George Platt - George Platt & Mary Berchard

Started by Donna Jane Avery on Tuesday, December 17, 2013
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George Platt my great grandfather he was married to Mary Platt (Sell), Mary Elizabeth Platt (Berchard), and Mary Platt Benson. My great grandmother is Mary Sell, but in my tree someone put Mary Berchard and locked the fields which messes up my tree. Their input makes Mary Berchard and Mary Sell both the mother of Richard Deacon of Booington, which is also my great grandfather. I would like assistance in resolving this matter. I am only concentrating on my great grandparents, and Deacon Richard obviously cannot have 2 mothers. He should be the stepson of Mary Berchard. Thank you for your help in advance

Thank you for that catch, Donna. Tree corrected.

Dea. Richard Platt is my 10th great grandfather

Thank you so much! I appreciate it. Happy Holidays!

I assure you, I am not the person who has altered your information. I, too, am frustrated with changes that do not affect my direct lineage. Also with "record matches" which have absolutely no bearing on the family member with whom they are supposedly corrected. For instance, a newspaper article connected to a grandson who supposedly was convicted of some sort of drugs before he was born! I started my tree to enable my kids, grands and greats to be able to track their ancestors, and do not appreciate others interference.

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