Jan Hendrickse Meese Vrooman - Jan Hendricks Vrooman

Started by Barbara Boram on Thursday, May 15, 2014
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5/15/2014 at 11:37 AM

Johannes bapt. 15 Feb. 1653, no mother, not Geertruy Vroman or Gertruyd Johannes etc. Sponsor is Pieter Mees Vroomman (spelling) and Catrina Johannes.
Pieter marr. 1) Gertruit Weckmans and 2) Volkje Pieters
No recorded marr. of 4 July 1680
Schenectady church records burnt in 1690, no confirmed baptisms either except

3 Jan. 1695 Johannes
Maria 1696
Jacob 1698
Catarina 1701
Bartholomeus 1702
Engeltje 7 Nov. 1703

What is the source for a will of 24 Apr. 1732?

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