We started a new project on the Jewish partisans to which I hope everyone will contribute family trees: http://www.geni.com/projects/Jewish-Partisans/15598.
Thanks Malka!
We started a new project on the Jewish partisans to which I hope everyone will contribute family trees: http://www.geni.com/projects/Jewish-Partisans/15598.
Thanks Malka!
Judith Goldberg - I'll invite you to the project and then you can add their profiles, assuming that they have profiles on Geni. Or you can give us their names only and we can add them to the list.
To add a profile to a project that you are a collaborator in, just go to ACTIONS in the profile view upper righthand and click to pull up the pull down menu and click on ADD TO PROJECT. It brings up your projects and you can scroll down and click on the project you want to add the profile to.
First you have to "Join" the Project via the upper right "Actions" Button on the Project page.
Then there are two ways to add a non-living individual to a project, either directly from their Profile or via the Project site.
1. Profile: Upper right hand corner click the "Actions" button, and from the fall down menu choose "Add to Project". You will be directed to find the project in the pull down menu that you want the individual added to.
2. Project Page: Again click the "Actions" Button on the upper right hand corner. Then choose "Add Profiles" and click and follow directions to add individuals name.
That's correct Judith Goldberg. I should have mentioned that. To add a profile to a project, the profile needs to be public.
You can also click on the REFRESH icon in your browser instead of closing and opening the profile again I believe, but you are exactly right.
I'm glad you figured it out!