Private User The manager of Meir Satz's profile has not been on Geni for a number of years. So we cannot contact him to find out his source for Romania.
If you want to add alternative source information, I will be glad to add it to the profile description.
If you would like to gain management of the profile, click "Actions" and request management.
Meanwhile, if there are changes you would like to the profile I can help you.
I already corrected Mier to Meir.
Dear Malka,
I think what I want to do is to use the tools that Randy Schoenberg suggested to get my tree transferred over to Geni from My Heritage (and then resolve all the duplicates with the Bass family section that is already up here and very well done, thanks to my cousins down under. Then I can redo the Satz part, which I already did on the other tree. So when my life settles down again I'll be back in touch, and in the meanwhile I'll request management. Jeanne