Private User Erin Ishimoticha Randy Stebbing Private User
I've just updated this About Me with the info from Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah; however, in checking the family tree it appears that this information conflicts with what has been entered in Geni. Since I'm not an expert on this line, I thought it best to leave it up to you to decide what changes to make, if any. Geni currently shows one wife, "Ellen Parker", and ten children. PPM shows two wives, "Ellen Walters" and "Elizabeth Parker", with ten children each, plus two additional wives with no children.
My entries for this priofile were for only one wife. I was concentrating on the wife where the descendents were in my line. It was a matter of time management as I was trying to complete my tree rather than finish the collateral families of the different spouses. You may find this several times on some of my entries.
Geni has revealed so many close cousins, that it is taking a great deal of time just identifying and linking them that I have not had time to complete every profile. Hopefully. others cann add to those profiles for whom they are most knowledgable.
If there is a particular person of interest to you, I can see if I can work on that profile.
Oh, I'm sorry, Richard, I didn't intend to sound critical! On the contrary, I feel a real sense of relief whenever I get to one of your profiles, as they're so complete and so clean. Please forgive me if I didn't express myself clearly!
My concern is that your information - which is probably the most accurate, as you're a descendant - conflicts with PPM. PPM identifies the wives as Ellen Walters and Elizabeth Parker, while you show Ellen Parker, a combination of the first name of one PPM wife and the last name of the other.
If one of the names were a match for yours, I'd just go ahead and enter the other wife and her children, which is what I've been doing elsewhere. However, I'm not sure how to reconcile the different information here, so I thought I should leave it up to you. I'm sure you have much better information than I!
You have an enormous tree, from what I'm seeing! I don't envy your To Do list!