When I merged the profiles I did not accept any of the choices for a birth date as there were numerous conflicting choices ranging from none to 10 Jan to 10 Jan 1575. If someone has a source to verify any of the proposed dates that the numerous profiles had please update the birth date and reference the source for it.
Hilary, that is fine, I am not dogmatic about the issue, I just didn't want to add a fact that there was not general agreement on. If you think it is accurate I am good with it (of course others may differ).
On another note, there is now a duplicate of their son Eliezer's tree which we will need to merge as well.
hi seth,
when you refer to "their son Eliezer's tree" are you referring to the following:
Eliezer Margaliyot, Rav of Luboml
the above person was merged yesterday. did you find another one?
please list.
i am going to add jan 10, 1575 to sheindel's birthdate as hilary pointed out there is no conflict.
So, now are:
Rabbi Yehoudah Yehuda Margaliyot, of Putick
Duplicates? They appear to be. . .
I am related to both in the same way - so it seems to me they are the same Yehudah Potick.
But, when you finish with them, here is another of my relatives, called Yehuda from Patick. I do not know his father's name, but his grandfather was Mordechai or Mendel Margaliot:
Unknown Profile
All the best for the complications,
It is interesting and one of the annoying features of how geni calculates pathes that Harav Yehude of Potick shows correctly as my 1st cousin 9 times removed straight from paternal lines but if I go to his grandson it calculates a completely different circuitous in-law path through the Schor family with almost three times as many steps in it and a non-blood relationship breaking it up.
I have a similar problem with a much closer relative who is a 2nd cousin 2 times removed which is perfectly evident from the connections on the tree and there should be only about 4 steps to get to her and yet the path shows an in-law relationship with 23 intervening people.
Hi everyone,
I noticed you do not know who the wife of Yehuda from Patik was.
Well she is my relative, and belongs to the family of Yechiel Michel Catz from Nemirov, who was killed in the Chmelnitzki killings תח-תט.
All Pros - please check. Here is my Yehuda from Patik profile, once again:
Unknown Profile
hi seth,
appropo your problem with the geni next of kin, i just sent 2 letters to geni.
in the first i complained that my 6th great grandfather's father is listed as
a distant cousin of mine.
they answered some sort of nonsense but also, instead of fixing my 7th great grandfather they messed up so that also my 6th great grandfather is listed as a distant cousin. this was my 2nd letter to them.
Shlomo Flam - we can help you with that. There are usually two possible reasons - one there is something wrong (like a merge) with the tree and two (more often) you are getting cached results. You should try starting with your own profile and walking "up" the tree to your 7th great grandfather to see if you can force it to clear the cache and recalculate.
Also, give me a link to your 7th ggf here and I can take a look too and see if I see any reason for this.
Hatte Blejer (absent until Nov 1) This is a good example for me (although the one I cited above is good too. I walked up and down the tree and yet it changes the path from one generation to the next):
is the daughter of my fifth great uncle. The path calculated is not through him but through her husband and is in no way the shortest or most accurate path. I have tried everything to get it to calculate correctly.
Okay, I did a curator "trick" to get it to re-calulate instead of using the cached value:
Check it out yourself now, to make sure.
the following is what i wrote in my second letter to geni:
This is a follow-up to your previous request #57641 "greatgrandfather incorrectl..."
i am sorry to inform you but you made matters WORSE.
instead of having my 7th grandfather corrected, you now eliminated my 6th grandfather.
the following 3 persons should be my 6th, 7th and 8th grandfather:
Rabbi Moshe Rokeach, ABD Zloczew
Rabbi Elazar Rokeach, Ma'ase Roke'ach - ABD Rakow, Tarnow, Brody. Amsterdam
Shmuel Shmelke Tailors Rabbi of Brody
please correct this
thanks in advance
Hatte Blejer (absent until Nov 1)
Rajca Grossman is Seth Lawrence Morgulas' first cousin five times removed!
Seth Morgulas Your issue was entirely the cache issue.
Shlomo Flam hopefully your issue will be an easy clear the cache issue too. I'll take a look.
Your issue was also a cache issue. I checked 4 of your ancestors and by clearing the cache, the direct ancestry relationship was calculated.
Go ahead and check again please.
I have not heard of a plan to fix this. Erica Howton may have more insight.
Has the behavior changed recently, or is this the same behavior we have seen for years? I know that I was told that the cache is cleaned every few weeks (I think) and you just have to wait a few weeks or you can "walk" up the tree or "down" the tree and force it to re-calculate the relationship.
This used to be very mysterious and annoying to me when I first joined Geni. d
for the past 11 days i haven't been able to go to this discussion.
i would get a blank, not responsive page. today, with the help of the microsoft support team i found the solution. the solution is simple: changing my encoder from UTF-8 to WESTERN EUROPEAN (WINDOWS).
my problem with my 6th, 7th and 8th grandfathers is solved although i don't
know who or what solved it.