Mega Merge Project - front page update needed

Started by Harald Tveit Alvestrand on Monday, February 23, 2015
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I just checked Carolus Magnus - he had gone from 728 managers to 929 since last time the high score list was updated.
It would be fun to have right numbers - but it's a pain to go through them all.

Any volunteers?

...when it takes not too many moments of joy to make more new Geni-profiles, ok?

which one you like to be started with? give the url and I will have a try.

by the way, how can i check one of 'my' profiles is in the BIG-100-&-less-list. 'My' profile in the sense that I am the contributor, first manager or member of the management-team of that profile.

I'd just use the control-clik to open all the profiles in the list in new pages, and update the number in the front page. It doesn't make sense to update just one at a time (even though I did it for Charlemagne).

I did not mean my question to start rightaway with stumbling around in your project-pages, I just want to know how I can recognize the problem easy & fast to be able to foresee the problem for the future instead of solving it for the moment.

Harald Tveit Alvestrand

I'll update the project. So far the first 49 have updated totals. Please no one else jump in to help right now as that will only be more confusing. Once I've got updated totals on them all it will be super easy to sort them to get them in the right order.


Super, Randy Stebbing!

Hello everyone,

You do such important and vital work behind the curtain, the regular geni users, like me,are clueless about! What curators and the contributers/volunteers do, means so much to geni users like me. You have personally helped the hundreds of Geni users that have such big problems that the user has to shoot the emergency flare! You were there when I needed help. Harald, Ann, Mimi, Judy, Justin, Henn Pamela,and so many more. Just this morning I was at my wits end and then I read Harald's words "It doesn't make sense to update just one at a time (even though I did it for Charlemagne). FOR CHARLEMAGNE! So I say thank you.

Best wishes,


Randy Stebbing Thanks for stepping up to the post with this and Theresa Louise Schneider (Vangheluwe) Thank you so much for your kindwords.

Dear All Curators,

Those are not simply kind words. I am giving credit where credit is deserved. Please, keep up the excellent work. Other geni users and especially I, need your wisdom. Thank you all.

Best wishes,


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that you can remove me as a manager on the profiles that are crowd sourced. I hope other geni users step up to the plate as well.



Theresa Louise Schneider (Vangheluwe)

I am glad with your suggestion, for my management it's the same, I do not work to gather as much as profiles possible, I prefer to work in area's where it is not too crowdy too.

What is the exact meaning of the numbers in the list? The first is the ranking, I can imagine, but the second? if its the number of managers, how can I be sure there are not missing a lot? And how can I be sure I am one of them? Maybe it's wise to add the place of birth of native country, so I can see wheteher there are relatives of our monarchy involved. Thanks in advance, Jeannette.

1- 500 = ranking the second number is the number of managers which is how the ranking is worked out. Just because you are a 'manager' of a profile doesn't mean you are currently active with it.

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