In some ideal future state, all of the Public profiles on Geni will be Master Profiles.
Currently HistoryLink provides a nice summary of the Geni Projects in the lineage (which includes aunts & uncles, too ... and that is a good thing).
It would be nice to have some kinds of summary of the portion of each generation (that exist on Geni) are also MP's; ideally, all of them would be (e.g. for all past any living generations). That way one could work on verifying the accuracy of the information of those currently-not a MP and then asking for them to be MP'd.
As I think about it ... maybe the "Master Profile" option could be a 3-state option: Off, show MP's, or show non-MP's. Although initially the non-MP details could be overwhelming; might need to limit the number of those shown (but not, of course, limit the counting of them).
A project-like summary table for each generation (e.g.: gen 4 MP's: 6/31 ... which would indicate 6 of the 31 found at that level are MP's ... the detail list would show which.)
I just did a quick check of my 14 generation, as an example:
57 of the 87 profiles of that generation are MP's ... so now I have this urge to go find out if the other 30 or so are in good enough shape to also be MP's -- and that's where it would be nice to be able to list the profiles that are NOT MP'd (in this case, there are fewer of them).
Maybe have the option to count MP's without showing the detailed list, and only show the details (one or the other) when explicitly requested.
Oh snap! Works like a charm (unfortunately)
I ran 10 gens, problem profiles only, and have 5 parent conflicts (sob)
Brinsley Barnes is your 7th great grandfather
Edward Osborne, III is your 8th great grandfather
Tabitha Osborne (Platt) is your 8th great grandmother
Anthony Pottrie Rowe is your 8th great grandfather
John Lewis, II, of Westerly is your 8th great grandfather
Dan Cornett
* Added: Option to list Non-Master Public Profiles
* Added: Option to exclude Siblings (listing only direct ancestor - parents, excluding aunts, uncles, etc.)
Cool additions! A few refinements come to mind:
1) In the graphs: Could the "titles" be placed over each graph? A first I though the "Direct Ancestors" was the title of the "MP percentage" graph.
2) I think it would be more useful for the MP % graph to use the Actual number (from the "Per Generation" graph) as the MP "max" value (e.g.; in my case, my 7th great's would have 22 out of 46 as MP, not 22 out of 512).
3) When including Projects, a nice "summary by project" is included. It would be real nice to include "Number of MP's" and "Number of problem profiles" into that "project summary" (even if one selects the option not to show the project profiles). Note: If you track different types of "problem profiles" (e.g.: no-access vs. parent conflict), that summary perhaps out to show the totals for each kind of problem. Why? Because I might not be able to ever change the 'no-access", but I might be able to get the parent-conflicts resolved.
Just some more thoughts! <grin>
Thinking about my (2) a bit more ... the "maximum potential MP value" should, I think, be among all the profiles examined. What that value is depends on the option to exclude siblings or not, but it should just be the total of those examined, not the theoretical calculated maximum (as it is for the other two graphs).
On (2), I like the idea of using the available profiles for the count instead of the possible, but the tree completeness only looks at parents and excludes siblings. So I think the MP graph could be done either per generation or per total. So in your first example for (2), that would be per generation. Per total would combine each generation (both MP and the Available). Preference?
re: #2 ... you used the total for all generations on the MP ... I personally would prefer the total for just that specific generation. Why? Because then my "goal" might be to get all (but most recent, perhaps) generations at 100% of those known ... and it would be easier to see which generation(s) were missing some.
#1 looks much clearer- thanks!
re: MP graph ... I like that. It's sort of what I expect (historical tree, beyond 12th or 13th, has a higher percentage of MP's than some earlier ones).
There seems to be some inconsistencies in the summary. I selected only "problem profiles" & tree completeness for 20 Gen. It found three Parent conflicts. Here is the text:
Researched: 19th great grandparent's family (5009 Profiles Compared – 3 Matches)
Mariot Campbell is your 16th great grandmother Parent Conflict
Janet Scott of Buccleuch is your 16th great grandmother Parent Conflict
Rhys ap Ifor is your 18th great grandfather Parent Conflict
Total Profiles (3944) Total Matches (3) Master Profiles (1089)
Pending Merges (20) Parent Conflicts (0) Access Problems (0)
Total Match of 3 is fine, because I didn't ask for Pending Merges details (although it is nice to have that count done anyway!), and as a Curator I didn't expect any access problems. But the Parent Conflicts should be 3, not zero.
Here's my total for this one, of course the tree completeness drops dramatically while the % MP goes way up:
7th g grand 28 307 9.12%
8th g grand 91 483 18.84%
9th g grand 226 719 31.43%
10th g grand 415 1122 36.99%
11th g grand 602 1612 37.34%
12th g grand 640 2019 31.70%
13th g grand 721 2471 29.18%
14th g grand 869 3000 28.97%
15th g grand 1299 4140 31.38%
16th g grand 2346 6117 38.35%
17th g grand 3977 10728 37.07%
18th g grand 8840 21095 41.91%
19th g grand 18454 44854 41.14%
One other thing I noticed about this application, just for curiosity, it shows me at 268,384 total ancestors at 19th great (generation 21), while the total number of ancestors on my profile is 76829. I suspect this is probably because of a heavy amount of incest or tree overlap at the earlier generations.