I think the sources are ok, the lineage of the Albrecht I, II ec. also is valid.
The stamtafel mentioned Konrad I
The 3 brothers are mentioned, their parents are unknown.
There is doubt who Konrad the I parents is, well therfore the lineage starts with Konrad I, parenthood is pure speculation with no documentet sources.
Justin you say it doesn't bother you that the information is different on Geni. If Geni is based on the majority of experts validation of a speculative lineage, I would verry much know who those experts is and theire reasoning to put a rather speculative lineage on Geni misleading Geni users, I will take the freedom to call them Amateurs and not experts.
In my oppinion an expert is a person who claim to know what he is talking about, I used the word claim, because it's not the same thing as knowing.
I seen a lot of self apppointed experts or people talked about as expert and let me tell you a lot of them talks BS making theories of theire own
Justin I agree with you, it's better to have a opinion of your own and have a database reflecting the facts and sources that we know is thrustworthy and therefore not a subject of speculations.
I belive the lineage that is shown in the german sources of the house of Everstein is correct, my opinion and I would like to see it start with Konrad the I until the parenthood is known.
Would be nice if there was some German Geni users who could set the record straight because there is a huge chance of mixing up the different part of the small states of germany and the familyes in the early middeleage.
In my opinion Geni schould be as belivable as possible based on what is known, think the Curators schould have that in mind samething goes with the "Experts", misleading information surves no purpose.
New Geni users might use the misleading informations because they think Geni is a thrusthworthy tool for genealogic research, espicially if you use some of the selfapointed experts wrong doinges because it reflect the majoritys opinion, the majoritys opinion is often based on a self illusion that a belivable storrie is the thruth.
Did Iraq have Chemical, nuclear weaponand othe mass destrucionb weapon, well the experts said they had, facts is ?
This was just an example how manipulative experts validation is, based on what someone wants you to belive to get what they want.
Kind regards
Per Skulason