No, I don't. There are, however, many other reasons to disbelieve this family line.
Kristina's father Stig Tokeson died, according to DAA 1898 in 1151, which means Kristina must have been born in 1152 at the very latest. Most likely, she was born earlier, as suggested in her profile, because she was married to the Swedish king and gave birth to his son in the early-mid 1160s. It is therefore extremely unlikely that she should be the mother of Marsk Stig Andersen, who fl. in the 1270s-90s and died in 1293.
If Stig Andersen was in his 80s, when he in 1275 led a Danish army into Sweden, his proposed mother Kristina could have been in her forties or fifties, when giving birth to him. The problem, of course, is that Kristina joined Vetra nunnery in the late 1160s.
Moreover, all serious biographies of Stig Andersen recognise that he married into the Hvide-family, and was not one himself (,_jur...).
Examining Anders Tokeson Hvide, I suspected he might be a construction to connect the famous, but genealogically obscure Marsk Stig to the Hvide family. On this page ( the invention of not only Anders Tokeson Hvide, but of his father Toke Stigsen Hvide is admitted.
There is not a shred of historical evidence to support even the existence of these two generations,and yet I am asked for evidence to disprove the existence purely invented relationships and individuals? The entire premise of Geni seems to be that anything goes, and that counter-evidence is required to get rid of non-existing people.
You can't just remove dates, and pretend that fiction is reality, that is a terrible approach to history and genealogy. The dates are indications that something is wrong, and this wrong should be examined further.
If geni is at all to be trusted, at least when it comes to public early modern and medieval genealogy, source based evidence should be a requirement, and the burden of proof should be carried by those who propose relationships, not by those who question it. If not, geni will be completely untrustworthy, and filled with fictitious people.