Olof was believed to be a son of Björn at Håga, but not mentioned properly by the Icelandic people in their tales.
3 * In the life of "Vita Anskarii", it is told that Olof led a war expeditions against people in the east that had previous been ruled by them but had broken free because they did not accepted the Svitjod supremacy in the beginning of 800.
4* This event correlated with that Nestor reproduces in his chronicle, telling the story of emissaries chosen from different tribes to represent the slaves, sent to ask the rus leaders to take back control in their area. Nestor doesn't really pin point this event, but commonly the year 862 may have been chosen, but it is only one estimate, consider that archaeologists estimates that the graves in Novgorod started to be used under the 850,
5* Most likely Rurik was the son of Olof and the great picture becomes as following, sometime under the middle of 800 century, Olof ruled as King in Svitjod, he was asked to help the people in east to take back control, which he did starting by attacking Kurland, then moving around that area, at the same time danish vikings tried to plunder this areas leading to conflicts and battle with them, ending with that they finaly got rid of the danes, this is also the reason WHY Rurik wasn't of danish origin, more likely, or in fact the only possible solution is that Rurik was indeed the son of Olof and ordered to take control of the more northern part east of Kurland, Novgorod, while his two other brother were sent away in other directions, not surviving their mission resulting that Rurik pulled the winning ticket.
Secondly, it definitively stated that the danish vikings did plunder. Sporadic raids to gain personal profit are not the same as defeating the opposition
against Svitjod's supremacy, and it's definitively not the same thing as taking control of the land trying to establish some kind of order, it's in fact the opposite. It's time to forget the idea that Rurik was a Dane, oh, yes, they have, but then someone tried to put Danes as his step parents...
It has been very interesting reading the Viking DNA Project. I find that I am related to some of the people mentioned in the thread.
Charles IIl "the Simplel", King of the Franks is my 29th great grandfather
Charlemagne is my 35th great grandfather
Rollo the Viking = Gange-Hrolfr 'Rollo/ Ragnvaldsson de Normandie is my 30th great grandfather
Poppa of Bayeux / Poppa de Valois de Bayeux is my 30th great grandmother
William the Conqueror is my 1st cousin, 28 times removed
Erik SIV, King of Sweden is my 8th cousin 13 times removed
Richard I, 'The Fearless', duke of Normandy is my 31st great grandfather
Saint Ursula, verch Dynod is my 41st great grandmother
King Dionotus of Dumnonia is my 42nd great grandfather
Emperor Maximilian I is my 3rd counsin 14 times removed
Rurik, Founder of the Rurikid Dynasty is my 31st great grandfather
These are coincidental ancestors. I don't know if my DNA
There is a flaw in this, Saarinen, "Olof was believed to be a son of Björn at Håga, " because he was most likely a son of Anund Eriksson, the line would look something like this.
Ragnar Lodbrok born around 765
his son
Björn Järnsida born between 780-782
his son
Erik Björnsson --born between 797-800
his two sons --born between 812-816
Anund Eriksson (Emund) Uppsale and *Björn Eriksson (At the Håga)
Anunds son
*Olof Anundsson (Ring) born between 830-836
his son
Rurik Olofsson. Yes, the same Rurik with no ancestry at all, but founded The Kiev empire that later resulted in Russia etc.
Unlike most things you find on the Internet, the MedLands project is considered a reliable source. It's somewhat cryptic to read at times, but it adds very little to the information that is present in the sources, which is a Good Thing.
(The Rurik link above shows Rurik as a progenitor - no forefathers....)
It doesn't prevent anyone from just rewrite the history out of nothing.
Note, this is fantasy.
"Dynastie Rurikide
Princes de Novgorod et de Kiev (861-880)
Rurik I 861-874 (né probablement en 800, en Frise, fils de Haffdarne
Harald, issu de la maison royale de Skoldung en Danemark, épouse
Efanda, sa cousine), filleul de l’empereur Louis I le Pieux*. Son frère
Harald, devenu chrétien, reçoit de l’empereur le fief de Rüstringen
(Frise). Rurik hérite de cette terre peu de temps après. En 843, au
traité de Verdun, il perd son fief dévolu à Lothaire, fils et successeur
de Louis I.
En 845, devenu pirate, il pille le nord de la France et les côtes
anglaises. En 852, Lothaire lui rend la Frise à condition qu’il défende
les côtes de l’empire des autres invasions vikings. En 854, Lothaire lui
retire la Frise et lui confie le fief jutlandais, ce qui lui permet
d’écumer la mer Baltique et de s’immiscer en terre russe. En 861, il
est appelé par les habitants de Novgorod pour les défendre des
incursions de voisins remuants. Il s’installe avec ses frères, Sineus et
Truvor sur le territoire et se proclame prince. Vaillant homme de
guerre, il s’avère aussi législateur efficace, calquant les lois de
Novgorod sur les capitulaires de Charlemagne.
*Louis I le Pieux, fils de Charlemagne est né à 80 km de Bressuire. La
femme de l’empereur, Hildegarde, le mit au monde, en 778, à la villa
Cassinogilum, (Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, dans l’actuel département de
la Vienne, en Poitou-Charentes).
Igor I 874-879 (fils de Rurik I) est déposé et meurt en 891.
Oleg I 879-880 (cousin de Rurik I, frère d’Efanda), tuteur d’Igor. Il
mène une expédition contre Kiev et fait assassiner son prince Askold."
Some other Ruriks..
Rurik, son of Halvdan, killed in battle 854, opps, died to early
Rørik Halvdanson, I
Rørek Haraldsson, born around 887, opps, to late
Rörek Haraldsson
I am a direct descendant to 13 of the 19 profiles mentioned. and a "second cousin 15 times removed" etc.. of most of the rest.
Most all Afrikaans people will be related to all of them through a French Huguenot ancestor Jean le Roux, SV/PROG 1 or Jacques de Savoye, SV/PROG or Dr Jean Prieur du Plessis, SV/PROG
They seem to all be related to Francois I of France as well. Thus I think a great number of French people will be related to the Vikings mentioned.
Ulf, I don't disagree with you about who is the most likely candidate to be Rurik's father given our broad modern understanding of the situation, however what you have based your decision on is circumstantial evidence, Geni may not be a court of law but good genealogists build trees based on facts not theories.
Is that a good reliable explanation for you?
As for presenting some kind of alternatives that are credible, the onus is not on any of us to prove you incorrect the onus is on you to prove yourself correct.
I hope that is a clear enough summary for you.
A lack of evidence does not force us to present theories as facts on Geni, a lack of evidence forces us to say "we do not know". You can claim to know the truth as often as you want but without evidence all you have is a belief not a fact.
Moes, if the only reason to not put up Olof as the father to Rurik is because of lack of birth certificate, then a lot more profile pre 1800 century would be needed to be taken down. We have a contemporary source in Vita Anskarii that tell us to whom the emissaries in Nestor's chronicle actually turned to, Olof, the king in Svitjod. It is his family that fight to take back the lost control in east, and they do that.
Other sources explain that these kings not only are crowned when they are very young, but that they also often co-ruled with their brothers.
Understanding how power function in the ruling families make it easy to understand that no one else, than a member of exactly this family, would gain access to the seat in the retaken areas.
It is up to you to disprove that this is wrong and why. Nestor wrote his chronicle century's after the actual overtake, thus mention that he did not know who Rurik's father was, but by using the source in Vita Anskarri we do know what family he must have belonged to, no matter what, they are cousins to the other rulers in Denmark, but that's all.
We understand by the combining of the different sources, that it is more than likely that Rurik was born closer to the middle of 850, than the beginning of the 800 century, when he took the place in the history 862,also that when he became known, he most likely had an adviser,
could be the same Oleg that also fostered Rurik's son Ingvar after that Rurik died 879.
Hi group. I'm going to contribute DNA and am trying to convince my male cousins to contribute. Our family has many rivers of Norman Cotentin blood flowing in. These families intermarried for 800 years in England, France and Scotland, then members from each migrated to Massachussetts as Puritans in the early 1600s and continued to intermarry. Should be interesting.
I confirm what has been written by Lizette Buitendag. I am also a direct descendant of most of the profiles, and I'm more distantly related to the rest, except one, with whom I have no connection. I also participated in the Rurikid Dynasty Y-DNA Project. My connections to the European Royals are mostly through maternal lineages of daughters of French Huguenot progenitors, Jean Prieur Du Plessis and Jacques de Savoye. My Y-DNA haplo is R1a1a-M458. My mtDNA is U5a1. Have you been able to trace French people who are descended from the profiles listed by you?
Ior Bock family Saga tells the origins of human race over 5milj.years ago.
Very interestin things he´s friend tells on this video 1/3
Odins land, Ringland, rootlanguage, Vikings, Arctic people, Ra, Van-people, Sa-people, time before iceage, Atlantis, much much more.
Hi mr. Saarinen ; Hello everybody! Thank you for your friendly response - I feel honoured to be a member of this Group! As you probably know, I'm an Afrikaner. We are a mixture of Dutch, French and German people, plus admixtures of smaller percentages of Scandinavians, Africans, and also East Indians. I have checked on 70 people in my family tree; people who lived about 300 years ago, and I found that 44% of them were Dutch, 31% were French, 18% were German. This adds up to 93%. The other 7% is made up of 2% Danish, 1% Khoi, 1% Indian, 1% Malay and 1% unspecified. These percentages vary among Afrikaans people, but I am beginning to think that my Viking, i.e. Nordic ancestry would add up to a significant percentage - this is after I discovered my Viking connections through this Group. Afrikaans people with European 'royal' connections are descendants of some French Huguenot families who came to South Africa in 1688. Most of us didn't know about this - it is only through Geni that we have become aware thereof. Do you have any idea what the Y-DNA haplotypes of the persons / profiles listed by you would have been? My own Y-DNA haplo is R1a1, which is spread over areas in Europe, especially Slavic lands, but I know that this haplogroup is also found in some Nordic / Scandinavian counties - Viking countries. Is R1a1 also regarded as a Viking haplo? I know about a British study on the internet which indicated this. By the way, Engelbert I Von Sponheim is my 22nd great grandfather, Rollo Ragnvaldsson de Normandie is my 25th g-grandfather, and Garibaldi, duke of the Bavarians is my 35th g-grandfather. Should we be looking for men in South Africa, Europe and the USA who are descended from the profiles listed by you, unbroken by any female ancestors, to determine what the haplo's of the notables would have been? In my case there were a few female ancestors in the lineages between myself and the Viking royals listed by you. The Y-DNA chain would therefore have been broken in my case, i.e. one cannot say that I have inherited the haplo of Ragnvaldsson of Normandie, for instance. Finally, I might mention that some of our French ancestors came from Normandy.
According to Geni Engelbert I von Sponheim, Markgraf von Istrien is my 24th great grandfather! I'm sure if I manage to trace the ancestors of Carl Heinrich Urbasch, SV/PROG (my maternal second great grandfather) my connection to the Vikings will be much closer.
Piet Retief Venter is my 7th cousin and therefore we share quite a number of ancestors.
Thank you for your messages, mr. Saarinen and cousin Charmaine Carstens (b. Labuschagne). I am also interested in the history of the Nordic countries, and I feel a special bond with the people of Finland, who were loyal friends of my people during the dark days of South Africa's 'Deep South'. You didn't turn your backs on us, and you told our government where they were wrong - like good friends should do! (I have a theory about the past thinking of my people about 'race' - that it might even have had something to do with the knowledge of the French 'Viking' settlers of 300 years ago - that they probably wanted to keep the aristocratic bloodlines, and so they didn't just 'mingle' with everybody - but that's just a thought. Someone can research this for a doctorate!). As a boy I had a pen friend in Gotland, a Swedish island, and she reckoned that I look like a 'northern Swedish boy' :-) Well, if that's true it might be further 'proof' of our 'Viking' connections :-). I might mention that I am on Facebook - the link is: www.facebook.com/pr.venter . I know that the Y-DNA haplo of many Finnish guys is N1C1, whilst there are good percentages of R1a1 amongst the Swedes and Norwegians. Greetings from a cold Pretoria, today, to my friends in the Summer of the Northern Hemisphere!