Lucy Hanks - Margaret Hanks Yarnell?

Started by Emily Damiano on Monday, November 24, 2014
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Did Lucy Hanks actually have a daughter named Margaret Hanks, who married Jasper Yarnell? I've done some research just now on the internet, and none of the internet sources seem to claim that at all. Does anyone have any information relating to her or her parents? Should she be disconnected from Lucy?

Clearly not. With a birth date of 1770, Margaret Yarnell could not have been Lucy's daughter (Lucy would have been ~3 at that time).

Richard Arvid Dahl

Can you add any information about the addition of this profile?

FYI - if you see a 'new child' in that area of the tree which is not a Master Profile, then it probably is either a duplicate to merge -- or it needs to be disconnected.

The Margaret Yarnell (or Yarnall) from Richard was a duplicate of an existing Margaret Yarnall. That Margaret as yet does not have her parents identified.

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