He has the exact same death date as his putative father, Sir Robert Algore - seventeen years before his putative wife was even born, and some forty-three years before his putative son was.
Sir Robert Algore is generally said to have had only one surviving (legitimate?) child, a daughter Agnes.
The most likely answer is that he is not Sir Robert's son and his dates have been crocked.
Alternatively, he may have been extramarital, therefore ineligible to inherit - and his dates are still crocked.
I also disbelieve the Parr link to Bridget Allgar - it's much too prominent, too recently, and there is at least one timey-wimey snarl in it: Ann Margaret Lyngwood , born 57 years before her "father".
This has much to do with the Fitches but mentions Agnes Algore and family in passing:
Mr Westerley, I think, may have been a "widow's consolation", since Agnes seems to have outlived Thomas Fitch by almost twenty years. ;-)
More Fitches, and it looks as though Mr Westerley actually did his widow-consoling a couple of generations later: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=loren...
This one is a bit difficult?
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~dpenix/penix/PS19... (no refs) has father & different death date
http://stanleyhistory.net/descnarratives/WilliamFitch.htm has
John Fitch, son of the above William, was born in Wicken Bonhunt, Essex no later than 1437, based upon the fact that the Manor Court reported his age in 1467 as being “30 years or more”. He died prior 09 April 1469, the date of the Manor Court reporting his death. He married ca 1464, in Wicken Bonhunt, Juliana (–) whose surname and ancestry is unknown. Julianna (–) married, as he second husband, in 1468+ at Wicken Bonhunt, Richard Westerly and she died about 1475.