These are confusing because of the different name values being used
@ Queen Athildis de Britian
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Coel Godhebog of Colchester, Brenin Caercolun and Strada "The Fair" .
Wife of King de Rugji
Mother of Wife of Chlodomir III
Sister of Cunedd ap Coel; Flavia Julia Helena (Helen of the cross); Oriuna (Fictitious) and St. Helen of the Cross (Fictional Version)
Added by: Nicole Wright on November 9, 2013
Managed by: Nicole Wright
@Athildis verch Coilus (Fictitious Person)
Birth: circa 105 United Kingdom
Death: 170 (65) Germany
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Coilus . ap Marius, King of Britain; Meric Arviragus Gweyrydd of Britain; Coelus, King of Britain and Ystdrawl Catuvellauni
Wife of Marcomir IV, King of the Franks (Fictitious Person)
Mother of Clodomir IV, King of the Franks (Fictitious Person)
Sister of Saint Emerita verch Coel; NN . verch Coilus; NN . ap Coilus, Grandfather of Aoife . of Gall-Gaidheal; St. Lucius Lleuver Mawr, King of the Silures and Eurgin Coel I Britain
Half sister of St. Lucius Lleuver Mawr, King of the Silures
@Unknown Profile
Child of Coel , roi de Silurie
Widow(er) of Markomir IV SICAMBRE 84-149
Parent of Chlodomir IV SICAMBRE , roi des Francs Ripuaires 104-165
This was found as a result of GENI taking me off of the MP'd line to one of the profiles above
Yes Bill is correct these fictitious persons can not be deleted as they were manufactured to get into prestigious lineage societies back when documentation etc. was not a great priority
We have to sift through the conglomerate of fictitious persons and label them as such and they are still are documented in genealogies and lineage societies papers that are used today by many genealogist.
It is sad to think that one had to manufacture a lineage back to a "royal ancestor" just to gain the notoriety of being in a prestigious lineage societies
But we all have to accept that the fact did happen and we were the ones left to deal with it... sort it out and try to set it straight.
mr Irwin no i dont remove profile i create them :P thanks for the links
but sincerly i think fictious have been study alot in the pass and all sort of lie deformation have been created to make beleif today as they are fictious (and ppl read and dont care as its writen FICTIOUS)
thats an answer to my stuart discution help
and the worst of this line of stuart they stay in Quebec
sorry i was off topic :P
Martin you and Judi are very informative and I never want you to stop questioning or go off topic. I am all over the place off topic. I can’t remember when I started following Judi, I think it was just after I started GENI, because I did not know how to request to collaborate or join the family. Please “Go Off Topic” I find it is the Best Source of NEW Information. PS Judi Will you Join my family?