@Johnny Depp is my 15th cousin once removed Judy=Arthur Rice my dad=Israel Tekarihoken Rice his dad=Pierre Atawenrate Rice his father=Ignace Awennaietha Deer Rice his father=Marie Madeleine Kiatawinon Deer Rice his mother=Thomas aka Atonwa Aronhiowonen her father=Silas Rice his father=Edmund Rice his father=Samuel Rice his father=Thomasine Rice (Frost) his mother=Thomasine Frost(Belgrave)her mother=John Belgrave 111 her father=Richard Belgrave his father=John Belgrave his father=Margaret Cotton his mother=Joanna Cotton her mother=Ralph FitzHerbert,Sr her father=Agnes Lyster his daughter=John Lyster her son=Leonard 1543 Lister his son=Joyce Tipton his daughter=Edward Tipton,1 her son=Jonathan Tipton,sr his son=Jonathan Tipton Jr his son=Alice Reno his daughter=John Reneau her son=Isac Reneau his son=Mariba Depp his daughter=Oren Robert Depp her son=Oren Larimore depp his son=John Depp, Sr his son =Johnny Depp this is my lineage to Johnny Depp very interesting thks for sharing Erica Judy Rice
→ Norma Jean Griffin
your mother → Anna Rosabell Griffin
her mother → Nettie Standlea
her mother → Arvilla Spencer
her mother → Emerson Stoddard
her father → Ira Spencer
his father → Ira Spencer
his father → Samuel Spencer, Jr
his father → Samuel Spencer
his father → Phineas Spencer
his father → Nathaniel Spencer
his father → Gerard (Jared) Spencer, Jr.
his father → Gerrard (Jared) Spencer
his father → Michael Spencer
his father → Ann Spencer
his mother → Katherine Merrill
her mother → Dulcia Gerard
her mother → Elizabeth de Ashton
her mother → Margery de Byron
her mother → Sir Robert Booth
her brother → Sir William Bothe, Sheriff of Cheshire
his son → John Bothe Booth
his son → John Booth
his son → Oliver Booth
his son → Nicholas Booth
his son → Susannah Thorne / Hallett
his daughter → William Thorne
her son → william Thorne
his son → Susannah Reno
his daughter → Charles Reneau
her son → John Reneau
his son → Isaac Reneau
his son → Mariba Depp
his daughter → Oren Robert Depp
her son → Oren Larimore Depp
his son → John Depp, Sr.
his son → Johnny Depp
his son
Wow, these are some interesting paths! I'm checking where I connect with his lines and exploring the points to see if I can make more connections - because my people are very from Kentucky and so are his.
My closest line so far is the French Huguenot Depp family via Reno / Reneau, which is a direct family line for me. It includes the infamous Missouri Reno Gang of stage coach robbers !
Mary Alice “ Little Granny Alice” (Sizemore) Slone
Here's his 5th great grandmother - "said to be" Creek, or part Creek. However she's a Sizemore, which is a big mostly Cherokee clan ?
Sizemore experts, please weigh in.
Well, Bobby Ann, I've found a new way we are related. Erica sent me a message about this discussion because I have distant Sizemore relationships.
Mary Alice Slone is my third great uncle's great grandmother. http://www.geni.com/path/Maria+Edmonds+Zediker+Volunteer+Curator+is...
If she is a Sizemore, she is more likely to be Cherokee than Creek, but the only way to be sure is DNA testing of a direct descendent. I'm not closely related enough to be considered Native American - something like 1/180th!
At any rate, the true Sizemores, the ones with Cherokee blood, have unique DNA. The original researcher, Daniel Panther Yates, has been ridiculed for years over some of his claims from his DNA research. His tree for the Sizemores can be proven without DNA, through land grants, military pensions, etc., but the DNA is what makes the family unique.
Here's his site - http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/p/a/n/Donald-N-Pantherya....
The portion of his work that is ridiculed is the claims of Sephardic (Jewish) markers in the DNA. Many early Sizemores were called "Melungeon," which is basically "mixed-race." In Colonial America, it meant white-Indian or white-Jewish. A century later it meant white-black or Indian-black. I am not knowledgeable enough to say if Yates' work is a crock of sheep dip or if there's truth in it. I used his work mainly to build the beginnings of the Sizemore tree here on Geni.
Well apparently "Granny" Alice Slone was "quite something."
One quote:
Darleen Flanagan says:
Death note
"Little Granny Alice, live to be about 100 years of age. Ali ce was an indian, and was found dead without her head, legend has it that since she was married to a white man, the indians did not like it and d ecapitated her. They never found her head, so she was buried without it."
wow Maria Edmonds.. I now know why I am having a hard time finding the choctaw in my line .. associated with the cherokee . I told my mom I couldn't find the choctaw line but only found the cherokee and she said we are not cherokee but we are choctaw so :( .. that link with the names will help... thank u much.. I have an idian page /group on facebook and seen an article where depp claims to be of cherokee decent
Bobby Ann
I think we're thrown by "only" knowing the names of the "big tribes.". But by this time in history, Virginia, Kentucky & Tennessee groups were actually more amalgamated. I know for a fact for instance that Cherokee continued their long custom of "adopting in" regardless of origin.
Johnny Depp hasn't been specific and now that we've found "Granny Alice" it's easy to see why - it sounded likely she was of mixed race herself and lived a bit ... Unconventionally. :)
→ Norma Jean Griffin
your mother → Anna Rosabell Griffin
her mother → Nettie Standlea
her mother → Arvilla Spencer
her mother → Emerson Stoddard
her father → Ira Spencer
his father → Ira Spencer
his father → Samuel Spencer, Jr
his father → Samuel Spencer
his father → Phineas Spencer
his father → Nathaniel Spencer
his father → Gerard (Jared) Spencer, Jr.
his father → Gerrard (Jared) Spencer
his father → Elizabeth Spencer
his mother → Margery Collamore
her mother → Wilmot Hext
her mother → William Poyntz
her father → Elizabeth (Pollard) Poyntz
his mother → Richard Pollard, of Waye
her father → Ann Wood
his sister → John Wood
her son → Richard Wood
his son → Alexander Woods
his son → Elizabeth Woods
his daughter → Thomas Carpenter
her son → Robert Carpenter
his son → Thomas Carpenter, "The Immigrant"
his son → Amatoya Moytoy, I
his son → Nancy Moytoy, Wolf Clan
his daughter → Attakullakulla / Onacona
her son → Da-Tsi (Tah Chee) Carpenter
his son → David Oo-Watie
his son → Stand Watie, Brig. General, CSA, Principal Chief
his son
I wish it was easy to find out your indian heritage but my fathers farther was killed in battle leaving him an orphan that was placed in an Catholic boarding school and after they closed it down for having so many children died there somebody burned down the school with all the records in it. So that left my dad out of the rolls, HIstory roomer is that people would adoupt indian children then take their land allotment then put them in orphanages and leave them.
I wish Johnny DEPP would take some of that money he has and put it toward finding out what can be done to make these records open to the public..
Maybe that is what Obama should do is hire as many people as it take to microfilm all indian records, that would really provide allot of jobs.
What do you think?
Thank you. This page left me confused. Especially since people were talking about Native American Sizemores, but Johnny's Sizemore line on this site leads to England.
There was a lot of discussion about this topic here:
A very good website for genealogy.
I enjoyed the linked discussion here:
What I was pursuing was the "Granny Alice" story.
Speaking of Native American ancestry, this is an odd example of an actor who has basically said that he is "half" Cherokee:
ohnny Depp is Theresa Renée Eléna Delgado-Tossas' 12th cousin once removed!
Theresa Renée Eléna Delgado-Tossas
You → Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Julius Elsworth Cox Sr.
her father → Samuel Elsworth Cox, Sr.
his father → Sarah Frances (Smart) Cox
his mother → Minerva M. Smart (Head)
her mother → Benjamin Simon Head
her father → James Head
his father → Benjamin Head
his father → William Henry Henry Head, lll
his father → William Head, Jr.
his father → William Head, II
his father → William Head, I
his father → James Head
his father → Bridget Sherwood (Head)
his sister → Philip Sherwood
her son → Martha Jane Sherwood
his daughter → Capt. John Marshall "of the Forest"
her son → John Marshall
his son → Thomas Marshall
his son → Reuban Marshall
his son → Lurana Whitaker (Marshall)
his daughter → William C. Whitaker
her son → Branch Whitaker
his son → Bessie Irene Wells (Whitaker)
his daughter → Betty Sue Wells
her daughter → Johnny Depp
her son