My grandfather was born outside of wedlock and adopted by a family friend that raised him while employing his birth mother. When he was older, he learned that the household employee was his biological mother and also learned that a local man was his biological father. His adoptive parents as well as his biological mother were all very close and important to him. In fact, his biological mother was whom his children referred to as their grandmother as his adoptive parents both died when he was a young adult. The question is: should my family tree include my the adoptive or biological great-grandparents? Is there a way to include both?
Yes, there is a way to include both. But it is cumbersome.
Copied this from one of the Comments in the Help Section re: creating both adopted and biological parents:
" The way to do it is create a duplicate of each adopted person and add the other parents. Then merge the duplicate profiles. The will then show two sets of parents but you just leave it at that. It is good to note in the "About" section of each which are the birth parents and which are the adopting parents"