Here are some FAQ on viewing path relationships
Here is how to use "share this path"
- go to the profile of interest (we'll stick with Clint Eastwood)
- click "how are you related" button. Wait for the message: "Clint Eastwood is my 13th cousin thrice removed."
- click the blue hyperlink, "share this path"
- copy / paste the URL http://www.geni.com/path/Erica+Isabel+Howton+c+is+related+to+Clint+...
- OR even easier! select "tweet this" & copy paste the new (aliased) code
I am related to Clint Eastwood: http://geni.com/SFDdZ
Here's "How Do I Find a Relationship Path"
9th cousin once removed:
Through spencer/lathrop
Clint Eastwood is your 11th cousin twice removed.
→ Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley)
her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/Smith (Cromer)
her mother → Floyd Francis Cromer
her father → William Harrison Cromer
his father → Harrison "Abe" Cromer
his father → Sarah Jane Cromer (Covalt)
his mother → Timothy Isaac Covalt
her father → Abraham Covalt, Jr.
his father → Elizabeth Colt (Gustin)
his mother → Mary Gustin (Bushnell)
her mother → John Bushnell
her father → John Bushnell
his father → Francis Bushnell
his brother → Hannah Hosmer
his daughter → Capt. Thomas Hosmer
her son → Thomas Hosmer
his son → Ruth Kellogg
his daughter → Ephraim Kellogg Jr.
her son → Edward Kellogg
his son → Cordelia Bartholomew
his daughter → Sophia Aurelia Runner
her daughter → Waldo Errol Runner
her son → Margaret Ruth Eastwood
his daughter → Clint Eastwood
her son