FYI... and seeking your opinion.
I'm currently building out the following profile: Michiel de Ruyter, admiraal (one very good reason is that, today, a much-publicized movie about him is being released to theatres around The Netherlands, inclduing actors such as Rutger Hauer and Charles Dance :-) ).
I'm trying to see how far full profile building can take us into new creative use of the Geni Platform. You will see this happening mostly on the TIMELINE of the profile. Indeed, I have already a large number of events attached to the timeline - sometimes with some documentation or a picture.
One type of events is sea battles, for which Michiel de Ruyter is, of course, most known.
Some of these sea battles fit Under the umbrella of the Anglo-Dutch Wars project.
On the personal profile, I don't wish to expand on the topic of the Anglo-Dutch Wars. One shouldn't, in fact, because ideally we'd try to connect a profile to the data such as in this project. However, participation in the individual battles is relevant on his timeline.
Now I'm wondering how we could connect to this project, and if we can use the summary battle events on the timeline and connect them to this project. Ultimately, we should connect a few other protaginists to the same events, of course.
Do you have any thoughts on that. Shall we do some experimentation?
Thanks for your feedback!
Let's also see what you get by clicking this specific link, which should be one of the relevant events on the timeline. Unfortunately, it doesn't look as if we coiuld couple this event to a project (but this could be a feature request to Geni). If that would be feasible, we could add a whole range of events to a project, and then profile individual battles and attach the protagonists.
I'm building a list of feature requests already :-) Having said that, by pushing the limits on timeline events (especially by adding events of a very different nature), I can only say that the platform is already so good (but totally unexploited, in my opinion).
Yes, linking projects to events feels like an easy thing to add, technically speaking, and could open up a world of new opportunities for specific purposes!
Just imagine that you'd have a project such as this Anglo-Dutch one, and then a button to the right of the project page saying "Add Event to Timeline". Actually, we would be creating a global collection of events (and would probably have duplicates and the need to merge). This would be extremely powerful.for certain purposes (but goes well beyond what the average family researcher would expect and exploit, of course (very different kind of user! ).
Hello all. I'm inviting myself as a collaborator on this project, if you don't mind :-). It's part and parcel of my current exploration of how a single profile (Michiel de Ruyter) can expand to encompass an extensive timeline with considerable events (backed up with photos, documents, video) and connect to other profiles through the same events.
I have already added one event to the project text (obviously, a missing feature is adding events to projects - which could then automatically populate the list of attached profiles :-) ). I will continue adding the events (with a primary focus on those pertaining to Michiel de Ruyter, as those are now all created). I will also proceed with attaching profiles to those events, which then shows up in the timelines of those profiles.
Notice also that I expand this further by documenting this further, for instance with photos (linking them to the artists) and with documents (referring to repositories for those documents).
But, this doesn't affect the project text as such, as it will only give links to the events.
Please don't hesitate to sound a whistle if you don't agree with my activity around this, and we can revert it. But, by all means, don't hesitate to jump in and help, for instance, with attaching profiles to events! :-)
Thanks Johann. Here's a new example, the Battle at Kentish Nock... So, where I set up the event first on the timeline of Michiel de Ruyter, I now also added three more profiles to that specific event. What would be need is that we could, for instance, inside the profile of General Robert Blake, populate a list of events he is connected to, from a simple dropdown of events already created on Geni. Definitely a feature request to Geni from me :-)
May i suggest also tagging this doc to project & profiles?
It's looking gorgeous.
Hmm ... Also be sure and add dates to the keyword fields of Projects (if relevant & certainly so for battles). That database was built to provide Geni with a "this day in history" ability.
Not sure where I'm going with this thought, but surely relevant to "events ..."
LOL - free flow of thoughts is what I seek here :-)
I understand what you say, but we may not be talking about the same thing right now. For instance, in this particular example, I'm rather thinking about the date of the source (a better document to illustrate it would be a report a few days or weeks after that battle, and we might then apply the date of that document record. The date of the battle is given in the event record. I'm thinking of how a professional researcher c.q. history scholar may want to use this (and, of course, it needs to be nearly oblivious to the subject matter (it may be history or rap music). I'm sure you see what I mean :-)