Pierre-Jacques Gingras - Parents

Started by Private User on Monday, June 3, 2013
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Private User
6/3/2013 at 6:34 AM

In most instances (Smart Match), I see the parents of Pierre-Jacques Gingras as Charles Gingras and Françoise Amiot dite Villeneuve, but I've also see him listed as the son of Jacques Gingras & Francoise Harnois. If someone has additional information and some sourcing on who the correct parents are, then please discuss it and we can make the needed changes, MP the profile and add a curator note.

C Tag: Private User, Pierre-Jacques Gingras

Private User
6/3/2013 at 6:35 AM

Ment to C Tag: Paul Louis Doré, not the profile.

Private User
6/3/2013 at 6:45 AM

The last operation was a merge from you, which caused that parent conflict.
Bad merge?

6/3/2013 at 6:55 AM

The merge was valid. He's asking which set of parents are the correct ones, so he can resolve the resulting conflict.

Private User
6/3/2013 at 7:14 AM

It does not sound like a valid merge if there are two different parent sets, but may be the bad merge started on an other profile.

Private User
6/3/2013 at 7:16 AM

Yes, I believe the merge was valid, married to the same woman, same birth and death dates, same name. They just had different parents. I chose to make the merge and address the conflict in this discussion so we could resolve the correct parents, create an alternative Pierre-Jacques if one exists. I find this usually results in a more accurate tree, rather than just leaving the two branches unresolved and unaddressed.

Private User
6/3/2013 at 7:20 AM

Not that it matters at this point, but here is the conflict resolution data:

Private User
6/3/2013 at 7:21 AM
Private User
6/3/2013 at 11:01 AM

LarryVoyer.com, which I tend to think as reliable, appears offline at the moment, but lists Charles and Françoise Amiot.


It includes these notes:
[Broderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1131, Date of Import: Apr 1, 1997]
From 1702 to 1728 he shared the duties of churchwarden at St. Augustin with his brothers Math On 28 Apr 1705, He enlisted as part of a military expedition to Fort Ponchartrain, near Detroit, MI. Jette gives marriage date as 13 November.

Not sure what is up with FrancoGene, but I can't get much out of that site any more and all the links are dead.

Geneology of Canada lists Charles and Françoise Amiot, but no sourcing.

Another from Amyot Family tree.

LarryVoyer.. also lists Jacques Gingras & Francoise Harnois

While it doesn't list any children, it does include these notes:
!BIR-MAR:Tanguay, Vol 4, pg 272, Vol 1, pg 268;Drouin, Vol 1, pg 577

The marriage and parentage of Jacques and Francoise are supported in Drouin. The only references in Tanguay to this marriage are contained in Vol 1,pg268, & Vol 4, pg272 Both entries show that Jacques is the son of Sebastien I. Both entries show that Francoise is the daughter of Isaac I. Neither entry of Sebastien I in Vol 1 or Vol 4 shows Jacques' birth. Neither entry ofIsaac I in Vol 1 or Vol 4 shows Francoise's birth. Neither FGR of Sebastien or Isaac in Jette shows Jacques or Francoise's birth or marriage. Tanguay shows that Pierre-Jacques (RIN 2201) (m Anne Hamel) is the son of Jacques II (Jacques Gingras (RIN 2202) and Francoise Harnois (RIN 2203). No record of either Jacques' or Francoise's births or marriage could be found in the Repertoires.

The Google Book also lists both: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes: v. Depuis 1608 jusqu'à 1700

It almost looks like the son of Jacques Gingras, Pierre married Anne Hamel. The son of Charles Gingras, Pierre married Anne-Angélique.

7/1/2016 at 8:14 AM

The parish records show that the Pierre Gingras born in 1682 had one set of parents, and the Pierre Gingras married in 1716 had a different set of parents. This obviously accounts for the many disparities in the secondary sources. (Neither gives Pierre-Jacques as a first name)

The 1717 baptism of Marie Josephe Gingras shows her parents as Pierre & Anne-Angelique Hamel, and grandmother as Francoise Amyot dit Gingras.

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