Johanne Pernille Olsdtr - Birth and Baptism, and Change Register 1809

Started by Susan Schrade on Monday, June 8, 2015
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This is why I changed my tree, I found this change register and believe this johanne was listed in it.

ForretningID Dato År Prot. ref. Side Forretning merknad
868 2572 04.04.1809 1806-1818 Skifteprotokoller 7 189b Strømsø; skiftet fortsetter på fol. 190a; sluttet 21.02.1810; se også skifteforhandlingsprotokollen, fol. 96b
Rolle Relasjon Førenamn Etternamn Bustad Stilling Alder Merknad
3645 arving brordatter Johanne Pernille Olsdtr Ejdsfoss Jernværk enke; datter av Ole Pedersen
3646 arving bror Peder Pedersen død
3647 arvelater Anne Pedersdtr Strømsøe død 03.04.1809, om aftenen; det var opprettet testamente mellom henne og mannen, konfirmert 15.07.1802; også feilaktig nevnt som Povlsdtr
3648 arving brordatter Pernille Pedersdtr nordre Fjeld tjenende ugift; datter av Peder Pedersen
3649 arving bror Ole Pedersen død
3650 arving avdød ektefelle Povl Guttormsen det var opprettet testamente mellom han og kona, konfirmert 15.07.1802
3651 arving bror John Pedersen død
3652 arving brorsønn Anthon Johnsen død; gift med Anne Arnesdtr; sønn av John Pedersen
3653 andre Anne Arnesdtr Konerud Værket enke etter Anthon Johnsen
3654 arving brorsønnesønn Lars Anthonsen Konerud Værket ca. 8 år sønn av Anthon Johnsen og Anne Arnesdtr
3655 arving brorsønnedatter Maren Kirstine Anthonsdtr Konerud Værket ca. 10 år datter av Anthon Johnsen og Anne Arnesdtr
3656 arving brordatter Anne Lisbeth Johnsdtr Konerud Værket gm. Børger Nielsen; datter av John Pedersen
3657 andre Børger Nielsen Konerud Værket brordatters mann; gm. Anne Lisbeth Johnsdtr

What you have found is a probateregister for the city of Drammen, you can see the page here:

I think it is the correct Johanne Olsdatter you have found. And the reason being that I looked for her in the 1801-census of Norway and found her and her husband at Eidsfoss Jernverk (The Ironworks of Eidsfoss) which is also the place she is mentioned to live in at the probate of 1809. Here is the census, Johanne is no. 152 on the page: Age 40, her husband is no. 151 Jon Erichsen age 35 and their three children no. 153 Tollev age 4, no. 154 Eylert age 5 and no. 155 Inge Maria age 1. Jon Erichsen is a Master Hammersmith at the Ironworks.

In the probate Johanne is mentioned as a daughter of a brother of the deceased Anne Pedersdatter. Johanne's father is probably Ole Pedersen who is mentioned as a brother of the deceased. If Ida Lau Borch isn't active in this discussion in a couple of days, you should contact her and mentioned that Johanne's father Ole Pederson is marked as dying only 9 months old, and then it is difficult to become a father!

In the probateregister you have one sister (the deceased Anne), and two more brothers of Ole Pedersen, you have Anne's late husband Povl Guttormsen, and several children and grandchildren of Anne's brothers. I'm sure Ida Lau Broch can help you read the probateregister and add all of these persons to your Geni tree, this is trustworthy information since it is a primary source.

Totally unknown.

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