Catalina Manuel de Lando, de Figueroa
Story of a Lineage: The Manuel
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Praetorian Guard
From: November 6, 2009
Author: Hasting, 30/Oct/2007 13:17 GMT +1:
This is a summary of a research paper I presented at the CSIC conference.
The origin of this lineage must be traced back to Ferdinand III King of Castile and Leon, San Fernando from 1671. King D. Fernando was born about the year 1201 and died in 1252, he married Mrs. Beatrice of Swabia who was the daughter of Philip of Swabia, King of Germany and Irene Angelo, granddaughter, therefore, the famous Emperor Frederick Barbarossa house HOHENSTAUFFEN and Isaac II Angelus Byzantine family.
The youngest son of this marriage was the Infante D. Manuel . According to the testimony of his own son, the famous D. Juan Manuel, in his treatise THAT DON JUAN MANUEL fizo WEAPONS THAT WERE GIVEN TO HIS FATHER ... San Fernando knowing that it was time to give arms to his son summoned the Archbishop of Sevilla D. Losana Ramon who in his day baptize the infant (this was about sixteen years of age at death of San Fernando). He tells Mr. Villena himself "Archbishop devisole these weapons as you bring agora, which are paneled et dyed white and bring them straight as kings. Et on the vermilion cuarterón do walk the golden castiello put him one wing with a gold hand that brings home a sword unsheathed. Et in paneled in white walking the lion put that same lion. Et ... so are our weapons. "
Much has been said and brought about the meaning and order of these weapons. Most show the wing with sword in the first and fourth quarters leaving the other to the lions representing the royal arms of the Kingdom of León. Exception to this is a seal of a document D. Manuel whose imprint is represented on horseback with drawn sword. In this imprint weapons are just, backwards. First Lions and then the wings, both carrying the knight shield and the horse trappings. On the reverse the arms is again in the same provision. The stamp is from the year 1253 and is located in the Historical Archive of Madrid.
On the significance of these weapons D. Juan Manuel gave an explanation of the virtues that represent each of the pieces in this very explanation of the symbolism of time is unlikely to reality. D. Ramón Menéndez Pidal believed that it could be a representation of the maternal grandparents Angelo and sword represent the murder of the last emperor of this family. D. Faustino Menéndez - Pidal confirmed the chimeric nature of this explanation.
More likely is that the barracks represent the Castilla / León families - Angelo playing with the sound of the words used - wing, manu-el. The sword may be the famous "Lobera" san Fernando, the most precious relic of Manuel and through the line of Joanna today is kept in the Royal Armouries Royal Palace of Madrid. Noticeable Infante apart Manor Villena inherited the sword of King Ferdinand with a curious clause and desire ... "Whenever you enter combat victory to follow." The clause was that ... "always entered first in battle," thus ensured that their descendants were always named in the chronicles as the heralds had to record the events of the fight and then make a list of the events for the chroniclers.
The name Manuel, is the own D. Juan Manuel returns to explain the origin. In his BOOK OF WEAPONS tells us as he had heard his attendants and servants Queen Ms Beatriz had a dream in which an angel prophesied that the fruit of her womb avenge the death of Jesus Christ. The queen told this dream to her husband who in turn told the Bishop of Segovia Losana Ramon, who later would be the archbishop of Seville before named. This volume data sleep (Jesus Emmanuel is the name of Jesus Christ) together with the fact that an uncle of Queen was the name of Manuel and an Emperor of Byzantium and chose this name for the baby.
He married twice D. Manuel and his second wife, Constance of Savoy c. 1274, had a D . Juan Manuel (1282-Córdoba Escalona 1348). D. Manuel had time to greatly expand his dominion of Villena for the support that he gave his nephew Sancho IV against Alfonso X, being also, Advance Frontier and Advanced Greater the kingdom of Murcia. It is known that Germany was in claiming rights of his brother. He died on Christmas day 1283 leaving an heir to one year old.
D. Juan Manuel was orphaned child, his mother Mrs. Constance had to fight tirelessly to protect the assets of his son until his death in 1290. Since then the child, eight years old, would be under the tutelage of his household as the butler Juan Sánchez de Ayala or ayo Gómez Fernández.
Author: Hasting, 30/Oct/2007 13:21 GMT +1:
Much has been made of D. Juan Manuel, is one of the leading figures of Medieval Spain and one of his literary heights. The image that it has come to us this very influenced by romantic visions and concepts, ideas that often these occur "kick" with historical reality. It is not my intention to denigrate her figure but I would like to make clear his personality. Fatherless year-old lost his mother at age eight, nine territories are invaded by enemies who form their own family, eleven is warring on the borders of Murcia. All these circumstances form a deeply distrustful to cynicism, sensible, pragmatic to cruelty, is loyal to those loyal to him in a thousand shades and rich showed that complex personality in his writings.
I will mention just three anecdotes that illustrate his person: - the first is about the creation of the convent of the preachers in Peñafiel for which he gave his own house. Noble and selfless act if he did not to avoid conflict with the church as he had broken the law of the church sanctuary. What little is known is unclear, it appears that a gentleman of Peñafiel angered the powerful lord so much that had to flee to avoid the wrath of the Lord of Villena. To do this go into church to benefit from the sanctuary, but D. Juan Manuel armed stormed into the church and there are two versions, the gentleman slew well within either dragged him to the plaza where just the fact remains that killed him. So in 1318 he founded the said convent in the town of Peñafiel.
- The second story takes us to his uncle D. Enrique called "Senator" for having made choice senator of Rome when he was there. Characters so restless and disturbing as his nephew, had no children and looking at the deathbed command message to his nephew, who was his heir, to visit him in his last moments. Came D. Juan Manuel de Murcia, where he was busy defending these territories against the Aragonese, to appear in the last moments of his uncle. But days passed and D. Enrique died not finally D. Juan Manuel is tired of waiting and decided to take what was already practically his. Dismount the house, furniture and few llevose had riches and leave the poor D. Enrique on the floor barely covered by a blanket. You can imagine the last words that D. Enrique would lead to his nephew. These two stories, all false security, have come to us through the chronicles of the reign of Alfonso XI, king I did everything in their power to denigrate the memory of which was his most fierce opponent in those turbulent times. But the fact that all true give for these reports indicate that fitted well to the craggy personality and rebellious lord of Villena.
- The third is well known by all, D. Juan Manuel decides to marry her daughter, Ms. Constance, daughter of Constance of Aragon his second wife, with King Alfonso XI. This reluctantly agrees and nothing more locks held betrothal Ms Constanza and declare their marriage null. D. Juan Manuel outraged by the behavior of his nephew is denatured, breaks his oath to his king and declares war. To do not hesitate to ally with the Moorish kingdom of Granada to ravage the lands of Castile. Alfonso XI has done is forced peace with his rebellious vassal and end a war that looked disastrous for him. Made amends D. Juan Manuel has no qualms about turning against the Moorish troops who have helped defeat them and then keep the accumulated loot.
Was D. Juan Manuel one of the most powerful men of his time, you get to name as "third king of Castile" as the second serious Don Juan "one-eyed", infant son of D. Nephew of John D. Juan Manuel. His possessions were huge and as such let his son "could cross the Pyrenees to Granada always sleeping at home."
The list of his possessions is as follows: - in Old Castile: Ameyugo, Lerma, Lara, Aza, Cuellar, Peñafiel, Torrelobaton, Villafranca.
- in New Castile: Isso, La Roda, Jorquera, Yecla, Tobarra, Hellin, Almansa, Villena, Chinchilla, Galbe of sips, Palazuelos, Ledanca, Cifuentes, Val de San García, Trillo, Brihuega, Salmeron, Alcocer, Escalona, Maqueda, Santa Olalla, Castejon, Torralba, Buendia, Villar del Saz, Huete, Montalbo, Zafra of Zancara, La Hinojosa Puebla de Almenara, Garcimunoz Alarcon, Belmonte, The Cañete, Iniesta, El Provencio.
- In Murcia removing the capital city and Mula, I controlled the entire kingdom.
The above list is multiplied by much since each of these populations were heads of party or manor being so each of them had in their territory other locations. So Manor Villena reached five provinces and encompassed more than twenty locations all party heads.
D. Juan Manuel never was Duke or Count de Villena as some authors have said but if it was Prince of Villena. The first was on a peninsula that was not heir to the royal crown. After he would Manuel Godoy, Prince of Peace, and Baldomero Espartero, Prince of Vergara. The title and what treatment is granted Alfonso IV of Aragon and serious cuts to date ratified in 1330. Duke would later appointed by the son of the former, King Pedro of Aragon, his ally against King Alfonso XI of Castile, but we ignore the exact name. His tomb, now destroyed, had an inscription that "Prince of Villena and Duke of Peñafiel" it read.
D. Juan Manuel married three times - first with an Infanta de Mallorca on October 3, 1299, Mrs. Elizabeth with whom he had a son, D. Alfonso, who died child. Ms. Isabel died in 1301.
- the second time the event with Ms. Constance daughter of James II of Aragon and who would have to Ms Constance in 1334 that Manuel would leave for Portugal to marry King Peter. In the entourage of Ms. Constance also his half-brother would D. Manuel Enrique which will be discussed and Ms. Ines de Castro, "Agnes Heron neck" that would result in the famous episode of "reign after death."
- married for the third time D. Juan Manuel with Ms. Blanca de la Cerda y Lara, daughter of D. Fernando de la Cerda and Ms. Juana Núñez de Lara called "Moth" sister of Mr. Lara and Vizcaya. From this marriage were born two children D. Fernando and Doña Juana.
In 1347 die D. Juan Manuel Córdoba was later transferred his remains to be buried in Peñafiel to the convent of the preachers of the town fathers.
It happened in their states D. Fernando. In the chronicles of king Alfonso XI as we have accompanied his master to the site of Algeciras. The Black Death that ravaged Europe had gripped the besieging army charging numerous victims including the king himself. Quickly raised the siege and departed to the city of Seville, where they met Cortes as the Crown Prince, D. Peter had contracted fever and was on the verge of death. The court decreed that the death of D. Pedro inherited the crown of Castile and Leon D. Juan Nunez de Lara, who was Ancestry "De la Cerda" since his death this ball more direct blood heir of san Fernando is D. Fernando Manuel who at the time was married to Ms. Juana of Aragon, daughter of the Earl of Ampurias, and the father of a child, Ms. Blanca.
Peter recovered from his illness, and Pedro I, send kill D. Juan Nunez de Lara and hostage-taking in the Alcazar of Seville to Ms. Blanca Manuel, daughter of D. Fernando.
For the year of 1352 has gone all the seed of D. Juan Nunez and D. Fernando Manuel and his daughter, Ms. Blanca.
Ms Juana Manuel , sister of D. Fernando had been under the tutelage of Ms. Leonor de Guzman, Alfonso XI lover and mother of Tras-tamara'a. This aware of the death of his lover in the siege of Algeciras see the possibilities and make the girl marry his eldest son, Henry of Castile.
With the death of Nunez de Lara and his brother and niece Ms Juana becomes the heir to the entire estate of D. Juan Manuel to which must be added the manors of D. Fernando de la Cerda but the Vizcaya and Lara. The total represented more than a quarter of the kingdom, D. Pedro could not possibly allow his half brother had such enormous wealth meant a direct threat to the crown so retained the heritage of Joanna.
It is known by all as in the fields of Montiel D. Henry killed his brother became king of Castile as the mercenary Beltran Duglescin influenced it while coining a phrase for posterity ("neither put off nor king but help my lord").
Henry II "on the mercedes", was made king of Castile and Leon, it had the right of war, but was well aware that the legitimacy of blood came from his wife, Mrs. Juana. That is why during the early years of his reign the seal out (Round) I use to confirm privileges included, along with the arms of Castile and Leon, the winged sword arm of Manuel.
Their son would be John I of Castile and León to marry his cousin Beatriz of Portugal. We see that the head of every Manuels is the Royal House of Spain being the only ones to bear the title, coveted throughout history it represented the prestige of lord of the house of the Manuels
Peñafiel castle built by d. Juan Manuel was renovated by Giron in the fifteenth century. D. Alarcon property Juan Manuel.
Author: Hasting, 30/Oct/2007 13:27 GMT +1:
Illegitimate offspring.
D. had Juan Manuel other children out of wedlock with a noble lady named Ines de Castañeda. Little is known of this person but it is known that at least had two children with her: D. Sancho and D. Fernando.
Some authors put a date of birth of D. Sancho the year of 1283, this may not be possible because his father D. Juan Manuel had a year to live. This error is due to confusion with another D. Sancho Manuel was brother of D. Juan Manuel and natural son of Infante D. Manuel. The Don Sancho was Mr. Manuel said Carcelen and Montealegre and his brother married Beatriz Castaneda, full sister of Agnes. With her he had at least three sons: Sancho, Beatriz and Rodrigo.
It is known that his father appointed him governor of Murcia and it was in this town as his representative in 1320.
On the death of D. Juan Manuel, D. Sancho is lord of Guarromán, Two Sisters and Carrion. And also controlled large areas in the kingdom of Murcia giving their name to towns such as Manuel Sancho Tower. He was buried in the convent of the Order of Preachers founded by his father in Peñafiel. His son Manuel Sanchez custom decoration of the chapel Prince as recorded the legend that decorates the chapel.
Big Brother D. Manuel Sanchez was D. Juan Manuel Sánchez who inherited the manor of Carrión being created Earl of that place. The title is not continuous and in recent times by the attempt to rehabilitate the house of Osuna without success.
The offspring of D. Sancho Murcia partitioned by creating a network of family alliances in the fifteenth century clash against another powerful family in the kingdom of Murcia: Fajardo. Wars between Fajardos ensangrentarían Manuels and taking them to the land which would require depopulation in the sixteenth century, Charles I has set a policy of reforestation in the kingdom of Murcia.
The war ends with the extermination of the Manuels. The survivors scattered and therefore Andalusia remains of houses are on the wings of this family: Úbeda, Baeza, Cordoba and Seville. Important in the latter sites are numerous and older gentlemen Twenty Mayors for the Noble status found in these cities. In Seville we find the Monastery of Mount Zion founded by Ms. Manuel Mencia, Chapel Ms Guiomar Manuel in front of the Cathedral Chapel of the Kings and the graves in the church of the Savior.
Another member of this lineage married a Lando Ruiz who bartered their wings and weapons acolando bordure lions on their own weapons and changing its name to Manuel or Manuel Ruiz Lando Lando. Eventually receive the mercy of the title of Count of Counts by selecting the name of Santa Cruz Manuels.
Not all people with the surname derived from this Manuel D. Sancho. After the Infante D. Manuel was the first of the name in Castile, the name that became popular so I went into composition without the patronymic ending-ez characteristic of these. Otherwise they took the name of the place of origin, coming from the land of the Manuel or by being born in the village of Manuel in Valencia. Certainly the municipal arms of this town are those of the Manuel family.
He was brother of double bond of D. Sancho and half brother of Ms. Constance who accompany Portugal in the year 1334. Boy should be a few years old.
In 1367, reigning D. Fernando I of Portugal, and we find him as one of the leading gentlemen of this kingdom. It is Count of Cea or Seia and Sintra, Cascais lord, married to Mrs. Margarita Meneses sister Leonor married to the king of Portugal. Thus we find that the uncle of the king of Portugal and his brother. Uncle of the King of Castile, D. Juan I, through his mother and uncle, as D. John I married to Ms. Beatriz of Portugal, daughter of D. Fernando and Leonor.
On the death of Ferdinand I, his son Juan I of Castile claimed the crown of Portugal on behalf of his wife Doña Beatriz. D. Enrique supports the rights of his niece and creates a coalition of nobles captained coming to join two thousand spears, which seems somewhat exaggerated figure for his father D. Juan Manuel at the time of maximum power could end up having half unaided king and seemed much longer. For two years, from 1383-1385, the kingdom remains subject to the Castilian crown but the battle of Aljubarrota (1385) definitely breaks any claim on this realm.
D. Enrique loses absolutely everything and so is presented to his nephew which granted the manors of Montealegre, Meneses, Belmonte and elsewhere. But all this fails to compensate for the losses he suffered in Portugal.
Die D. Enrique in 1390 and was buried in the convent of Preachers Peñafiel.
His eldest son Pedro and Manuel Meneses , II Mr. Montealegre, would accompany him to the grave the following year (1391).
He was succeeded by his brother Enrique and Manuel Meneses and this is the origin of the confusion that will be created in later centuries.
Most of the nobility to be written after these events Manuel Enrique confuse one another, augmented by the fact no confusion to be two, if not three the Henrys.
This confirms Manuel Enrique different royal privileges during the years 1393-1406 and was appointed as an uncle of King Henry III in all of them. Married his niece Elvira de Souza and Manuel , the daughter of Mrs. Agnes Manuel Martínez and Vasco de Souza, and had another Enrique would happen in the states of his father.
In December 1406, Enrique Manuel de Souza IV becomes the lord of Montealegre death of his father in December of that year. In the same month is created at Earl Courts Montealegre, one of the last acts of Henry III of Castile die for that month due to a fall from his horse.
Manuel Enrique is noble prominent in his time. Takes oath and homage to the infant D. Fernando "of Antequera" and will tutor and tutor of King John II to 1412 as found in the chronicles of Pérez de Guzmán.
He was married to Doña Beatriz de Souza Silva and had several children in the line to score and would source the succession of Manuel de Villena in the history of Spain.
Married his sister Blanca with Ruy Vázquez Coutiño and be head of the lineage of the Marquis de Ferreyra in Portugal.
He also finished Castle Montealegre de Campos whose construction had begun his grandfather. Castle has the distinction of being the only one that has ever been taken in battle in the history of Spain, which is why he has come in such good condition today. According to experts, this castle is very similar plant, but equally to celebrate Castel del Monte who built Federico II of Hohenstaufen in the kingdom of Naples.
Die D. Enrique in 1418, but first decided to make lines with their subsequent children.
It was Mr. Montealegre V D. Pedro Manuel da Silva Souza . The first reference we have is him being in the coronation of D. Fernando de Antequera as King of Aragon. After confirming you will find different privileges until 1442.
He was married to Juana Manrique de Rojas, daughter of Adelantado of Castile and Sancha Gómez Manrique de Rojas.
From this union fathered three daughters - the eldest, Maria , married Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa I Count of Feria this link and find their weapons in the castle and fortress of Fair and Novales Castle. Through these rights would to this day with the head of this line of Manuels Montealegre, the Dukes of Medinaceli by the Dukes of Feria, Marquis of Priego.
- The second daughter was also called Maria but to differentiate it from the first, with the name " Montealegre ". Obierna lady was married and the son of Juan Pedro Sarmiento Sarmiento, Count of Salinas and Maria Mendoza.
- Catherine Manuel and the third was called Tobar married John, lord of Torre Civic manor that eventually acquire another line Manuel Belmonte de Campos.
Montealegre Manor came out of the core of the house of Fair and in 1625 the title of Marquis of Montealegre de Guzman and Martin Rojas was granted.
He had two sisters and two brothers D. Peter, the eldest, Margaret married Diego Garcia de Toledo and had offspring it would be the line of the Marquis de Montemayor. But passion widow raised D. Álvaro de Luna, the powerful favorite of King John II, who had Pedro de Luna, Lord of Fuentiduenya, which over time county today is one of the titles of the house of Alba de Tormes would rise.
Blanca and Manuel Souza was the youngest of them and married Antonio de Foces offspring who had this coming to the Dukes of Hijar.
It was D. Fernando Manuel brother D. Pedro Manuel Montealegre and recorded in chronicles that accompanied his brother and father to the coronation of Ferdinand I of Aragon in 1414 and was present in the war against the Count of Urgel .. In 1418 the death of his father as lord of Belmonte found Campos and his castle.
Case D. Fernando Fonseca with Mencia (+1455), daughter of Juan Pedro Fonseca and Ines Diaz Bootello, and had two children: - Ms Juana Manuel which "Liaria" with Juan de Braganza Bishop of Ceuta and Guardian and Chaplain Major Alfonso V of Portugal, their offspring will find it in the line of the counts of the Watchtowers in Portugal.
- and D. Juan Manuel , II Lord of Belmonte de Campos, this is mentioned several times in the Chronicle of Alvaro de Luna. His uncle Pedro de Montealegre you arranged marriage with the sister of his son the Count of Feria. Thus we find him married sister Aldonza de la Vega double bond of the aforementioned Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa.
They had two living children: Mrs. Elvira older waitress was Queen Catherine of England and marry Pedro Gómez Manrique, M. and D. Valdezcaray Juan Manuel who would be the Lord of Belmonte III and II of that name. This man married his cousin Joan of Juana Figueroa Vega or Manuel de la Vega, daughter of the Count of Feria.
They also had two children, a boy and a girl. Marina , who called the girl, married in 1489 with Baldwin of Burgundy, illegitimate son of Philip of Burgundy, Duke of Burgundy and Count of Flanders and father of Ms. Maria of Burgundy Wife Maximilian of Austria and mother of Philip of Austria. To which Baldwin embassy had come to arrange marriage between Felipe and Infanta Juana daughter of the Catholic Kings. From this marriage are all lines of the Counts de la Falaise, Breda and Zomeldic and junctions with the counts of Lanoy.
It was full brother of Ms. Marina D. Juan Manuel de Villena , IV Mr. Belmonte de Campos. This knowledge of the language and the proximity due to the marriage of his sister to a guy from D. Philip soon finds himself in the immediate circle of this earning their trust.
Knob styling D. Juan Manuel de Villena the keep of the castle of Belmonte, llegándonos to today as an example of Renaissance Tower.
He worked to earn the will of the Castilians in support of Mr. D. Felipe attracting to its cause prominent figures as the Duke of Najera, Count of Benavente and the Marquis de Villena. It was her guide always throw in actions and was of the opinion that ... "in troubled times facen men." So when the interview between Ferdinand and Philip the Fair, the first won the day disarming and the second presenting the only company with a page against all fully armed knights Felipe. D. Juan always thought he missed a wonderful opportunity to win the whole kingdom if he had seized on a defenseless old man.
Indeed during this interview that was famous realizing D. Fernando the Count of Benavente had a coat of mail under his doublet commented to his loyal among loyal today with their enemies. - "You have put on weight, count."
- "Lord" - said the red as a poppy-"are the times that we get fat."
He was the first Spanish Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece
Dignities rained on D. Juan Manuel, chief accountant of Castile, warden of Burgos, Segovia, Plasencia, Jaén and Atienza and many other royal castles. But one day after a game of ball in the castle of Burgos, D. Felipe, heated, drank a glass of cold water too. That evening news came from the house of Gordon, where he was staying D. Felipe that this was very sick with a high fever. A few days died.
He knew very well what to expect Mr. Belmonte of King Ferdinand of Aragon. And I was lucky to spend only a few years rotting in a dungeon in Flanders.
In 1519 Charles I remembered a friend of his father who was an intriguing business and negotiating and considering the friendship his father had and their obvious skills appointed him ambassador to the Holy See in 1520. Its mission operated for the favorite Cesar was named Pope.
And so he did and he did very well for that year was elected Adrian of Utrecht who would reign as Adriano V. But the new Pope was not all they wanted ductile and Villena losing patience reminded the Pope that if he sat in the chair of St. Peter was thanks to him and his master. In 1522 he was back in Spain ready to put his affairs in order and instead choose to be buried in the convent of Preachers Peñafiel, where you command a chapel styling.
Case with Ms. Catalina de Castilla and Castilla Rojas or as it is also mentioned, daughter of Mr. Poza in 1523 and acquired by Royal Warrant Manor Civic Tower, owned by a cousin. In 1524 creates real power prevailed above his manors of Belmonte and Civic Tower.
He had numerous descendants: - D. Lorenzo was Mr. Belmonte V and Civic II, died without issue.
- Rodrigo Manuel de Villena, VI Lord of Belmonte de Campos, III Civic Tower, Captain of the Spanish company of the guard of King Philip II. D. Rodrigo would be known in history for two completely different reasons.
For the first we must remember the dispute and conspiracy that was in the court of Philip II between his secretary Antonio Perez and Secretary D. Juan of Austria, Escobedo. As ended with the killing of the latter and is accused Antonio Perez and the Princess of Eboli, D ª Ana Mendoza and Cerda, of being in intelligence with this. In Zabalburu papers, file Heredia Espinola and cited by D. Gregorio Marañon in his magnificent work "Antonio Perez" says a letter from D. Rodrigo who as captain of the Spanish company of the King's guard has to take oath to Antonio Perez at his home in this let alone Escobedo. As mentioned earlier this was not so D. Rodrigo was commissioned to take prisoner to Antonio Perez already fled Princess Eboli. Turning then to be appointed governor of the tower where Pinto was confined the lady said.
It should not be this nice custom to D. Rodrigo who was more used to dealing with soldiers in the battlefield that ladies somewhat unbalanced. Thus it tells us in a letter to Philip II dated November 27, 1579. - "And by the way, the princess and her servants are enough to make anyone lose the trial that they will try."
This must have been a bad day for D. Rodrigo as of the same date addressed another letter to Secretary of Felipe II, Mateo Vázquez: - "Sure, bring me lost and misguided, in what I believe and I do not think, princess her maids and servants. God forbid them.
The second reason is something more cheerful. In 1588 Gonzalo Argote de Molina sends print for the first time "The Count," in D. Juan Manuel. In the prologue presents a brief history of the Manuels fraught with error that eventually others will continue. Gonzalo Argote de Molina dedicates this book to D. Rodrigo Manuel.
Died D. Rodrigo childless and was buried in the convent of Peñafiel.
- D. Pedro Manuel, was bishop of León and Santiago Archbishop of dying before occupying this place. He is buried in the convent of Peñafiel. We leave two interesting examples of person. A synod minutes of when he took over the bishopric of León. And as are the records had to find more than upset everything. And then protected a young artist and architect Juan de Badajoz "the boy" which he built a magnificent staircase decorated with the arms of the bishop's palace Manuels and decorated with these Cathedral.
- Mrs Aldonza Manuel , VII and IV Mrs. Belmonte Civic Tower case with Juan Enriquez de Acuña IV Count of Valencia de D. John had an only daughter Luisa Manuel Acuña and Portugal who married Juan Manrique Estobañez, Duke of Najera, this time going from the head of the house of Belmonte Manuels the Dukes of Najera which is where today.
In 1620 the title of Marquis de Belmonte is created by a member of the family consisting Manrique added in the letter that the title is given on a manor of his grandfather Don Juan Manuel de Villena.
After this we see that the direct and legitimate line of Manuels becomes the line of the Spanish royal family by marriage of Joanna Manuel Enrique II "on the mercedes".
Battle of Aljubarrota.
Castle of Belmonte de Campos.
Author: Hasting, 30/Oct/2007 13:34 GMT +1:
The illegitimate line Sancho Manuel dies in females and the rest of their lines are dispersed throughout the peninsula after the disastrous outcome of the war of Murcia.
The other illegitimate online, Portuguese, returns to Spain and opens into three: - Montealegre is extinguished in women and are the current leaders of this line as the Dukes of Medinaceli heirs House Fair.
- Belmonte de Campos also expire and are the current heads of the house of the Dukes Manuels Belmonte de Najera.
- Chels third and last line shall terminate in women in the late nineteenth century and whose lineage is currently head of Via Count Manuel, Duke of Arevalo King.
LINE-cheles 3rd.
The third and youngest son of the Earl of Montealegre was Juan Manuel de Villena and is known for appearing as such in the division of property that his brother Pedro ago with his wife in the town of Frómista dated March 3, 1440. He married Mrs. Mayor of Portocarrero I bring dowry Chels villa on the border with Portugal in the province of Badajoz.
Sought and obtained license of John II, as recorded in the archives of Simancas, mayorazgo gets your assets.
His son was D. Diego Manuel de Villena to take sides by Juana "La Beltraneja" during the civil war. In 1479 he fought in the Battle of Albuhera with troops of the Countess of Medellin who had raised troops to defend the rights of this lady. The battle was very bloody and field collected D. Diego seriously injured and was taken to Lobon where he died a few days later.
D. Diego Mayor had married widow took Silva to seeing habits in the convent of the nuns Franciscas Jerez de los Caballeros he founded, leaving the patronage of this to their heirs.
III was lord of the village of Chele Juan Manuel de Villena would move the village some kilometers inland to the call meadow of San Blas, to facilitate their defense. Also built the castle in 1508. In Simancas is a document signed by Queen Juana calling for an investigation of this fact because she has not given permission for this construction. It must be considered that Ms Juana was adequate to defend the border and not mentioned again affair.
D. Juan also endow the church of the village in 1532.
Case D. Juan with D ª Isabel de Mendoza, daughter of the warden and master of the town of Morón in Portugal and full sister to the Duchess of Braganza as recorded in the Nobility of Portugal written by Antonio de Lima.
They had two sons. The younger one D. Christopher went to Portugal where he was lord of the town of Alcarrapiña where I leave offspring. One of his descendants, over time, we'll find founding the city of Arequipa in the kingdom of Peru, was D. Juan Manuel de Carvajal, whose descendants later would use in Carvajal surname.
Major D. Francisco married his cousin Elena Mendoza and Lima. He raised a company for the defense of the border and fortify your villa Chels.
It was his son and Chels V Lord of D. Pedro who married Leonor de Portocarrero.
His only son of Mr. and VI Chels villa was D. Francisco in the relationship that the Duke of Alba wrote to Philip II on its entry into Portugal to claim the kingdom for the crown of Castile makes mention of this gentleman. By this relation know D. Francisco raised, armed and paid a company at its expense to attach the Third Frontier Portugal that sent his cousin Alonso Portocarrero.
Married his cousin Teresa Hurtado de Mendoza, daughter of Mr. Moron in Portugal and had Juan Manuel de Villena and Mendoza
Juan Manuel de Villena and Mendoza was lord of Chels VII defender of the border. In 1617 he married Maria Montoya and Luna, heiress of primogeniture Montoya Maimona. From this marriage there were two children.
D. Francisco who was lord of Chels VIII and in 1660 wrote a memorial that has left us ample information. We know you must have been born about 1620-3. What about 1640 and was lord of the town and that he was forced to take very young arms to defend the village from the attacks of the Portuguese. So this was assaulted in 1641, which was razed in 1642 and the castle destroyed in 1643 returned the remains of the village to be attacked. That was another attack in 1644 and by 1648 he mentions that "nothing remains of the town" when a Portuguese army passes by.
In 1660 writes an uplifting memorial where King makes references to his lineage, buggy, and the services rendered to his family of kings. Relates his service with over twenty years of active service as it has lost absolutely everything by the war to the point that his mother lives in the castle in Portugal Moron for not having home in Spain. As captain of horse armor and governor of Jerez de los Caballeros and as such it corresponds the effective degree of Maestre de Campo. He is also a Knight of the Order of Santiago.
I make a point to remember that we are in the seventeenth century, the Spanish monarchy remains a first-rate military power, but can not support their children. Real estate is always short of money when not broken. The last thing you want is the claim that someone claiming losses incurred in the defense of their king and you would be entitled to compensation or reward. Losses are estimated at more than 80,000 ducats income plus another 120,000 who are not seen for twenty years. So in all documents issued in the name of D. Francisco or his brother D. Christopher will always refer to them as "... who calls himself Lord of Chels, "never recognizing this character.
In 1666 several officers and commanders of the Third of Portugal written certification services D. Francisco and his brother by showing the dire financial situation of both. In 1668 cell appointment for D. Maestre de Campo is issued Francisco so you can collect the wages prescribed for this degree because it takes eight years as such but with the salary of captain of horse armor. The following year he died in combat assault the walls of the villa Burguillos.
D. Cristóba l was brother of D. Francisco, must have been born about 1625, followed the same steps as his brother. Soldier, lieutenant, captain of infantry, cavalry, captain of horse armor. In 1676 submits a memorial by which we know that his brother Francisco died in combat, which is the habit of Santiago Knight, and as his brother own it garrison governor but below grade for the purpose of collect salary and is late and wrong.
You were better things to D. Christopher, but not too much that in 1689 his cousin Count de Montijo rises a letter to the king explaining that the general artillery D. Christopher Manuel de Villena had to retire to his house unable to continue to meet the expenses to be borne by his governorship of Badajoz. End the letter with a tremendously pathetic plea recalling the services that have made the brothers throughout his life and lost everything in the defense of their king.
The November 25, 1689 Charles II granted the title of Earl of Road to Manuel D. Christopher Manuel de Villena. For actual layout of time of his father you could not have title of count or marquis without prior Viscount and the Royal letter did not issue until after satisfying the Real Hacienda taxes Media Annata with those who were taxed.
In 1695 D. Christopher met the 562,500 maravedis which amounted to paying taxes for the title of Viscount of Villa de Chele, which was broken and unused and the track of Earl of Manuel.
It still would be a few years of not much comfort to D. Cristobal.
On the death of Charles II, civil war ravaging the peninsula, D. Christopher supporting the French suitor, future Philip V, for he raises a company at its expense, arming and dressing her. Creeps with his son to get to the orders of his lord and die the day before the Battle of Almansa in front of his king the year 1711.
He married in 1675, D. Christopher Botello with Leonor Mendoza, primogeniture heir of Botello, who had an only daughter Maria Mendoza Manuel Portocarrero Botello . Which married Luis Ponce de León and Córdoba, son of D. Nicolás Fernández de Córdoba and Ponce de Leon, marques of the Farm and grandson of the Duke of Arcos.
Remarried to Mrs. Josefa Florez and Barrantes (+1724) who had to Juan Manuel de Villena and Florez , Earl Road Manuel II and X Lord of Chels.
This D. John had many difficulties to restock his dominion and finish the fortified house his father had built in the village and today is preserved.
He married Juana Figueroa Sánchez or Sanchez de Badajoz, which of the two forms is called, which provided an inheritance along with her dowry the manor place of Blackboard in the kingdom of Seville.
Died D. Juan in 1754 by what happened his son José Manuel de Villena and Christopher Sanchez de Badajoz .
Tower and Palace of the manuel in Chels. The castle was destroyed in the war with Portugal. Felipe V. By supporting their cause turned to mortgage a farm destroyed by war.
Author: Hasting, 30/Oct/2007 13:40 GMT +1:
This was born on July 6, 1727, was Earl of Via Manuel III, XI Chels lord and master of the Slate. He studied at the Seminary of Nobles of Madrid.
It must have been a violent person because in document of the Royal Chancery of Granada, a financial administrator Chele village priest named Prado accused of "evil man", "terrible person", "antichrist" spirit etc.. The document tells us how the Lord said discontent with their own priest and very angry activities it considers inappropriate, led to the end of the municipality of the village to outside rehala dogs and there made a short but very colorful description of what he planned to do if the priest reappeared for their land.
The Royal Chancery decided to lend a hand of lime and sand, the priest returned by Chels but the earl had to pay a fine for abuse priest.
Accounting Earl a brief note on the payment appears: .. "is often paid in". This is chump change.
Another reference is found in the travel diary he wrote Enrique José de Carvalho e Mello, Marquis de Pombal II and son of the famous minister of King Joseph I of Portugal. This newspaper is in the collection of the Library Pombalina Lisbon manuscript 692, folio 175 to 178. Paragraphs culled ... "after greeting the canon we ask you to lead us to the house of the Earl of Chele, where we went immediately into the house and find the Count and Countess and a Spanish officer D. Cristóbal de Villena which to few days was at plaza with his brother D. Juan Manuel de Villena staying at home of the Marquis of Camarena. "
This D. Christopher Christopher is Manuel de Villena Villena, lord of Zibreira, senior warden Alegrete, Commander of the Order of Christ and reach the rank of Lieutenant General. Married the sister of Enrique Jose Carvallo, so it will be brother of the Marquis de Pombal who recounts the meeting. This D. Christopher and his brother were sons of D. Sancho Manuel de Villena, and Lord of Zibreira Alegrete Alcaide Mayor who was the heir of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta D. Antonio Manuel de Villena.
The little brother, D. Juan Manuel is Knight Commander of the Order of Malta in 1782 and Brigadier Cavalry. But citing continued ...
... "This Countess is not fine, of small stature and poor toothless figure, yet it is very lively, very friendly with people, has a nice voice and would be able to be singing a straight year. It was this night, however, be upset sad by the throat. Husband of all I must say that we did all possible gifts. Tell his countrymen that is very raw and his figure is not advisable. "
Now you see the poor, ugly, gross and bad. However married twice, first with Maria Paz Mendoza de Ribera with whom he had several children and second, Francisca de Paula Guadalfajara, daughter of the Counts of Castroterreño with whom he had another son.
They had to José Manuel de Villena Mendoza will happen in the dominions.
Fernando Manuel de Villena and Mendoza , who was born on February 3, 1764. It was the habit of Santiago Knight and squadron commander of the Cavalry Regiment of the King. Case with Ana Joaquina de Barrantes and had no children.
Juan José Manuel de Villena and Mendoza , born July 26, 1766, was Lieutenant General of the Royal Armies, Knight of Santiago and Ms. Manuela case of Sagar leaving a daughter, Milagros, who died childless.
Joaquín Manuel de Villena and Maria Mendoza , born April 13, 1769, was Field Marshal, knight of the habit of Santiago, Treasurer of the Military Orders, First Equerry to His Majesty, commander of Mérida, Knight Grand Cross of Carlos III. Married Maria del Carmen Alvarez de Faria, Marquesa de Gracia Real and Marchioness widow Constance.
Maria Dolores Manuel de Villena who married Mariano Sánchez Fernández de Córdoba and Argote, Count of Torres Cabrera.
Beatriz Mendoza Manuel de Villena and married to Juan Arias de Saavedra Carvajal.
The second marriage had to Francisco de Paula Manuel de Villena Guadalfajara , Brigadier of the Royal Armies, Knight Commander James and Welcome.
He was heir and successor D. José Manuel de Villena and Mendoza , born in Jerez de los Caballeros in 1752, was Master of Field and study alongside his brothers in the seminary of nobles of Madrid. He married in 1771 to Mrs. Teresa Fernández de Córdoba y Argote, full sister of the Count of Torres Cabrera who had married Maria de los Dolores in cross marriage.
In 1789 he was awarded the dignity of Grandee of Spain 1st class bliss to be issued award letter Greatness next year. It will be at this time that Manuel de Villena change their weapons. So far they had used primitive: wings barracks 1st and 4th and lions in 2nd and 3rd. Now the Lions will be reversed in the 1st and 4th and wings on the 2nd and 3rd. These guns had already been seen and used by different branches throughout the story, but from now own and are taken as identifying. They also add a slogan to Arms "CONTRARY CONTER ET VIRTUS" whose translation would be something like "AND UNDER ADVERSE unhappy" slogan very well chosen considering the background and almost prophetic as we shall see.
D. José Manuel de Villena Fernández de Córdoba , Manuel Via Count V, XIII lord of the village of Chele. Study seminar nobles Madrid after entering the army with old dispensation. Highlighted in Roussillon campaign against French troops in 1792. During the War of Independence formed as brigadier of the army of Extremadura in 1808 where he served until be sick with the rank of Field Marshal in 1810 going to deal with the back of the cavalry brigade of the Duke of Alburquerque was assigned Wellington's army.
He married D. José Manuel de Villena with Maria del Pilar Melo de Portugal, Marchioness of Rafal, Baroness Mount and lady Benferri and baronies of Puebla de Rocamora.
The independence war completely destroyed the country, an estimated one-tenth of the population perished, either by starvation or by diseases that were primed in a malnourished population, either by fighting and injuries on it. The Cadiz Cortes abolished the manors, but then return to reinstituted to definitively slain. But to claim land ownership documentary proof of ownership of it was necessary. The burden of proof fell on the owner against the tenant. Proof of ownership did not have much problem if this had been acquired in a reasonable period of time. But when it has been granted five or six hundred years ago became more complicated. To complicate matters more, part of the possessions in the province of Alicante were not owned but tenetura. This is the king gave the land for perpetual operation of a family, quasi property, but the last owner of it was in the hands of the king of which broke the mercy and where was linked.
Thus most of the heritage that was in the province of Alicante was lost. In Chels land was ruined, like the houses. There were people to work the land.
So in 1817, when Christopher Manuel de Villena and Melo de Portugal (1800-1834) inherited his father found a destroyed heritage. The situation was aggravated by the lack of education that had been the heir to properly train could not because of the rigors of war, despite the efforts then made to meet such faults.
The start of D. Christopher could not be worse, in 1821, releasing his majority decides to marry. The choice is a Mademoiselle Hope Bambelere Olmos and it must be a real "bellezón".
Half the Way Manuel existing file in the archive of the Ministry of Justice is in the letters that mother and son are crossed, one bent on marrying, the other by jumping chignon horror and indignation. This alleged that had absolutely nothing against Miss Bambelere but being his heir son of two great things of Spain and several related titles and more as it was with all the great houses of Spain, flatly refused to marry the daughter of a shopkeeper and that inequality was so notorious that it could not end well.
Such scandals were the most he could amuse Fernando VII, King of Spain at the time and who should authorize the marriage. For a few months enjoyed the fight between mother and child, as I said the file fattened Ministry of Justice, to finally give their consent to this. He married D. Christopher at 22 years old in 1822. In 1830 the marriage was broken.
Fernando VII died in 1833 and was succeeded by his daughter, his mother Maria Cristina assuming the regency minority of Isabel II. Among the reforms that followed was the creation of a bicameral cuts. The upper house is called "the heroes" and would be for the grandees of Spain, ecclesiastical dignitaries, direct appointment, etc.. D. Christopher was called to take his seat as a hero of the realm. This was expensive, so that cases like the Duke of Abrantes who refused to disburse them posed open house in Madrid, amen uniform, servants, etc were given.
In the momentary impossibility D. Christopher decides to enter politics, for it first wants to earn some fame of weapons that would help you in future career. Being as militia colonel asks his equation in the army in order to volunteer to go fight the pretender heading D. Rangers Carlos who walk to the north.
He granted the rank of Colonel in the Army, "unpaid", and part to Aragon where it is forming a column, commanded by Baron de Carondelet, nephew of the great chestnut trees, the Battle of Bailen, will delve into the Navarra revolt.
But Carondelet is Hazel and D. Zumalacarregui shots at a place called the Rocks of San Fausto takes the column. D. Christopher behaved well, a horse was killed and the other who had delivered him to his commander to be saved. A D. Tomas will fall this prisoner Colonel sympathetic and offered him release on parole. D. Christopher could again raise arms against D. Carlos, this was a very common practice at the time. Eight days later, during dinner, the answer comes D. Carlos, this was very brief. "The Christines have shot Colonel Diaz, I see that it has to respect that this is a grandee of Spain."
It was the poor D. Christopher and finished dessert, the right to seek a cure time, a quick acquittal and paying for a mass. This is stated in the report of the pastor of Aranaz, Labaun Valley, which sends the request of the guardian of the child and is currently in the archive of the Royal Palace. He had 34.
Duke of Wellington. Via Manuel after being found useless enfrmedad took over the back of the Duke of Alburquerque cavalry attached to the British troops. Footage Zumalacarregui after ordering the shooting of Via Manuel left the camp from hearing the download that ended the life of which was already his friend.
Author: Hasting, 30/Oct/2007 13:46 GMT +1:
He left D. Cristóbal three minor children to be safeguarded.
Major José Casimiro (3 - VII-1823 + 2-XI-1855) Count VII serious Via Manuel, Marquis de Rafal, Baron del Monte, XIV Lord of Chels, of Slate, the baronies of Benferri, Puebla de Rocamora and Farm. But also have problems and the first was with the tutor. To appoint or remove guardians to the Great King of Spain was the only person who had power and was once named one revoking the process too cumbersome.
He changed the tutor and at 16 years of age ceremony fulfilled Large front cover of the Queen. This against the poor orphan who had abused a bad manager, the son of the unfortunate dead hero in his defense, was thrilled and was granted the rank of captain of cavalry, "unpaid".
The young captain of cavalry, without pay, entered politics out elected deputy for the province of Alicante Elche district.
He married Maria Josefa 1850 with Alvarez de Asturias - Bohorquez and Giraldez, daughter of the Duke of Gor.
In 1855 the Earl of Way back Manuel of a trip to France when he was killed by a servant who had an attack of madness. The version of events agree that died by stabbing in the neck, they differ in the details of whether the murder weapon was a knife or fork.
Had 32 years old.
Left three children : Henry, Elizabeth and Manuel de Villena Esperanza Alvarez de Asturias - Bohorquez .
D. Henry, who was born on July 13, 1852, succeeded his father in the titles of his house and had as tutor to his uncle the Duke of Gor, during his minority. He had a short but brilliant career as it was representative in Parliament for the Maestranza de Sevilla by the Duke of Osuna. As secretary of the Council of Greatness ruled in lawsuits precedence between the Duke of Medinaceli and the Marquis of Astorga, ruling in favor of the former. He accompanied the Earl of Heredia Spinola to Paris, the hotel de Castilla, to organize the return of the monarchy in the person of Alfonso XII of Spain. Back, for what reason is unknown and who had a pistol duel in Carabanchel Under the July 13th, 1874 dying consequences of this on the same day.
I was 22 years old.
I had the Earl of Via Manuel aunt, Mrs. Ernestina Manuel de Villena Dreyer, daughter of the Marquis of Gracia Real and granddaughter of D. Joaquín Manuel de Villena Maria Mendoza, who was first equerry of King Charles IV. This lady was a person of great virtue, dedicating his life to serving those in need. I like the Villena Foundation Relief Fund and the College of Orphans Street Juan Bravo de Madrid, whose building built the Marquis of Cubas.
D. Benito Perez Galdos, nothing pious person, rather the opposite, deeply admired the work of this person and so the portrait in his novel "Fortunata y Jacinta" in the character of Clementina Pacheco. Serious writer himself who did the obituary of Mrs. Ernestina. The month of last December's beatification process was closed and its cause is already pending.
Thus ends this lineage that began with a saint. Its end is another future saint and a duel. Not a bad end.
Bibliography and documentation:
File-Royal Palace.
National Historical Archive.
File-Royal Chancery of Granada.
File-Dukes of Medinaceli.
Duke of Nájera-File.
National Archive or-Torre Tombo, Lisbon, Paper Pombaline.
Condes-File Via Manuel.
Military-Segovia Archive.
-Archive of Simancas.
-Ministry of Justice, File Via Manuel.
- "Chele village border" José Antonio Torrado, Council of Badajoz, 1999.
- "Great Chronicle of Alfonso XI, Diego Catalan, Editorial Gredos, 1977.
- Chronicle of Joao I, Porto rid civil, 1945-1949.
- "Don Juan Manuel: Complete Works", Editorial Gredos, 1982.
- "Don Juan Manuel, biography and critical study." A. Giménez Soler, Zaragoza, Real Spanish Academy, 1932.
- "The domains of Don Juan Manuel", AL Molina. Don Juan Manuel VII centenary. University of Murcia, 1982.
- "Historical Study on some Spanish families," Alfonso Figueroa, Dawson and Fry 1965-70.
- History of Castile and León. Julio Valdeón Baruque. Scope Editions SA, 1985.
- "The domains of Infante D. Manuel "Julio Baldeón Baruque, VII centenary. University of Murcia, 1982.
- "Antonio Perez" Gregorio Marañón, Espasa Calpe, Barcelona, 1948.
- "Ernestina Manuel de Villena, The Holy of Galdos." Pedro Miguel Lamet. Trotta. 2000.
- "Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Spanish monarchy." Francisco Fernández de Bethencourt. Teodoro Enrique printing establishment, Madrid. From 1897 to 1920.
Isabel II rights for which they fought and died in two Spanish Carlist Wars.
Ernestina Manuel de Villena, called "mother of the poor" beatified by John Paul II. Perez Galdos was inspired by her character Clementina for Pacheco's work "Fortunata y Jacinta".
Juan Ponce de León, 1st Governor of Puerto Rico
Cap. Gral. D. Juan Ponce de León, conquistador de Puerto Rico is your third cousin 18 times removed.
You → Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley)
her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/Smith (Cromer)
her mother → Floyd Francis Cromer
her father → Elizabeth Ann Cromer (Grosvenor)
his mother → Araminta Margaret Grosvenor (Whitney) Houser
her mother → Francis Tufts Whitney
her father → Joseph Whitney
his father → Benjamin Whitney
his father → John Whitney
his father → Benjamin Whitney
his father → Elinor (Bray)
his mother → Thomas Bray
her father → Sir John Bray
his father → Beatrice Bray (Shirley)
his mother → Sir Richard Sherley of Wiston
her father → Ralph Shirley of Staunton Harold
his father → blount
his mother → Sir Thomas Blount, Kt.
her father → Sancha Blount, Lady de Ayala
his mother → D. Inés Alfonso de Ayala, señora de Malpica
her mother → D. Pedro el Cronista López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y señor de Ayala
her brother → María López de Ayala de Guzmán
his daughter → Juan Pérez Ponce de León, II conde de Arcos
her son → Cap. Gral. D. Juan Ponce de León, conquistador de Puerto Rico his son
So, the two entries above, make sense. See half siblings and Parents.
Son of Luis Ponce de León Ayala and Teresa Suarez de Figueroa, señora de Villagarcia
Brother of Pedro Fernández Ponce de León Guzmán, IV Señor de Villagarcía and María de Guzmán
Half brother of Beatriz Manuel de Lando, de Figueroa; Isabel Manuel de Lando, de Figueroa; Maria Manuel de Lando, de Figueroa and Catalina Manuel de Lando, de Figueroa