Zombies please

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Showing 151-180 of 3382 posts

Kimberly Louise Fraser,
I did Adella Mae Steeper (Isaac) - parents & children - Ila Ruth d Oct 2006 and a few others.

Angus did John Steeper - Parents, wife & son and Catherine Bean - parents .

Thanks Private User got sidetracked by a 4 year old lol.

Elisabeth is deceased.

thns Dan

Could you unzombie this profile (mother of Pope John Paul II)?

Emilia Anna Voytyla

Her parents and siblings are also zombies..

Best wishes,


Jak to należy wykonać. Wycofałem się z tworzenia drzewa Wojtyłów, gdyż inne osoby bezkarnie łączą profile i nie uzyskuje się kontroli nad całym swoim drzewem. Nie da się cały czas kontrolować drzewa i przez to powstaje mnóstwo błędów. Takie drzewo powinno być kontrolowane przez pojedyncze osoby a wszelkie zmiany wprowadzane po konsultacji i potwierdzeniu np. skany metryk, które obecnie są coraz szerzej dostępne.

Private User, should be all set. They were marked as private for some reason - made them public.

Thanks a lot Private User. :)

Private User - staram się to jakoś porządkować, na tyle ile mogę. Oczywiście, że najważniejsza jest prawidłowość drzewa. Problemem jest jak pojawiają się nowe profile istniejących osób, bo chyba 'trzeba' je scalać, żeby nie pojawiały się duplikaty. Stąd te problemy..


Best wishes,


Zombies? in this tree: Nehemiah Thomas Covington, I

Private User, I worked on that tree. Zombie script didn't seem to do anything, so had to do it manually. I'm sure there are parts I missed as it was fairly widespread. Just let us know if you find any more in there and we can fix them.

Private User
Did not find that many, please check

More zombies(?) near here: Rachael Anne Covington

The profile has other problems, have contacted manager.

Private User,
I found 2 NN green zombie profiles which I swithed to deceased. I looked around but I didn't find any others.

Private User - Done

thanks Jeff

Hugo (Huig) Sijnhorst (Synhorst)
various zombies (and possibly duplicates as well) around him

Private User,
Levin (Loeb) Marcus-Levin is done.
I believe Elden Clark fixed all the other zombies.

Private User,
Anna Jans Unknown, Engeltje Molenkamp and several others done.

Private User,
Bartels, (No Name), Helena Bartels, Marrigje Spee.
All done and I found a few more.

To fix please:

Jean-Baptiste Boivin



Thanks Erica! Great timing!

Here is another one I just found:

Édouard Boivin

Wow, this Jean Boivin just opened an hornets nest. Please look here and it apprears there are five or six more.

Édouard Boivin



morel done.

rvk, done

For this profile, the wife and 4 childrens are zombies:

Édouard Boivin

Your assistance please.


Kimberly, I think I got them all.

Private User done

Showing 151-180 of 3382 posts

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