As to fake profiles... truly fake profiles...
*[Not those, created to create branches, for those which May Truly Have Been... based on "FAMILY LEGEND", as with some of the Norse lines... but due to lack of literacy (or dry paper and quill and ink...) were never recorded in writing... but by word of mouth.]
I think, these REALLY FAKE profiles are also, quite unnecessary and also, annoying and cause more chaos, than good... and as pointed out earlier in the discussion... sometimes created for traffickers of some kind, to communicate without persuit.... etc. BAD... yes, no question.
As for, pro and basic members ... I find the comment, in itself... hugely arrogant.
There are serious researchers, here on Geni who may have "basic" membership... some, because they have already invested their 400$ a year in other research groups and or are investing hundreds, elsewhere... to secure verification... ( for example.) and/or in genealogy hard-/soft- ware... etc. and just don´t feel the need to make it 600$ a year, to add/do/achieve the same things, they may have in other trees... here on GENI.
And with all due respect, Sir(s) and with no offense intended by any means... (which I can not claim for the composer, of the message before last, who can´t even seem to put a REAL NAME behind their commentary...), as for "nonesense" in the discussion threads...
as we say on the East Coast of Northern America...
"Joke ´em, if they can´t take a F***!"...
really...?! I mean, seriously...?
Is it not "proper etiquette" to share a unilateral giggle, every now and again... when it comes up?
(I think, you must admit, even to yourself... that the combinations conjured up in the relations, in the fake profiles mentioned above- Sophia Loren, Zack Efron, Lady GaGa... YODA... being raised by Wolves etc., were @the very least, regardless of the problematic posed ultimately, by their being... humorous... no?)
I think, there must be room in any conversational forum... for an off- hand comment, every now and again... and it all depends on the motivations of the composer.
But to compare this to a Troll.... attempting to disrupt or belittle or anything above a harmless, off the top of the head shot of HUMOR... (you know, "hahaha!"... like, "laugh a little... and then, you may continue being deathly stoic and taking yourselves gravely seriously.")... is, I find, completely over the top and making a mountain out of a molehill.
And I openly and publicly wish to state here-for mentioned, in support of my own internet representation and for one of my many GENI cousins, Alex, for the record.
Best Regards and a Wonderful May- Day, to all.