Enoch . - The Bio-Ent Memory of Enoch...

Started by Alfred "Ed Moch" Cota on Saturday, November 1, 2014
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Decades ago, when I started to do Religious Research, I was drawn to a number of Biblical Writings. Of these, my personal intuition drew me to "The Books of Enoch". Though "The Books of Enoch" are not considered part of The Main Stream Books of The Bible... it drew me like a magnet. Something in the back of my head felt a sense of strong spiritual presence,
Now that this Genealogy chart shows my ancestor association with Enoch... I am now thinking that the theory of "Ent/Bio Memory" could be true, as somewhere in our Bio/DNA, we carry in ourselves a recognition of them.
It is said that "The Oral-Bardic Tradition" of our ancestors can be found in some individuals that have "The Gift" of Rememories were passed down from generation to generation by "The Family/Tribal Bard", who is able to Rememorize the Oral history of The Sacred Story Teller, that is able to go back to the beginning of creation to the present, before writing, verse, prose, music, dance etc. For I recall, if a tribal group or clan of people were so protective of "The Oral/Bard" in their group, for if they lost "The Bard"... the whole history of that group goes with him.or her. Could the belief of "Reincarnation" actually be an 'Bio/Ent Memory" of an ancestor rather than thinking that they came back? It does bring out some very interesting questions that somewhere deep in our brains we still have inside us this natural ability. .

I am very proud to say that i am related to Enoch this is my link http://www.geni.com/path/Judy-Rice+is+related+to+Enoch?from=6000000...

I see Judy that we both Directly connect and also stradel one another in the carts. Does what I wrote here make sense to you?

Some years ago... when it first came out, I read the book "Holy Blood Holy Grail" and wrote to one of the authors, Michael Biagent, about his research. Most of it seemed almost spot on, except for a few areas that seemed vague. He wrote back to me about it, wanting to know "Where did I hear The Rumor". I wrote back to him and explained in more detail.
Not too long after... a second book was published by him called, "The Messianic Legacy". It was a follow up of "Holy Blood Holy Grail", with additional information and adjustments... some of it also contained what I and others shared with him, along with additional research.

Thks for posting and it does make sense to me i believe in Reincarnation and memory of are ancestors like story telling this is done a lot in the Mohawk culture in my ancestry

Yes...The Native American Cultures surely do have an outstanding oral tradition as well as other tribal/clan groups. :)

I am not sure the exact meaning of "Ent/Bio Memory". It must be along the lines of "cellular memory". I use the term "soul control" as reference to the "me" I listen too.

I referred to the books of Enoch when I first started to do my research in "family history". I give them a lot of credit for closeness to the truth.

Here is what I consider an "updated/modern" version for the "now":


(hope I got the link correct)

Hello Louise... I was a major conduit in a program called "Project Star Gate" (aka: Remote Viewing). The original goal was to find a control factor, where with Our Minds Eye, go into a OOBE state and thought travel from one place to another. Fortunately... most of these participants discovered by way of Quantum Applied Remote Viewing, we can tap our DNA Code, sort of like a hard drive and retrieve Retro-Cognitive-Precong information, much like what is called Reverse-Backward Engineering and recall people places and things... even in our bio ancestral genetic code. This is not Space Woo Woo, but actually scientific research that can explain why some individuals are able to to achieve. Such in a way it has been done by Oral-Bardic Story Tellers from the beginning. Most of Historical Mythology has a point of actual Genealogical information... it is the skill of one adapt and/or trained individual to remember and retrieve it in Quantum Memory, which is Past=Present-Future in Nature... nothing science fiction in this at all. Back in the tribal/clans, even "The Bardic Poet" was highly respected for their skills to enter this Quantum Memory... This is Not Psychic Voo Doo.

Thank you Alfred . . . I am not a reader by choice. I do love any type of researching. I didn't think your conversation was in any way "freaky".

I believe in the information we receive from our ancestors. We may call it mythology, voo doo, psychic, etc. I feel it is ALL in the translation of the information.

I am a child of the four directions . . . . just as the indigenous natives stories have predicted . . . . one world has ended & the new one has begun.

How about "The Five Directions", "The Three Sides of The Coin" etc :)


I was referring to the above type reference . . . . got to know the other's path of thinking.. The Five Directions, "yes" and I'm not sure what the 3rd side of the coin means.

Science (that is shared with the public) is finally catching up with the history of Gaia.

Please keep sharing your thoughts. Did you check our profiles pathway connection?

Enoch is my 119th great grand father. I think he is Judy's 119th ggf, also.

Yes.. Enoch is My 113th. Great Grandfather, verifies something that I feel comfortable and acceptable OK.

Enoch / Idris
120th great grandfather
i cracked the codes in the ancient calendars - and, grand cycles
and; cracked the mayan dresden - proving with math/science and phsyics we live in a 12 level universe; and; yes- i have more info i've not released yet

Enoch / Idris
120th great grandfather
i cracked the codes in the ancient calendars - and, grand cycles
and; cracked the mayan dresden - proving with math/science and phsyics we live in a 12 level universe; and; yes- i have more info i've not released yet

Enoch / Idris
120th great grandfather
i cracked the codes in the ancient calendars - and, grand cycles
and; cracked the mayan dresden - proving with math/science and phsyics we live in a 12 level universe; and; yes- i have more info i've not released yet

Enoch is my 128th ggrandfather.

Hello Susan... cracking and writing the codes is one thing... applying it in 'Thought Progression(s)' is another. If we are of The Genealogical Birthright ... then The Q'ing or The Folding these levels, should be explainable and obvious. :)

yes, and i've done that - do you understand physics ?

Yes... to a certain aspect of theory and application.

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