I must insit: nothing better to bring more exactness to the genealogy records than their personal genetic informations now available, with free internet acess, at least, for the hirtorical profiles, as we can see, for instance, at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_haplogroups_of_historic_people
and http://www.isogg.org/tree/ISOGG_YDNATreeTrunk.html. I hope this kind of exercise wil bring to us, too, more useful informations to our own familiy "bloom of healt", As we all are aware, western world population came from extremily reduced number of medieval europeans founders and its more vital to known - much more than face and bood type -
modern discoveries related to "genetic traces of ancient demogrphy, like these:
al these to propose: let us show, in our profiles, at least, the DNA haplogroups definition already known of each ancestor ?