Emund Eriksson, king of Birka - who is this?

Started by Alex Moes on Monday, April 27, 2015
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4/27/2015 at 3:20 AM

Harald Tveit Alvestrand your note calls him son of Erik Refilsson but most of the About, and the fact that he is father of Erik Vaderhatt, makes me think he is a son of Erik Björnsson.

Especially because Erik Björnson is missing his son Anund but has a brother with that name at the moment.

4/27/2015 at 3:26 AM

Second question :)
N.N. Ragnarsdatter, {Gesta Danorum} is showing as Emund's wife but is connected to Ragnar as his daughter. So Emund is married to his ggfather's sister, which seems unlikely.

4/27/2015 at 3:52 AM

Alex, there were two of them.

Björn Jarnsida (Ironside) had two sons, Refil and Erik (titled "Erik I" in the tree).

Refil had a son named Erik (titled "Erik II" in the tree), who succeeded his uncle Erik I.

You can just imagine how many times those two have been merged!

Emund was the one who was most hit by the bad merges, it seems; Erik Björnssons's "about me" is in reasonably good shape.

Why do you think Erik Väderhatt matters?

4/27/2015 at 3:55 AM

Ragnhild Ragnarsdottir has to be an error. Break it.

(Note: Erik Björnsson's profile quotes Hervarar saga, which is not my favourite saga.But I don't think I've seen conflicting info elsewhere.)

4/27/2015 at 4:28 AM

And just for added lulz, someone had merged the "unknown wife of" the two Erics together.

I think I've managed to disentangle them. Two more "Unknown wife" profiles made master profile in order to prevent people from doing bad merges :-(

Private User
4/27/2015 at 6:29 AM

Erik (Edmundsson) Väderhatt is named Erik Anundsson in "Hervara saga", the son of Anund Uppsale, who had a brother named Björn living near Birka, Anund (Anoundus) is named by the archbishop Rimbert in the Vita Anskarii as an ex-King in Svealand who plundered Birka 844.

In "Ynglingasagan" he is called Erik Emundsson, and there he is also the king over Västergötland, Dalsland, Bohuslän och Värmland, and there it says that he lost Västergötland to Harald Hårfager.

Erik were co-regent with his brother Olof (sveakung 854) who also were confirmed by Rimbert in the year 852, in his telling about Ansgars second travel to Birka.

Pedigree according to Hervara saga

4/28/2015 at 4:10 AM


Bjorn Ironside currently has 4 sons on Geni. Eric I, Refil, Anund(?) and Áslákur(?) .

Refil has a son named Eric II.

Eric I has a son named Bjorn II.

Eric II has a son named Emund.

From what i have read Bjorn II should have a brother named Anund, i have also read that Anund and Emund are interchangeable. I have not seen anywhere else a record of Eric II having a son.

So according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Muns%C3%B6 Geni has two Anund/Emunds that don't exist and is missing the one known as Anund Uppsale.

I _think_ Emund and Anund should be merged and moved to be son of Eric I.
I have no idea who Áslákur is, any suggestions?

4/28/2015 at 4:10 AM

Ulf is reading the same "sources" as me :)

"The Swedish encyclopedia Nordisk familjebok identifies Eric [Anundsson or Eymundsson] with the legendary Swedish king Erik Weatherhat."

4/28/2015 at 2:29 PM

Alex Moes I think what you say makes sense. I remember twisting around Amund and Emund before, but did not remember that it was in this place that they abounded.

Make it so!

Note: "Nordisk Familjebok" is a rather old (early 1900s) and very tertiary "source" - I wouldn't depend on what it says, even if Wikipedia quotes it.

4/28/2015 at 2:34 PM

Note: "Anund Uppsale" is almost certainly a form of "Anund of Uppsala" - Uppsala is a place, where the Swedish kings seated themselves a lot of the time.

4/28/2015 at 4:14 PM

I don't know why Uppsala is spelled with an E for him, i also see it occasionally with only one p.

I only mentioned weatherhat because the relationship is alread shown on Geni and is supported b a source i can locate, no matter how suspect.

By the way how would you suggest disconnecting ragnhild ragnarsdottir? Keep her as a wife or keep her as a daughter? or make a dupe and keep both? I am thinking keep her as a wife with unknown parents.

Private User
4/28/2015 at 4:35 PM

There was no spelling rules.

4/29/2015 at 11:56 AM

Alex Moes I would suggest disconnecting ragnhild from Emund - the marriage has no sources and no children, as far as I can tell.

Whether Ragnar had any daughters named Ragnhild - that may also be worthy of a disconnection, if we can't find a source for that either.
But the dates on the entry suggest that the person who won the merge lottery wrt dates intended the profile to be contemporaneous with Ragnar not Emund.

4/29/2015 at 5:09 PM

It's curious that one of Emund's other wives is Alof (Banger) Regnersdatter who is a dupe for Álöf Ragnarsdóttir who is the only daughter of Ragnar that we do have evidence for, but again it's just not a possible relationship unless we junk the whole Munso tree.

So there must be a website somewhere claiming a marriage between Emund and a daughte of Ragnar.

4/29/2015 at 10:22 PM

I severed the relationship between Ragnhild and Ragnar before you posted, i have now restored that connection and dissolved the marriage instead.

4/29/2015 at 10:28 PM

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, you will need to change the curator note on Emund Eriksson, king of Birka. Currently it calls him son of Erik Refilsson but i have moved him, as we discussed, and he is now son of Erik Bjornsson.

4/30/2015 at 12:49 AM

Note - he seems more commonly called "Amund" than "Emund", at least in Wikipedia. Of course, Wikipedia is hardly an original source.

I cleaned up the "about me", moving all the Swedish repeats to the Swedish tab and making the Wikipedia links clearly visible.

Hope he stays in the same place for a while now :-)

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