André Brink - Who was Andre Brink's Grandfather?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, February 9, 2015
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Help - anyone. We're trying to piece together Andre Brink (the recently deceased writer)'s ancestry back to the Brink SV Andries Andersen Brink, through his son - Daniël Frederick Brink, b11

We've got it all in except for figuring out which one of Daniël Brink, d3?'s sons is Andre's grandfather.

Johan Brink, author of "Die Brink Familie van Suid Afrika", seems to have e9 as Philippus Albertus Myburgh (29.10.1869-3.4.1952). In this Rootsweb post Johan appears to be correcting an article that incorrectly gave Andre's grandfather as Johan Godlieb Brink.

Unfortunately I don't have Johan's book so I'm unable to confirm by hunting down the relevant baptism records.

But it looks like Johann Ahlers might have already added this information, but the profiles are private -

This is what I found on Rootsweb:

Volgens volume 4 van SA Familieregisters (die nuutste opvolger van SAG) is
André Philippus Brink (die wêreldbekende skrywer) se 'De Villiersnommer'
b11c4d3e9f1g1, terwyl Johan Godlieb Brink (gebore 1857) se 'nommer'
b2c1d1e6f2 is.

Baie verder in die boek op pp 140-141 en wel onder die afstammelinge van die 11de (elfde) kind van die stamvader, word die besonderhede van André
Philippus (alias André P.) BRINK (29.5.1935-) met sy vader, Daniël
(6.8.1905-25.10.1993) aangegee. André was die oudste van 4 kinders.

George Edwin BRINK is dus a1b2c1d1e6f2g6 en André P. BRINK by

Sy moeder (jou onderwyseres!) was Aletta Wilhelmina WOLMARANS, *16.10.1907 en oorlede (op die rype ouderdom van 99jr) 4.2.2007. Sy was 'n jong ondw van Bedford toe sy en haar man, Daniël BRINK, op 7.8.1933 in die NGK Bedford, distr Middelburg (K.P) getroud is.

So it seems Andre P Brink's de Villiers number is: b11c4d3e9f1g1

Maybe this can help?

I have merged in Johann's profile...

That's great! THankyou. You are all such stars!
I'm off to do the 2-day cross country drive back from the coast now, if I go silent.
I'm logging the line here - and will put it on their profiles - when I get back online. Mwa

=Ancestry Line of Andre Brink, the famous SA writer:

From: "Johan Brink"
Subject: Re: [BP] ANDRE P BRINK
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 11:06:26 +0200

André P. (g1 *29.5.1935) se BRINK-lyn-oorsprong is:

f1 [Daniël Brink, f1? Daniël] (6.8.1905-25.10.1993)
e9 [Philippus Albertus Brink, e9? Philippus Albertus Myburgh] (29.10.1869-3.4.1952)
d3 [Daniël Brink, d3? Daniël] (3.10.1826-22.9.1877)
c4 [Marthinus Cornelius Brink Marthinus Cornelis] (25.11.1792-28.3.1886)
b11 [Daniël Frederick Brink, b11 Daniël] (27.1.1760-8.10.1815)
a1. [Andries Andersen Brink Andries Hansen] (31.1.1712 – 21.8.1789)

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