Alfonso IX el Baboso, rey de León y Galicia - another ggf

Started by Private User on Sunday, December 22, 2013
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My 23rd ggf

Is it possible to take the baboso out of his name, what do you think?

Penso que sim por não ser importante.



Hi Melissa, that's a good old historical joke. "Much easear to change past than present. We only need to fix the real historical facts in to an ideal fiction of facts, and believe with faith in those fictions". In fact we already have that: it's enouhg to change history by religian. Or - without faith - by free and light literature. But, if you alow me to remember, no one of these options is compatible with our aim on Geni. For a litle longer only scienc
fiction can return and fix historical reallity...and names !

Thank you Deisi - my partner on the calendar calibrations and the proof that we live in a 12 level universe - tried to tell me; what you have so eloquently written out - thank you, for that :)

There are a couple of versions to my 22nd ggfather's not-very-nice nick name. Poor thing, to carry that cross for such a long time! One is that he would get mad and foam from the mouth- that's Wikipedia's line. Another one is that the mores, with whom be battled long and feistly , called him that because he often would not follow with his promises. Anyhow, each time I hear or read about him I think about and omelette ....

Hello Melissa, Alfonso IX is one of my 20º ggf and the decending line of his sons and grandsons are also in my line of ascent. As I said before in one of the former discussions or conversations, when the lines go so far back as a 17th line you will find out that the probabilities of being related to kings and queens is very large. Even more, it is possible to know that since it is the kings and their relatives who left the best record of their ancestors and family. I find though, that it is a privilege to have the information that allows us to investigate and talk about these matters.

Buenos días y Feliz Nochebuena hoy, Graciela me llama mucho la atención que tenemos una relación de primos 12º con 13 traslados, y que su hijo tenga el apellido Montemayor, pues aqui en Caracas hay una familia Montemayor muy conocida. Entre ellos un buen amigo y Colega, Felipe Montemayor Larrazábal, Arquitecto exitoso, también pariente. Saludos de Caracas !!!

Why cant they take the b out, put it in description or not at all, very uncool to call anyone that.

Will put it in nic name field

Wikipedia says, "According to Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), he is said to have been called the Baboso or Slobberer because he was subject to fits of rage during which he foamed at the mouth."

Let's not censor history.

If someone called him that, dorsnt mean his name is that and he should not be on here with that name, he should be called on geni as Alfonzo DeLeon, the 9th, King of Galicia and nic name whatever , but not nic name in title.

Sounds like someone has something against him, so they cant stay indifferent

Melissa, I disagree but I see your point of view. What you need to do is start a discussion in a thread on the Naming Conventions project asking that all of these nicknames be removed.

This change would affect several thousand profiles, including William the Conqueror, Herod the Great, Boleslaw the Brave, Alfonso el Magno, even Charlemagne (a nickname that means Charles the Great). I think you will have substantial opposition, but it doesn't hurt to try if you feel strongly about it.

Nic name in nic name, actual name baboso is not it, and ive talked to lots of mexicans that agree with me, its just someine being disrespectful putting that in his name, keep in nic name was facts that said nic name nit facts of real name and it needs to be changed.

@ Também concordo consigo. Baboso, deve ser alcunha, e não cognome.
Mas em Martim Afonso de Sousa, (O Chichorro), que quer dizer mediano, de baixa estatura, é considerado por mim, como alcunha, e nâo cognome, Sendo
1º Senhor de Mortágua Portugal, e 2º Senhor de Mortágua, respectivamente, meus bisavós. .

@ Em D João de Melo Pereira de Sampaio, Comendador de Pombeiro, e não D. António de Melo Pereira de Sampaio, Abade de Pombeiro Felgueiras Porto, seu irmâo.
D. Luís de Melo Pereira de Sampaio, é Comendador de Pombeiro de Ribadevizela Felgueiras Porto Portugal.
Na minha linha segue os filhos com Dª Maria Ribeiro, natural do Casal do Ribeiro Vila Fria Felgueiras Porto Portugal, Meus bisavós.

I agree with Justin Swanström.

Why not put the conquerer as nic name? All those previous disscussions on what names, did anyone ever give u a good or bad nic name? What is the point in nic names for geni and wiki? The point of names is heredity, the point of nic names is apart of their story, not of their name, u find a nic name by the stories that where told of them, not in the censuses right?

Hello Melissa, Justin Swamström has advised you well. Back in the middle ages and earlier, the way names were assigned to people according to the kingdom, region and village where they had been born. FILIATION itself as we know it nowadays didn't exist, also, many people got their names from the profession they performed or the skills they had. Therefore, a very large number of persons we know in history exhibit very colourful names, sometimes not even following their father's name but their mother's like the Irish or the Galicians, "The Great", "The Terrible", "the Impaler" "The wise","The Conqueror", "El Baboso", etc., etc. Sometimes one Alfonso was the 9th of a Kingdom and at the same time the 7th of another kingdom so the nickname helped to identify the particular Alfonso you were referring to. If we start changing the not so fortunate nicknames, then we will have to rewrite history with the attached consecuences of confusion. Fernando III "The saint" and Alfonso IX were also among of my ggfathers and so was Alfonso X whose nickname was "The Wise", he, besides contributing to the formation of our then primitive language with his famous "Cantigas", also made serious military achievements to get Spain free from the Arabs. Seen from another point of view he can be certainly not very appreciated by those coming from arab ascent. So the nickname is a resource for identification regardless you like it or not. There is something else to be pointed out, if Alfonso IX is your 23rd ggf, you must know that in your 23rd line of ancestors you have 8,388,608 ggfs half of them men, half of them women, and many of them being the same person lowering that theoretical number. Imagine the amount of nicknames, combined names, professions, regions etc. I hope this gives you a view from another angle.........

Alfonso IX el Baboso, rey de León y Galicia is your 21st great grandfather.

Gustavo Ferrero Gómez
I agree, in genealogy you need to be as specific as you can with titles for identification purposes.

21st ggf

I agree with Justin S. He went down in history with that nickname, so be it. If we start knocking off all nicknames it will create a lot of confusion. Not all our great-great gp have to be known as The Beautiful, The Clever or The Great. It doesn't bother me to have a Baboso in my tree, after all he was not that bad of a king. I've ran into much worse ones, fortunately without nicknames attached......

@ much worse nics, so they dont have the nic attached to their name, is it only king that have the nics? Should we all change to the nics we find? No, so why not all have names and nics be in nics?

Example someone wrote birth record for my ancestors and they spelled it wrong, thus someone wrote another birth record and changed the history.

I agree with you 100% Graciela. It's more than enough, We have quite an important job to do by seeking seriously the back bones of human tree. it's clear as sunrise on the horizon over such kind of argumentatin about doubtful angels sex definition. If we now try to repair in our records the historical unrepairable, we will never stop to mask history, people and facts. What for ? A more pleasant way to learn about what how things "might be" if we already were choosey-gods at those times ? But that is
a job for Dan Brown to do. And not on Geni's files.

I agree with Justin Swanström."Let's not censor history."
We need all that information available, so we can identify our own characteristics we carry which could be similar to our ancestors and, perhaps more important, we could possible identify in our environment who could be one of our ancestors living today as another person, therefore identifying past relationships in today relationships. , According to Buddhism, all people from the past are alive today.
I remember working for a person who was a very powerful personally, commanded thousands of people as he owned a very large enterprise, He was like a father figure to me and we had an almost inexplicable familiarity, who would also have " fits of rage during which he foamed at the mouth."". Within my Buddhist faith, I could say that is very possible that this person was in the past, "Alfonso IX el Baboso, rey de León y Galicia" I have identified other people from the past, living today, by their own very unique characteristics.

Aint no buddy on here called out here but him. Its disrespectfull, like we aint puttin thomas eames no limbs or stumpy, forever disrespected is a shame

So all profiles gonba be called nics, how about george bush, we gonna call him republican george bush because hes a republican?

Ok so what should be on geni name is : name, job title, lands thay are owned, disfiguration, and nic names. So Thomas Eames, pequat war soldier rank unknown, of dedham, father of x amount of kids, mamed at the limbs for his name?

May be "el Baboso" should be kept in the explanation subjacent OVERVIEW or other similar section text. Perhaps it is not necessary to discriminate him on account of some kind of mental or physical handicap. Nevertheless, all related information should be kept on record.

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