Decades ago, when I started to do Religious Research, I was drawn to a number of Biblical Writings. Of these, my personal intuition drew me to "The Books of Enoch". Though "The Books of Enoch" are not considered part of The Main Stream Books of The Bible... it drew me like a magnet. Something in the back of my head felt a sense of strong spiritual presence,
Now that this Genealogy chart shows my ancestor association with Enoch... I am now thinking that the theory of "Ent/Bio Memory" could be true, as somewhere in our Bio/DNA, we carry in ourselves a recognition of them.
It is said that "The Oral-Bardic Tradition" of our ancestors can be found in some individuals that have "The Gift" of Rememories were passed down from generation to generation by "The Family/Tribal Bard", who is able to Rememorize the Oral history of The Sacred Story Teller, that is able to go back to the beginning of creation to the present, before writing, verse, prose, music, dance etc. For I recall, if a tribal group or clan of people were so protective of "The Oral/Bard" in their group, for if they lost "The Bard"... the whole history of that group goes with him.or her. Could the belief of "Reincarnation" actually be an 'Bio/Ent Memory" of an ancestor rather than thinking that they came back? It does bring out some very interesting questions that somewhere deep in our brains we still have inside us this natural ability. .