Amelia Earhart - Metal Fragment Confirmed as part of Amelia's plane

Начала Private User среда, 29 октября 2014
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Private User
29.10.2014 в 11:44 до полудня
Private User
30.10.2014 в 6:03 до полудня

I hope they do find her remains and the airplane Judy

30.10.2014 в 12:58 после полудня

I found that Amelia was my 15th cousin! Love all the discoveries I am making on geni. :)

Private User
30.10.2014 в 3:19 после полудня

Amelia is my 15th cousin thrice removed i am related through Sir William Bothe Sheriff of Cheshire

30.10.2014 в 6:53 после полудня

We are all cousins. So nice to meet you all. :D

31.10.2014 в 6:48 до полудня

My 6th cousin thrice removed

6.12.2014 в 1:19 после полудня

11th cousin twice removed.....a bit distant! :)

6.12.2014 в 1:20 после полудня

I am related through the Clere's of Ormesbury....

Private User
6.12.2014 в 2:59 после полудня

Amelia Earhart is my 17th cousin once removed.
Hello to all my cousins also related to her.

7.2.2015 в 1:02 до полудня

amelia is my 8th cousin 4 times removed on my mothers side of the family :D

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