heh,sorry for using the word bastard. i dont know the real translation of the word in swedish. but well,the one i think i am related too lived in the 1800s and from him i can trace back to all kind of epic people. but not sure i am related to him but he probably is the unknown father of my great grandfather. done a bit research but hard to find document and proof of well father of bastards or however u say it.s
@Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is my 33 great grandfather
What I have observed in my life experience is that there is still alot of raping and pillaging going on today. To the best of my knowledge....please share your thoughts, there is also this idea that if you are born into a marriage by concubine you are not a "bastard" but a child born into a marriage...i.e. legitimate.
Richard Scott Black I like seeing where I connect with my Geni cousins and Geni says -
Is my 12th great grand father
I had no idea.
To all of you, sorry to disappoint you all, but Ragnar Lodbrok as the person written about in the saga from the 14th century, has never existed. The person written about in the saga is a mix of at least two different persons, probably as many as five.
He couldn't have been a king of Denmark and/or Norway, since neither of these countries existed at the time he was supposed to be living.
Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson should be marked as fictitious along with all of his wifes and children.
None of us are a descendant of this figure since he, his wifes and children are all a fantasy made up of different stories and written in the 14th century.
Please, people, let's stick to more or less provable familyhistory and genealogy, Geni is allready suffering alot of from other peoples views as linked to here: http://www.geni.com/discussions/129700 and Geni is discredited and called a genealogical virus by genealogists some places because we add fictional, nonproven and different religious persons and links to and between them.
If we want to get Geni to be a reliable site for genealogical information, liked by both the common and professional people out there, we can't continue adding links to people that are fictional, adding links that we hope are true instead of proven true, or links to different deities out there. That will probably be the doom of Geni as a genealogical software in the longrun.
All of you interested in Ragnar Lodbrok should read this: http://www.scangen.se/medieval/ragnar.htm it's written by Stewart Baldwin who I think a lot of the american genealogy interested people among you know about.