I think you're probably right. I think that what made it so unruly was the massive dump of large numbers of MPs from single curators. We may need to rethink that in the future.
Private User, Randy Stebbing, Erica Howton, Hatte Blejer (absent until Nov 1), Private User, Private User, Private User, Erin Ishimoticha, Eldon Lester Clark, Private User, Marsha Gail Veazey, etc. -- do we want to make some kind of generic American subproject? (Only tagging people I know have used the project...no slights intended!) I don't *think* we need to do separate time periods or ethnic groups yet?
I would love something mindless to do, so I'm game if needed.
What we have to do is to get those profiles assigned and removed from the project.
What we should do is to start a curator only discussion that asks what are your areas of expertise and are you willing to take over curatorship of profiles in this project.
I do know that the number of profiles in this project has come down as I sent lists of profiles to other curators. These lists contained profiles that are part of their individual specialty and were also removed from this project.
Two notes:
- I just cleaned up the index. If everyone can please add your interest areas, that would help. The first step should be to check to see who's interested before just dumping profiles into the project. I'm definitely guilty of adding profiles without first asking anyone who might be interested. :(
- We could really cut down on the overall problem if we all agreed to just not curate profiles we don't care about. I know this seems like a dumb, obvious point, but I think that a lot of us automatically MP good profiles when users ask for it but we don't have any great personal interest. Maybe we need to train ourselves to not automatically fulfill MP requests and instead let the *right* curator fulfill them instead of *any* curator. That's another point where I think we're all a little guilty. If there's a Connecticut request, for example, I'll often fulfill it because it's an area I work and the user is waiting -- even though Hatte or Erica might know the family better. I probably shouldn't do that.
Kevin Lawrence Hanit, we were posting at the same time. :) The only thing I'd ask is why you'd want the conversation to be private. I think using the project index works -- it keeps everything in one spot and also reminds users where we work.
I've said it before privately, but to emphasize it publicly: you do incredible work with helping profiles find homes, and I sincerely appreciate it. It's one of the many curator tasks that can't be measured by a histogram but makes an enormous impact. :)
Private User,
I had already given morel a large chunk of her profiles. I do know that there are probably lots more for him.
Always remember after removing a profile from the project and before going to the next page, you have to refresh the current page to give it 20 profiles. Doing this will make sure that you don't skip any profiles.
Indeed Kevin has been quite helpful in identifying profiles and sending me lists. Since mimi's departure, I have taken over well above 500 profiles. There are many more French Canadians. I will keep working at the list.
When a curator leaves, we should have a different process for transferring profiles. Making a bid dump in the exchange projet makes it very hard to go through and take profiles.
I very much miss searching in projects in general, and *especially* in this one. There's no way except paging through the project to find profiles that I might be willing to curate (Scandinavian ones, mainly).
I'd also love to have the ability to give away curatorship - this would have so many uses; in addition to sorting things out of this project, I could give profiles back to the "right" curator after I'd touched them for some fleeting reason.
Harald wrote: "I'd also love to have the ability to give away curatorship - this would have so many uses; in addition to sorting things out of this project, I could give profiles back to the "right" curator after I'd touched them for some fleeting reason."
Maybe, as an alternative, two changes could be made to the Curator tools -- in particular, to the "Master Profile" pop-up panel:
1) Add a checkbox of "do not change existing curator" (only enabled if already an MP and thus has a defined curator).
2) An entry is made in the profile's history if that box is checked and the Curator Note is changed. (Currently, I think, only the MP on/off is recorded in the history.)
That way, Note changes by the 'curator of record' would not be in history (just, perhaps, to keep history from having too much 'fluff' in it), but there would be that history of someone else making a Note change.
Your thoughts on this, Mike Stangel?
With regard to 'giving away' ... I would prefer to 'accept' MP re-assignment from other curators (which can be done today with a PM and links).
The only "give-aways", perhaps might be with some means of selecting a 'list' of MPs and having a tool (or Geni staff) transfer that whole list to another curator (willing to accept them). Perhaps another queue (which is sortable), instead of a Project, with a curator tool to "add this MP to the MP-exchange queue".
Harald -
Ashley has started a formal request regarding an option not to take over the curating duties of an MP.
See this discussion here - http://www.geni.com/discussions/110641?msg=1010877 - which has the links to two requests Ashley has submitted.
Kevin Lawrence Hanit, you asked above what I think about asking Mike to do bulk transfers of profiles...I am not sure that is the right solution. I think that actually has created some of our problems, because people have taken bulk transfers from other curators and gotten maybe 75% profiles they care about and another 25% that they don't. That 25% ends up neglected or dumped into this project. I would like to see us be selective and choose wisely, and I think that has to be done by individually reviewing each profile.
Also, merging in the lines of Elizabeth Barlowe and Alexander Barlowe, Sr. just made me wish we had an MP request project, for those times when we think profiles should be MPed but we know we're not the one to do it...but I think that's taking it a bit too far. :)
Would it not help to have some sub-projects to divide these profiles up roughly into areas that curators work in so for example any from s, America or French Canadian ) wouldn't follow those sub-projects but I would follow English, Irish, Scottish, Medieval, Non-French Canadian.
I suppose an alternative idea would be to set up Curator discussions for each 'area'(geographical & or era ) and curators follow those that are appropriate -if you're following a discussion it should very soon be apparent if a profile comes up that you should curate.
Private User posted this link/list yesterday
and it helped me a lot finding the MP'ed French Canadians from mimi. I have already taken a few hundreds more just in a couple of hours.
Thanks Bjørn
in doing an un-MP ... please look at the surrounding family before doing so.
When one has a 3 or 4 generations of "Peter Houser", the MP may be on an otherwise unremarkable set of profiles so they don't accidentally get cross-generational merged.
The other usage some of us make of MP's is to designate all the known children of a 'popular' or often-mis-connected family. When merging, it really is helpful to know that all the "real" children are MP's; thus any profiles "straggling in" via a merge either need disconnecting or merging.
Any questions that you have can be posted here in this discussion http://www.geni.com/discussions/142108