It seems to me that when someone blots out a connection between one family and another because the Paper has not been found it should go into a PROVISIONAL tree where the information can be referenced. Since my arrival here 3 years back at least 8 or 9 lines have been disconnected because it does not have the "PAPER" to authenticate it. My reaction is that, how are we supposed to find the linkages if you throw them away? Can we please have a tree based upon best information available and then move it from Provisionally accepted to ACCEPTED and then enter it to the main Tree?
As one senior curator told me: "It does not mean it's not true that they were connected, it's just that there is no written proof or citation"....which means we have to re-invent the wheel everytime we don't have a paper trail. A provisional tree can then be researched to see if that person really has a doccument...but if they are thrown away how does a new person know where to look, or where to start? Comment's Please.