I don't know which is the oldest known Aaronic priest on GenI. Nor what they were, except by Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaronic_priesthood_%28Latter_Day_Saint...
Perhaps he was among those ggf living before(in the time) the 100th generation of our own trees:
Pharez / פרץ . is your 100th great grandfather Pharez .
Iry-Hor, Faraón de Egipto, son of Horus, is your 100th great grandfather Horus (Egyptian Mythology)
Dian mac Rotheachta, Prince of Ireland, is your 100th great grandfather Dian mac Rotheachta, {Legendary, Annals of the Four Masters}
Ashur-uballit I, King of Assyria, is your 100th great grandfather Ashur-uballit I, king of Assyria
Rothechtaid Rigderg mac Maoin, son of Maoin I Oilbhuagach MacAongus, is your 100th great grandfather Rothechtaid Rigderg mac Maoin, {Legendary, Annals of the Four Masters}
Lamech / למך / لمك . is your 99th great grandfather Lamech .
Ashmua / Betnos . is your 99th great grandmother Ashmua / Betnos .
Rothechtaid, mac Maoin, is your 101st great grandfather Rothechtaid Rigderg mac Maoin, {Legendary, Annals of the Four Masters}
Horus, Dios del Cielo, el Sol y la Guerra is your 101st great grandfather Horus (Egyptian Mythology)
Maoin I Oilbhuagach MacAongus is your 101st great grandfather Maoin I Oilbhuagach, High King of Ireland {Legendary} Maoin I Oilbhuagach, High King of Ireland {Legendary}
Eriba-Adad I, King of Assyria, is your 101st great grandfather Eriba-Adad I, King of Assyria
Hvarfiad . na h'Éireann, wife of Maoin I Oilbhuagach MacAongus, is your 101st great grandmother Hvarfiad . na h'Éireann
Enoch / חנוך / إدريس . is your 101st great grandfather Enoch / Idris
Edna . is your 101st great grandmother Edna .
Ashur-bel-nisheshu, King of Assyria, is your 102nd great grandfather Aššūr-bēl-nīšēšu, king of Assyria
Jared / ירד / اليارد . is your 102nd great grandfather Jared .
Baraka / Baltsa / Beltsea . is your 102nd great grandmother Baraka / Baltsa / Beltsea
Aonghus Olmucadha, The Big Headed One Mac Fiacha, Rí na h'Éireann, is your 103rd great grandfather Aonghus Olmucadha, High King of Ireland {Legendary}
Geb, father of Isis, Reina de los Dioses, and Seth, is your 103rd great grandfather Geb
Ashur-nirari II, King of Assyria, is your 103rd great grandfather Ashur-nirari II, King of Assyria
Mahalalel / מהללאל / مهلائيل . is your 103rd great grandfather Mahalalel .
Dinah / Dîmâh . is your 103rd great grandmother Dinah / Dîmâh .
Fiacha Labhrainne MacSimorgoill, is your 104th great grandfather Fiacha Labhrainne mac Simorgoill
Enlil-Nasir II, King of Assyria, is your 104th great grandfather Enlil-Nasir II, King of Assyria
Cainan / קינן / قينان . is your 104th great grandfather Cainan .
Mualeleth . is your 104th great grandmother Mualeleth .
Ashur-rabi I (King) Ashur-rabi I of of ASSYRIA (?-1451bc), King of Assyria, is your 105th great grandfather Ashur-rabi I, King of Assyria
Simorgoill mac Eanbotha, High King of Ireland, is your 105th great grandfather Simorgoill, High King of Ireland {Legendary}
Enosh / אנוש / أنوش . is your 105th great grandfather Enosh .
Noam / נועם . is your 105th great grandmother Noam .
Enlil-nasir I (King) Enlil-nasir I of of ASSYRIA, King of Assyria, is your 106th great grandfather Enlil-nasir I, King of Assyria
Eanbrotha MacTighearnmas, King of Ireland, is your 106th great grandfather Eanbrotha, High King of Ireland {Legendary}
th great grandfather Seth .
Azûrâ / Aklia / Akilia / Aklemia . is your 106th great grandmother Azura .
Puzur-Ashur III, King of Assyria, is your 107th great grandfather Puzur-Ashur III, King of Assyria
Tighearnmhas Masius mac Follach, High King of Ireland, is your 107th great grandfather Tighearnmhas Masius, High King of Ireland {Legendary}
Adam / אדם / آدم . is your 107th great grandfather Adam of Eden
Eve / חוה / حواء . is your 107th great grandmother Eve of Eden
Ashur-nirari I, King of Assyria, is your 108th great grandfather Ashur-nirari I, King of Assyria
Follach, Folian mac Eithrial, is your 108th great grandfather Follach Folian mac Eithrial
Ishme-Dagan II, King of Assyria, is your 109th great grandfather Ishme-Dagan II, King of Assyria
Eithriall, 11th High King of Ireland, is your 109th great grandfather Eithriall, 11th High King of Ireland {Legendary}
Irial Faidh, 10th High King of Ireland, is your 110th great grandfather Irial Faidh, 10th High King of Ireland {Legendary}
Shamshi-Adad II, Assyria, is your 110th great grandfather Shamshi-Adad II
Erishum III, King of Assyria, is your 111th great grandfather Erishum III, King of Assyria
Érimón mac Míl Espáine, 2nd High King of Ireland(circa -1750 Egypt/-1683 Ireland), is your 111th great grandfather Érimón mac Míl Espáine, 2nd High King of Ireland {Legendary}
Shu-Ninua, King of Assyria, is your 112th great grandfather Shu-Ninua, king of Assyria
Galamh, Milesius of Spain, King of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal (circa -1763/-1699), is your 112th great grandfather Milesius Galamh (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Scota(circa -1750-Egypt/-1700-Ireland), Queen of the Gadelians, wife of Galamh, Milesius of Spain, King of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal, is your 112th great grandmother Scota, Queen of the Gadelians {fictitious}
Bilé mac Breoghain, King of Galicia is your 112th great grandfather Bilé (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Baun of Galicia, wife of Bilé mac Breoghain, King of Galicia is your 112th great grandmother Baun of Galicia
Breoghan, King of Galicia, is your 113th great grandfather Breoghan (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Daughter of Brathaus of Getulia, wife of Breoghan, King of Galicia, is your 113th great grandmother NN . wife of Breoghan, of Galicia
Bazaya, King of Assyria, is your 113th great grandfather Bazaya, King of Assyria
Breoghan, King of Galicia, is your 114th great grandfather Breoghan (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Iptar-Sin, King of Assyria, is your 114th great grandfather Iptar-Sin, King of Assyria
Sharma-Adad I, King of Assyria, is your 115th great grandfather Sharma-Adad I, King of Assyria
Brath, King of Gothia(circa -1805-Macotic Marshes on the Black Sea,Gothia/-1715-Galícia, Iberia),is your 115th great grandfather Brath (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Libaya, King of Assyria, is your 116th great grandfather Libaya, king of Assyria
Bel-bani, King of Assyria(abt.1691 BCE, Assyria), is your 117th great grandfather Bel-bani, king of Assyria
Adasi, King of Assyria(before 1548BCE), is your 118th great grandfather Adasi, king of Assyria
Alladh King of Ireland(circa – 1858), King of Gothia(Gothia, Getulia, now Lybia, North Africa), is your 118th great grandfather Alladh (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Agnan Fionn, King of Gothia, is your 122nd great grandfather Agnan Fionn (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Tait, King of Scythia(Scythia,Ukraine), is your 126th great grandfather Tait, King of Scythia (Lebor Gabála Érenn) Oghaman, King of Scythia is your 126th great grandfather Oghaman, King of Scythia (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Beouman, King of Scythia is your 127th great grandfather Boamhain (Lebor Gabála Érenn) Boamhain (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Heber Scut is your 128th great grandfather Heber "the Scot" (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Sruth / Srú is your 129th great grandfather Sruth (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Asruth is your 130th great grandfather Asruth (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Gaodhal Glas . is your 131st great grandfather Gaodhal Glas (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Neuil Nemnach, King of Scythia, is your 132nd great grandfather Niul Nemnach, King of Scythia (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Phoeniusa Farsaidh, King of Scythia, is your 133rd great grandfather Fénius Farsaid, King of Scythia (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Bathath is your 134th great grandfather Bathath Farssaidh, King of Scythia (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Magog (Irish version) is your 135th great grandfather Magog . (Irish version) (Lebor Gabála Érenn)
Magog, מגוג (Genesis 10:2; Chronicles 1:5), one of Noah’s grandsons, ancestor of the Scythians, north of the Black Sea, is your 136th great grandfather Magog . (Irish version) (Lebor Gabála Érenn)