I think more evidence is needed before we should change Theunis Botha's father to Ferdinand Appel - like the Y-DNA test suggested.
During her divorce proceedings from Jan Cornelisz in 1701 she stated: "...De gedaagdesse antwoordende, segt en bekendt all hare kinderen staande huwelijck, niet bij den eij[se]r haren man; (vermits desselvs onbequaamheijdt) maar bij een ander, te weeten den voorn[oemde] Frederick Boot, te hebben geprocrëeert ...'
See the original transcript of the proceedings on http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g5/p5168.htm
In 1706 she again testified that all 8 her children were Friedrich Botha's: "... sustineerde dat se met beloften en trouw die se mal- kanderen ... so wel alsof se met den anderen in huwelijk waren getreeden kunnen volstaan, en dat se dierhalven als man en vrouw eenige jaren met den anderen hebben geleefd ... agt kinderen geprocreert ..." - Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. p 47
In the light of what the woman herself testified to under oath, twice, I think only DNA evidence can refute her evidence.
See also http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/lombard/I411.html
The Apple that fell under the Botha tree :-) :-)
Here's the article: http://www.dieburger.com/bylae/2013-08-16-die-appel-wat-onder-die-b.... It's wonderful!
So originally the 7 legally baptised Cornelises take on the surname Botha (giving credence to their belief that they were genetically Bothas)
Except the first one wasn't. DNA testing shows him to have been an Appel! Worse still, he was a very fertile Appel, and a survey of Botha men today shows that about half of them are actually his descendants.
So 38 000 Botha descendants in SA history are actually Appels - including Genl Louis Botha and P.W. Botha (although not Pik Botha)
Gracious me - what an interesting dilemma. I will take it to the Curator forum for an outside opinion, but I think, if we show Friedrich Botha - not Jan Cornelisz - as the biological father of Maria Kickers kids, then we may have to show Ferdinandus Appel as Theunis' biological father too (although keeping the surname Botha for Theunis - as that was the one he used.)
This will allow people to trace back the Appel connection if they want to. (I know I do – to think my Granny Botha, might actually have been a Granny Appel!)