King Clovis is not a fictional character. I'm also pretty sure there was no place called Merovech, that was his ancestor's name. The Merovingians means the children of Merovech. Merovech may have been fictional but I believe he was merely given a fictional history to make his enemy's fear him. What do you think?
This profile is in an unconnected tree. The real Clovis is here:
Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks
The Merovingians gained power through the stories. One of which was the secret knowledge of the bloodline of Jesus Christ. The books by Dan Brown and the stories of the Templar knights are interesting. The facts do cross the fiction insofar as, Jesus had a bloodline, but was there a child of Jesus? Did this child come to France? Was the holy grail not a grail at all, but a vessel. These stories gave the Long haired Merovingians kings and the Templars power. The Merovingians, nor the Templars lived through the wrath of the Catholics, as they wanted complete power. To have a child out there from Jesus would mean that the Church would lose their supremacy over the people. A similar activity went on with Cleopatra and her child from Julius Caesar. The child's name was Caesarian and he escaped from Egypt with the followers of Cleopatra, as Mark Anthony and Cleopatra fought with Tiberius, the son of Julius. Tiberius would make sure he was the only Caesar left to rule after the murder of Julius.
about Merovech - Merovingi - etc ... I have studied that name-title for quite some time now. Whenever i am confronted with an enigma in a word/name I look at the word in etymological terms - looking for clues in the word - so-to-speak. I have come to the conclusion that Meroving can be parted into two words : Mer - and - Vingi . Two things appear : Mer - Ocean and Vingi - to Win or Conquer . so , in the name Merovingi is the concept of " those who won over the ocean - and it connects to the Golden Legend which states that the Holy family ALL came to France crossing the Ocean arriving near Marseilles and from there the story starts of The Holy Family in France. The legend states that Maria Magdalene, Martha, Lazarus, Joseph of Arimethea and a little young girl named Sara (Princess) arrived in a boat without sail,rodder and oars .....