Zvi Hirsch Heller - Kahana, Cohen

Started by Doctor, Professor Richard Michael Nemes on Wednesday, August 14, 2013
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I am a descendent of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Heller, and I just returned from visiting his grave in Budapest. (He was exhumed after World War II from Obuda, where he died in 1834, and reburied in the Orthodox cemetery in Pest, in the Rabbinical section of the cemetery.) His daughter Mindel married my great-great-grandfather Jozsef, and they lived in Ungvar. I have solid proof of this from Ungvar civil records and from headstone inscriptions.
Though Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Heller's father was indeed Aryeh Leib Heller, I don't think he is connected with Aryae Leib HACOHEN Heller. ("Kahana" is an equivalent of "HaCohen.") If you look in any of his sefarim ("Chiddushei Tiv Gittin," for example), nowhere does it state that he was a Cohen. And I have a picture of his headstone that I took last week in Budapest and it does not include "HaCohen" anywhere. If indeed he was a Cohen, it is inconceivable that the tile "Cohen" would not have been included with his name. I can send anyone who is interested a photo of the headstone. I believe that Aryae Leib HaCohen Heller has been confused with Aryae Leib Heller, After all, Aryae Leib was a common name.

Richard Nemes


Richard - could you post the picture of his headstone to the profile?

Doctor, Professor Richard Michael Nemes I sent you an email at the pace.edu address, but I have no idea if it is a current address, so I thought I'd write here as well...can you possibly email me a copy of the photo of the headstone? You are right that R' Zvi's dad was not the famous R' Arye Leib Kahana Heller (HaCohen) of Styri, b. 1745 in Kalush (d. 1812). However R' Zvi's line was cohane. I know this for sure because of a cohanim genetic genealogy project I run that includes a known direct paternal line descendant. I'm happy to explain this all more if you are interested. I can't explain why the headstone would not include the priest hands and/or reference tot he cohanim status, other than possibly in the transfer that detail was left out. But regardless, I'd love a copy of the headstone photo you took. Debra Katz dnadeb@gmail.com

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