Should we link UK place projects to this?

Started by Terry Jackson (Switzer) on Saturday, May 30, 2015
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We Private User & Private User & I have projects for counties of the UK and Ireland, to which we have linked sub-projects for (name of county - Main Page), Famous people of (Name of County), Historic (name of county), Historic buildings of (name of County).Family heads of (name of County), (Name of County- Monumental Inscriptions and Graveyards). Also Projects for Oxbridge Uninversity Colleges.

We did not know about this USA Project and there may be projects in other regions. Should this be the Umbrella project for them all? It doesn't say it's just for USA but at the moment seems to be.

Private User, Erica Howton, Justin Durand, & Private User as collaborators of the Place Projects I wonder what you think about linking this as an umbrella project to other places or should we create another project to act as world-wide umbrella project (see message above)?

There are already 2 non-US projects linked in the Description, so, to me it already is beginning to be a world-wide 'umbrella' project.

Yes, it might be interesting to make this a place "portal" - but we need to think how to do it gracefully & without clutter.

There are many Jewish town projects and all the US states have projects for example, so do towns, etc.

What I like about the presentation on this page for example is demonstrating from "micro place" projects (house genealogy) to very large (al andalus).

Logically so. I think a better question is whether anyone objects. I certainly don't.

Sure, go for it. Just add the places to the page and we'll organize it more elaborately when it gets to a critical mass.

Maybe for things like cemeteries, if there is a project for them all, like a cemeteries project, you just would need to link to that on the page and list them all in the subproject instead.

Hi. I reset the project layout to the format I originally set it as. If it gets unwieldy, we can deal with it then. Thanks.

I'd really like to not sort it by country because then it becomes complicated with historical places and regions. Also, I find it interesting comparing places projects on the same level with each other.

"I find it interesting comparing places projects on the same level with each other."

That is a great point.

Maybe we need to think about cemeteries? Are they on the same level as a street or house? (maybe those sub categories?)

Good in theory but it isn't working in my opinion because although in England we have Counties they are not in the least the same level as US counties.
Also if we come to the last category there is way too many to list just in one county of England let alone the whole of UK & Ireland let alone the whole world! Just to give you an idea of what I mean (Can change back again) I'll add the historic buildings of one county.

Well, I would probably argue that they are more on the county level and the regions are more on the state level, like Yorkshire and the Humber, buy whatever is fine for me.

I don't think we should have any entries that don't have actual projects to link to.

Probably another related point that should be made is when is a project a place project, and when is it just a portal? If it just has links to projects related to that place, maybe it's just a portal. To me, a place project has some historical information with links to important founding people, etc.

Private User, All those I listed should have projects and I can add the links. I didn't want to do all that work and then discover that you, and others, agreed with me that it would be too much! Actually I think it would be too much just to do that with the UK projects so doing so with the whole world will be way too ungainly.

As for the Counties - perhaps see what the other UK & Ireland Curators think.

Terry Jackson (Switzer) I think how you have it now is best with England broken up into historic counties. I would do the same for Wales, Scotland and Ireland using their historic counties/shires.

I think we need to have a good discussion on what projects to include. I'm a little weary of including projects like this one:

Though, for sure, it's a place project, with interesting content copied from the website below but it has no profiles attached or linked.

And then the Canada project is really a portal in my mind, with links to the various province projects and a few dozen seemingly random Canadian profiles.

I'm worried that including projects like these, we're drowning out the more complete place projects with original content with links to relevant profiles.

Let the hate responses begin!

Private User why didn't Geni go ahead with place profiles like this example you posted in another discussion?

I'm asking as I wan't active on Geni in 2012.

Agreed, Victar: I think we could add profiles to them and make them more complete place projects with links to relevant profiles.

Why can't I find the real Sleepy Hollow project of which that is a picture, by searching on Geni itself?

Charlene Newport, Geni just had different priorities.

Sharon Doubell, that image is just a mock-up I created.

Nooo, Victar!! I loved that project all the way in my bones!! Don't tell me it was a mock up!!
Mike Stangel - please make it so, Number one:

Hah, yeah, would be nice, right? *sigh*


Re: "I think we need to have a good discussion on what projects to include"

I enjoyed your Idea of comparing "like to like."

I think the issue is that there might be competing needs.

One main question which might be dumb but I'll ask anyway -- isn't a place project meant to be populated with profiles, even if it isn't currently? And a "portal" would be an indexing of associated projects but NOT contain profiles.

So perhaps we need two projects

A. An index or indexes
B. An inspirational listing

I'll concern myself with B.

I'd like to see a structure that is listing portals, and then a couple of examples so we can see what is meant by a place project. Please use your incredible "house" project as the example, as it rolls up the places, like a postal address code.

Going smallest to largest unit:

(the house)
(the street)
(the cemetery)
(the town)
(the notable associated places - in this example,
(the county)
(the state)
(the region)

The top down (largest to smallest) might work OK too, but I'm having a better visualization this way.

This is way too ambitious but we can but dream - an interactive world map where you can click on the country and zoom in as far as you want and then click on dots and that takes you to the projects for that place.....
Now back to reality. I'm not getting the impression that anyone is appreciating just how long this list of projects will be if we add every single 'place project' The list I added are just the Historic buildings of Berkshire and I have so far also got a similar number of projects for Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey and Cheshire is nearly done too and plan to do so, ultimately, for the rest of the UK. If others do similarly for other countries we will be scrolling down so far it will be ridiculous. Whereas I like the idea of a single PLACE PROJECT I want it to be attractive and encourage people to visit the various projects not be put off by too much choice or a choice that is not relevant to peoples wishes or needs.
Using the UK to demonstrate, would it not make more sense to direct people to the County projects and the Historic Buildings of (county name) projects and mention that these are master projects and that there are individual projects for very many historic buildings?LIke so:
With projects for individual historic buildings.

Yeah, I think maybe we should just have a "Berkshire, England" project and have some text next to it that reads, "see project for more listings", or something of that ilk. I didn't realize what a massive endeavor it was. Maybe if there are some you're particular proud of, we can put them on the main project page as well. That sound OK?

I really wish Geni projects had collapsible lists like Wikipedia. A man can dream.

Why not instead of now having to have two entries for Bedfordshire, make one project, ex. "Bedfordshire, England", as I was suggesting above?

Sorry if I misunderstood - I thought you wanted counties and places separated . Are you now saying we should keep all the county projects together including the historic buildings? That's more like I had it when you didn't like it so I didn't think that was the case.

Also " (see each for more listings)" doesn't, IMHO cover sufficiently what people can expect to find in these projects.

Is there a good reason for not classing Al-Andalus,New Netherland, New York under Spain or North America in their appropriate alphabetical place?

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