George Clooney

Started by Jerome F. Weber on Saturday, April 26, 2014
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I wish to report a bit of nonsense on geni. Among a long list of George Clooneys, including the actor (with his photo), there is a "George Clooney, Il fratello" with a photo recognizable as the actor. He is identified as the son of Sophia Loren, the father of Zac Efron, and the brother of John Brecevic (the manager of the profile), Jon Bon Jovi and Lady Gaga.

I suggest this joke is unworthy of a serious website.

On each profile that offends, first click the Actions Tab, then select Report from the drop down menu, then select Fake Profile on the drop down menu under Reason. Comments are optional. Click Submit to send your report.
Be advised that this process could turn into a full-time job. ;-)

This is the Master Profile for George.
George Timothy Clooney

George Clooney is Theresa Renée Eléna Delgado-Tossas (Tossas Cox adopted: Maculaitis)'s 14th cousin once removed!
Theresa Renée Eléna Delgado-Tossas (Tossas Cox adopted: Maculaitis)
You → Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley)
her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/Smith (Cromer)
her mother → Floyd Francis Cromer
her father → Elizabeth Ann Cromer (Grosvenor)
his mother → Araminta Margaret Grosvenor (Whitney) Houser
her mother → Francis Tufts Whitney
her father → Joseph Whitney
his father → Mercy Whitney (Hinckley)
his mother → Seth Hinckley
her father → Mary Hinckley (Freeman)
his mother → Sarah Freeman (Mayo)
her mother → Thomasine Mayo (Lumpkin)
her mother → Thomasine Lumpkin (Constable)
her mother → Thomas Constable
her father → Robert Constable, II
his brother → Francis Constable
his son → Anne Lee (Constable)
his daughter → William Constable Lee
her son → William Lee, of Richmond
his son → William Lee
his son → Ann "Nanny" Hanks (Lee)
his daughter → Lucy Hanks
her daughter → Mary Ann "Polly" Whitehouse (Sparrow)
her daughter → Lucinda "Lucy" Whitehouse
her daughter → James Jack Edwards
her son → Ansel Leroy Edwards
his son → Dica Mae Warren (Edwards)
his daughter → Nina Bruce Clooney (Warren)
her daughter → George Clooney
her son

Only a Pro member can do that. Be my guest ;-)

Bollocks, anyone can report a bogus profile.

I'm more surprised that he is Yoda's son but then I haven't seen the most recent StarWars movie.
When did Kristy Brinkley die?

PS you can report him if you can manage to get his profile open, only Pros can do that from the search results but there are other ways ... I just can't be bothered without my PC


There are 21 Eddard Stark's, considering he's not even a real person he has a lot of relatives building trees.

In the public directory I recently discovered several thousand fake profiles that started with www. They were reported and then disappeared. And anyone interested in even a cursory glance through the Directory will find an amazing amount of Fakes, Fillers, and Flim-Flam GENi profiles. Just like Facebook and MySpace, GENi is packed to the gills with profiles that either A) have nothing whatsoever to do with actual people, B) are profiles that were "made for" people who are real but who are not actually GENi users, or C) are fakes made by real people who are criminals who use them to communicate with their cohorts on a global scale. These are the simple facts, and anyone with a computer and a little common sense can easily find the proof of what I have said here today.

Luckily no one who will be reading this will have even the littlest amount of common sense.


After being prompted by this discussion to check how many Ned Starks we currently have I reanimated another discussion about fake profiles:

I just read the 13 posts, Alex.
Thanks for the info.
But what can be done?

The very first profile in the directory is a fake. Not a good omen for my inquiry . . .

\ A

I have Reported it and asked that it be deleted.

Make a Game of Thrones(?) Project and link it to the Fake Profiles and Harry Potter Projects.

Invite the managers of the fake profiles to add them to the new project, then start merging.

I believe that once the managers are engaged in the project other members of the project can request management of the specific fake profiles giving access to the whole isolated tree.

I _think_ that once i have requested and been granted management for one profile in an isolated tree i then have access to all the profiles in that tree (provided they are public)?

I wanted to start a conversation about it before proceeding to get some input from other guru types.

For example many of the managers are fake profiles themselves so how will that work?

How do you know \ A is fake?

Date Added and Activity Tab and it's a Standalone.
Have a look.
Any legitimate Profile will be connected to other profiles and have something happening.

You are more than welcome to jump in and contribute your commonsense ideas and solutions to any of the many problems relevant to Fake Profiles.

Maybe he's a hermit... an orphan hermit, raised by goats?

I´ve heard, it´s been known to happen... really.

wolves, though.... it was, Alex, I believe, it was wolves. ;-)

There were two Italian brothers that were raised by a Wolf. ..

Eddard Stark is part of a Stark family tree added by Leona Williams. She lists herself as the mother of Venus and sister of Serena. Familiar ladies by those names are sisters, so this is something else.

The line of discussion now involves several problems. 1) I started this discussion with a false profile of a real person who has a real profile; it was started by someone who made himself a brother of GC along with a lot of other nonsense.

2) There are false profiles of non-persons which just clutter up geni.

3) There are fictitious profiles such as Harry Potter; they don't belong on geni but some sort of solution has apparently been arrived at.

4) There are legendary/mythological/relgious profiles that hardly conform to any idea of a worldwide family tree of ordinary people; these are hard to sort out without offending some people, though I would like to distinguish between religious figures who undoubtedly lived and mythical figures who are no more than legendary. I realize that such a distinction opens up a can of worms.

I'd like to return to my original premise. There must be more falsities such as the George Clooney profile that need to be uprooted by high authority.

You are starting to discover, Jerome, that GENi is not what you thought it would be. I made a similar discovery, back when I was new to the site.
There are many people here whose only interest is in posting their relationship to whatever profile is mentioned in any discussion. And, there are many people whose only interest is to be a nuisance, by posting little smart-ass comments everywhere. It seems that you, like me, are interested in getting rid of all the nonsense and having serious discussions. I'm sad to have to report that you will be disappointed at least fifty percent of the time. And as far as a "high authority" stepping in to clear out the fakes and punish the wrong-doers . . .well that's most likely never going to happen. As a Scientist (who is also very Spiritual) I like to make and keep notes so that my many different research projects (here and in real life) don't "lose ground" due to my forgetfulness. Discussions are a good way to do this on GENi, provided that you can ignore the "trolls", which is difficult. From Wikipedia; Troll (internet) "In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]"

A good example of successfully using a Discussion to keep notes organized and make forward progress in an investigation is my Discussion (that I am having with myself) about the Saunders Children which can be seen here

An example of smart-ass GENi trolls trying to ruin a good start to a conversation can be seen here on your Discussion, and in the one you inspired that I started, seen here

In my Fake Profiles Discussion, notice how one of our most highly regarded Curators (Shmuel, a guardian of the biblical tree) responds right away and very politely deletes a Fake Profile, while Basic User Alex Moes contributes only the same sort of nonsense that can be seen in his contributions on this, your discussion.

I'm sorry that things are the way they are.
I wish you good luck in your online endeavors.

Jerome F. Weber

It is extremely easy to report a Fake profile, on each profile page is a button labelled "Actions" in the upper right corner, click on in and a menu will drop down the last option of which is "Report". You can select from several reasons for reporting and there is also a text box where you can add a note.

It can take several days to a week to get a response from Customer Service but they are very busy apparently.

This is the process as described by EPA, to which you replied "Only PROs can do that".

You are incorrect in your statement, i.e. what you said is "bollocks". Anybody using Geni can use the Report function.

Your likely issue is that you have found this fake George Clooney using the Geni Search function and therefore cannot follow the hyperlink to the actual profile (this is about the only real difference between a Pro and Basic member).

PS The fake profiles in question have all been deleted as has the profile of John Brecevic the manager.

As to fake profiles... truly fake profiles...

*[Not those, created to create branches, for those which May Truly Have Been... based on "FAMILY LEGEND", as with some of the Norse lines... but due to lack of literacy (or dry paper and quill and ink...) were never recorded in writing... but by word of mouth.]

I think, these REALLY FAKE profiles are also, quite unnecessary and also, annoying and cause more chaos, than good... and as pointed out earlier in the discussion... sometimes created for traffickers of some kind, to communicate without persuit.... etc. BAD... yes, no question.

As for, pro and basic members ... I find the comment, in itself... hugely arrogant.

There are serious researchers, here on Geni who may have "basic" membership... some, because they have already invested their 400$ a year in other research groups and or are investing hundreds, elsewhere... to secure verification... ( for example.) and/or in genealogy hard-/soft- ware... etc. and just don´t feel the need to make it 600$ a year, to add/do/achieve the same things, they may have in other trees... here on GENI.

And with all due respect, Sir(s) and with no offense intended by any means... (which I can not claim for the composer, of the message before last, who can´t even seem to put a REAL NAME behind their commentary...), as for "nonesense" in the discussion threads...

as we say on the East Coast of Northern America...
"Joke ´em, if they can´t take a F***!"...

really...?! I mean, seriously...?

Is it not "proper etiquette" to share a unilateral giggle, every now and again... when it comes up?
(I think, you must admit, even to yourself... that the combinations conjured up in the relations, in the fake profiles mentioned above- Sophia Loren, Zack Efron, Lady GaGa... YODA... being raised by Wolves etc., were @the very least, regardless of the problematic posed ultimately, by their being... humorous... no?)

I think, there must be room in any conversational forum... for an off- hand comment, every now and again... and it all depends on the motivations of the composer.

But to compare this to a Troll.... attempting to disrupt or belittle or anything above a harmless, off the top of the head shot of HUMOR... (you know, "hahaha!"... like, "laugh a little... and then, you may continue being deathly stoic and taking yourselves gravely seriously.")... is, I find, completely over the top and making a mountain out of a molehill.
And I openly and publicly wish to state here-for mentioned, in support of my own internet representation and for one of my many GENI cousins, Alex, for the record.

Best Regards and a Wonderful May- Day, to all.

p.s. I am all for X- ing... 1, 2 AND even 3 of the previously mentioned catagories, from Jerome. ;-)

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