Erica Howton if what Edward Dalton White Jr has is correct I will try and drag and drop (boy does that term sound Dirty!) those in.. Tommrow unless some one gets to them sooner..

Erica Howton if what Edward Dalton White Jr has is correct I will try and drag and drop (boy does that term sound Dirty!) those in.. Tommrow unless some one gets to them sooner..
Michael, thanks for the prompt. I don't know when I might have offered an opinion about James Douglas or what I thought was wrong, but I took a look at what's there now.
There seems to have been a bad merge.
The Display Name, wife and children, and About Me show that this is James Douglas, 7th Earl of Douglas.
But the other name fields and the dates suggest that he has been merged with James Douglas of Dalkeith, 2nd Baron Douglas of Dalkeith.
To complicate matters, there are two master profiles for the earl:
James, 2nd Lord Douglas of Dalkeith
James "The Gross" Douglas, 7th Earl of Douglas
I recommend restoring this profile to be James Douglas of Dalkeith:
James, 2nd Lord Douglas of Dalkeith
Move wife Beatrice Sinclair and daughter Janet over to the other profile for Earl James, along with the About Me text. I don't know about daughter Elizabeth, wife of William Wallace. I've never seen reliable evidence of her parents. Then, move this profile to be son of James Douglas of Dalkeith and his wife Elizabeth Stewart.
not quite sure how to clean this up don't know much about this era let along this line.. I'm not confident enough to try the fix Justin Durand suggsetd but it does make sense now..
William "the Seemly" Sinclair of Roslin is your 28th great grandfather. William "the Seemly" Sinclair of Roslin
NOW, a question as i am going to really delve into the Ruthven lineages
(there is a number of places online,where family member researchers
claim that Ruffin - and; Ruthven is NOT the same family)
and, is a so-called 'story' created
- my brother is about to have his dna done
(my mother's father is a child of a ruthven)
is he the best person to get the dna done for ???
-my mother also still have 1 brother who is living
-which would be the better choice for DNA info (for me) ???
it is my understanding, that more information can be attained by a male member of a family
(i guess; my brother - shares; my father's line)
where my mothers brother - doesn't
(would it be benefical to get both of them done ?)
thanks; susan
some of the ruffin - ruthven info is here
(in canada Ruthven Clan, there is NO ruffin)
This is where Ruthven immigrated to Canada - Robert Ruthven(Wotherspoon)%20Ruthven,%20Sr.%20Birth:%20June%201,%201777%20Glasgow,%20Glasgow%20City,%20Scotland,%20United%20Kingdom%20Death:%20circa%201852%20(75)%20Essa,%20Simcoe%20County,%20Ontario,%20Canada
This is where Ruthven immigrated to Canada - Robert Ruthven(Wotherspoon)%20Ruthven,%20Sr.%20Birth:%20June%201,%201777%20Glasgow,%20Glasgow%20City,%20Scotland,%20United%20Kingdom%20Death:%20circa%201852%20(75)%20Essa,%20Simcoe%20County,%20Ontario,%20Canada
it appears that this has again become corrupted ???
William Ruthven, Master of Ruthven
see all the changes under revisions
i'm NOT sure how to adjust this and put it back correctly
i do know it should look like this: Isabella of France, Queen consort of England is your 20th great grandmother.
Susan Lynne Schwenger
Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother
James aka Jim Edward Handy Jr.
her father
James aka Jim (Ruthven) Handy SR.
his father
Marion aka Marrian Ruthven - Handy - Satchell
his mother
Alexander (Thompson) Ruthven
her father
Robert (Wotherspoon) Ruthven, Sr.
his father
John (Henderson) Ruthven
his father
John (Peadie) Ruthven
his father
John (Hutcheson) Ruthven
his father
George (Reid) Ruthven
his father
William Alexander (Clerk) Ruthven
his father
William (Gray) Ruthven
his father
Sir William (Halyburton) Ruthven
his father
William Ruthven, 2nd Lord Ruthven
his father
Catherine Gray of Buttergask - Stewart - Ruthven
his mother
Elisabeth Stewart, Countess of Argyll
her mother
John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl
her father
Joan Beaufort, Queen Consort of Scots
his mother
John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
her father
John 1st Duke of Lancaster of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
his father
Edward III of England
his father
Isabella of France, Queen consort of England
his mother
Edward II of England
his father,
Son of Edward I "Longshanks", King of England; Plantagenet
and Eleanor of Castille Queen of England
(22ND Great Grandfather and 22ND Great Grandmother)