In a long discussion on Gorm den Gamle (Gorm "den Gamle", dansk konge), I think it's been established that we don't have any source giving the name of his father Hardeknut's spouses. I've therefore taken the liberty of disconnecting Ælfigu's profile from Hardeknut.
This has the side effect of leaving the two children named here (for which we also have no sources) fatherless.
Please discuss before considering reconnection!
Jason Scott Wills that's 2 of the 3 obvious alternatives I want to choose between (the 3rd being leaving them as children of Ælfugifu, but with a different father).
I'm not in a hurry, though.
@Harald Tveit Alvestrand .. Audun Skokule - is the settler Auðunn Skökull Bjornsson
Bjorn, father of Audunn was the son of "Hund-Steinar" who was an earl in England. Mother of Audunn was Alof, daughter of Ragnar Lodbrok. They had also the children Isgerdur and Eirikur.
Audun's first wife is unknown - but with her he had the daughter Thora Moshals, mother of Ulfhild who was the mother of Asta who was the mother of Olaf den Hellige.
His second wife was Thordis Thorgrimsdottir. ,,,,
Here is a link to an Icelandic page with info's on these people: http://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Au%C3%B0unn_sk%C3%B6kull_Bjarnarson
Private User that is why I love Geni so much - mysteries unravel so easily when we find the right persons to share the question with!
Is this person documented in Landnamabok?
Is it the same guy as Auðun Bjarnason Skökull who is an MP on Geni?
I'm itching to merge him - just want to check that I'm doing it right!
Hehe - I think I found where the name comes from.
Emma Ælfgifu of Normandy - she was married to the OTHER Hardaknut!
Grr..... Jason Scott Wills, did you just merge another one into this profile?
Somehow her "about me" has disappeared.
@Harald Tveit Alvestrand - here is a link to the settlers in Iceland
Harald Tveit Alvestrand you write in your first message: " I think it's been established that we don't have any source giving the name of his father Hardeknut's spouses." His showing back to Gorm den gamle. Here it looks like Hardeknut is established (proven?) as being the father of Gorm den gamle, is that what you are telling us?
Remi Trygve Pedersen we do not have any source giving a conflicting theory, as far as I can tell, and we do have sources stating that his name was Hardeknut (or equivalents in Icelandic and Latin).
Separation of concerns .... if you want to discuss that some more, please do it in the Gorm discussion, where we have all the source mentions that people have done available upstream.
Knud 1. den Store (Omkr. 1000 - 1035)
Konge af Danmark 1018-35, af England 1014-35 og af Norge 1028-35. Søn af Svend Tveskæg. Da faderen døde blev han hyldet af vikingehæren i England, men englænderne havde valgt Edmond Jernside til konge så Knud måtte de første to år sammen med kong Olaf af Norge og dennes bror Harald og kæmpe mod konge Edmund indtil denne blev besejret og Knud blev konge i England. Han forførte kong Olafs frille Alvine og Olaf afbrød krigssamarbejdet. I 1017 giftede han sig med Ethelred den Rådvildes enke Emma, der var datter af normannerhertugen Robert og Knuds søster Estrid giftede sig med hertugens bror Richard. Da han ikke selv kunne styre det store rige, delte han England i 4 jarledømmer, oprettede hirden Tinglid og hjemsendte hæren. Kong Olav af Norge og broderen Harald truede Knud med krig og i 1026 besejrede han den svenske og den norske konge ved Helgeån i Østskåne. Han støttede kirken og tog i 1027 til Rom og besøgte paven. I 1028 besejrede han Olav den Hellige fra Norge som måtte drage i landflygtighed, og indsatte i stedet sin søn med frillen Alfifa, Svend Alfifasøn som sin underkonge. Da hans søster Estrid blev fordrevet af svogeren Richard, måtte han også flygte ud af landet.
Han betragtede sig selv mest som konge over England og opholdt sig sjældent i Danmark. Han ligger begravet i domkirken i Winchester.
Ole Kristian Moustgaard what source are you quoting?
That seems to fit my comment above about where the name came from - but if those were her only children, that doesn't fit the names we have on this profile (Frode and Gudrid).
Ole Kristian Moustgaard this discussion, as you can tell from the subject line and the profile link in itallics at the top, is about the profile named Ælgifu that used to be listed as the wife of Hardeknut and the mother of Gorm.
She is listed with two children named Frode and Gudrid. We don't have a source for any of them.
Unknown Profile is the profile link.
@Sigurður are you referring to this book?
This chapter seems to be the 9th century Ælfilgu, again - Emma Ælfgifu of Normandy
Nice reference, and freely available too!
I think he meens page 189 and the start of the chapter is not only about Emma but also about Ælfgifu whom I think Private User is mentioning as the concubine of Knut den store.
Looking quickly at the profiles, it seems that Ælfgifu and Emma Ælfgifu of Normandy are intended to be the same person.
Should they be merged?
@Harald Tveit Alvestrand!
Ægilfu seems to have been 1st wife of Cnut
Emma nr. 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_of_Normandy