One of the " your are related" posts showed up on my computer. Edward Norris 10th cousin. I am the great grandson of Alice Payne Thompson with of Sherrif Issac Whitaker Thompson. Edward Norris is a direct ancestor on the Payne line thus my direct ancestor- a more direct and simple connection. I have several time had linages sent as cousins who were direct ancestors.
Another issue related oddly is when both parents are descended from the same person---it usually only list paternal relation ship rather than for sake of example 3rd great grand parent of father and 5th great grandparent of mother. In Europe and also in early colonial areas of America due to small population and the auto not having been invented at the time, people often married cousins. I have one cousin for whom I am related to all 4 of her grandparents- at a sensible distance, yet she has shown up as not related...strange.
My main interst is the issue of Edward Norris- from the Norris Family of Norrisville Maryand and earlier another area of Maryland. Just seemed odd and felt other may be having simular questions about the same issue. Thanks kindly for making this more understandable. Enjoy you day, this is not pressing so an answer as time affords would be fine... Cheers Philip Whitaker Remare