Private User has been kind enough to point out that Wikipedia has an updated article for
Which if we accept, means we need to take apart some of the "family" profiles in the Geni tree.
I think one way to approach this is child at a time.
It appears from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc287693355 that Walter de Hedsin, sheriff of Shropshire & Reginald de Bailleul, Sheriff of Shropshire were brothers.
@Roger de Busli, of Teckhill is my 28th grt grandfather he had 5 children Ernald de Busli, Albert De Bussel 3 rd Baron, Warren de Bussedl 1st Baron, Beatrice de Bully,@Warren de Bussel 2nd Baron http://www.geni.com/path/Judy+Rice+is+related+to+Roger+de+Busli+of+... this is my link i would remove Beatrice de Bully Judy Rice
Judy - look at the Wikipedia article here
It says he had no children & shows evidence.
@Maybe the links are wronghttp://1066.co.nz/library/battle_abbey_roll1/subchap92.htm or it was added wrong by Myrna Huthmacher and she knows the correct parents of the children Judy Rice
This reference would have Roger having a son Roger but also state that he died without issue thus ending this line.
It would appear that the son Roger died as an infant. There is also some conjecture that Beatrix might have been a daughter or more probably a sister and married William de Eu.
The male line of the de Busli family ran out in 1213 with the death of John Busli, Constable of Scarborourgh Castle. The de Busli family holdings passed into the family of Vipont through the marriage of Idonea de Busli (John's only child) with Robert de Vipont (Vieuxpont).
Because of the above information I would also question the addition of Gerbert, seigneur de Builli as a brother to Idonea.
So this daughter profile http://www.geni.com/people/Béatrice-de-Builly/6000000003243318183 is correctly married, possibly a daughter of Roger de Busil, more likely sister? Private User maybe you can evaluate?
I'm thinking we need placeholder parents for the 2 brothers, according to Medlands, who have an undefined by "not" parent / child relationship with Roger de Busil & Muriel.
That leaves several more children to re parent -
William de Busli, of Old Warden
Richard Bussell, 2nd Baron of Penwortham
Albert Bussell, 3rd Baron of Penwortham
It seems that if that information is correct, that all of these children with exception of maybe Beatrice, who could also be his sister instead of daughter. I have Beatrice in my master tree. No sources.
In the souce I listed, above, http://1066.co.nz/library/battle_abbey_roll1/subchap92.htm
it states that ; "Warine Bussel, supposed to have been the son (or brother) of Roger de Busli, was his successor, and ranks as the first Baron of Penwortham." which furthers the mystery of what Wikepedia is saying. We don't really have any definate proof here, only what people are gathering from the few crumbs of records that remain.
The de Busli Family Tree
I can’t find a relationship between Warin ‘le chauve’ de Lorraine, sheriff of Shropshire & Roger de Busli and have disconnected.
If one can be found, of course it can be reverted.