Zombies please

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Showing 31-60 of 3382 posts

Teresa Jane Smithers (Henderson) - parents are deceased (& thus Public) now.

rvk - done. FYI - that 'No Name' branch was evidently added as 'No Name'; there is no revision history of their having had any other names.

thanks Dan (tagging again won't work)

Private User

Henry Reedt is a zombie.

James A Wile Jr - done

Kimberly - Done

Thanks Lori.
Susan Brubaker Hershey is deceased and marked living preventing a merger. Request has been ignored by manager.

Jim Wile has been made deceased although I did not update the name.

Kimberly - done

Kimberly - done

Kimberly Louise Fraser Lori took care of Margaret also

Kimberly - done

Kimberly Louise Fraser
Please check all


Andrew de Haket

Tree full of Zombies and duplicate profiles.

Apparently the Zombie Killer tool cannot work on this tree. I don't know why. That means manual Zombie removal by whatever means necessaray.

Cornelis Segersen Van Egmont
both himself and his parents are apparently zombies, which prohibits merging with their non-zombie duplicates

John Warrick
Samuel Warrick
are zombies in 1700s

Maven, Arie, & James- Zombies completed to this point. If I missed any, let me know.

Down to a few strays that might be Zombies, Private, or PrivOmbies. Does anyone know if Private User is still around?

Got a few around here that have no business being Private (16th-17th century) and probably need staking.

Oops, here: John Hackett

Check this side too: Margaret Browne

Showing 31-60 of 3382 posts

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